I have an Activity that will display a custom view made up of 2 parts. I want one part to be 1/3 of visible screen height, the other part to be 2/3.
I can override onMeasure and use display metrics to find the height of the display, but this does not account for the battery bar or view title sizes.
DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetri...
Is there a Docking control that does a good job and provide good options for ReSizing? I want some docked windows to be of fixed width/Height and others to resize. Most of the Docking controls I have tried, doesn't provide good option to set minimum/maximum width or even specify starting width.
To put my question other way, if I create...
how I can create a filter in HEADER with SIZE and COLOR using ATTRIBUTES?
Is it possible in Flex 4's VideoPlayer control (spark.components.VideoPlayer) to detect some attributes of the source video?
In my case, it's a local file. I would need to detect the original width and height of the input source video (an h264 f4v).
Reading Java's ConcurrentLinkedQueue Docs, I wonder why it is not possible for the implementation to store the size:
Beware that, unlike in most collections, the size method is NOT a constant-time operation. Because of the asynchronous nature of these queues, determining the current number of elements requires a traversal of the elem...
I am using three buttons along with the list view.These three buttons are added to the layout using the TableLayout and TableRow.The first button takes more space on content, so the other two becomes smaller in size than first one. When the application runs, it doesn't even show the two other buttons.
How can I make the size of three bu...
Hello I have been trying to display the dimensions of a dataset, below is the following matlab code that i used...but it gives me the wrong output....i'e number of rows and columns values are wrong....any help regarding this issue would be highly appreciated
[file_input,pathname] = uigetfile( ...
{'*.txt', 'Text (*.txt)'; ...
How do you get the selected option to be in view on page load?
<select name="whatever" size="5">
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<option value="4">4</option>
<option value="5">5</option>
<option value="6">6</option>
<option value="7" selected>7</opti...
I have a ajax asp.net modalpopupextender, I wont when I desplay popup, the popup cover all the browser window.
The popup display a panel ane is inside the form not other container.
My .aspx code is:
< asp:Panel ID="OptionPanel" runat="server" CssClass="mp"
Style="display: block; width:100%; height:100%">
But don't work!!!
I need to know how to quickly analyse a large MDB file (about 1GB) to see which tables are causing it to be so big. Is there something that will easily allow me to show a breakdown of which tables are responsible for how much data.
How can I set a fixed width for an Android button? Everytime I try to set a fixed width it fills the current parent (the RelativeView). Here is my XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout android:id="@+id/relativelayout" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" xmlns:android="http://sche...
When we create an array, we cannot change its size; it's fixed. OK, seems nice, we can create a new bigger array and copy the values one by one and that's little slow. What's the technical background of it?
I wonder if it's possible to use the same provider (receiver) for 2 different widget (different sizes for example)
I tried on my Manifest :
<action android:name="android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE" />
I am currently making a decision on how i can reduce the size of the database. Why is performance slowed down when a database is slow?
I am developing (using Silvelight 3) an aplication that creates some kind of timeline and places objects on it. For this purpose I need a really large Canvas (up to 2000000 pixels width) with long lines on it, but whenever I create Canvas even 40000 pixels width it behaves very strangely, randomly disappearing.
I have found a post ...
I'm new to javascript/jQuery this really has me stumped.
What I'm trying to achieve here is
On toggling a#sameDayTab jquery will look for .changeAlert and fadeOut it's container div, when toggled again the div will fade in (this works well.)
Each toggle will also call a function that tells me how many .changeAlert's are present o...
I'm pulling a lot of text from a MS SQL Server database. I'm not getting all the text (which includes some html. The text is stored perfectly on the database. However, when I run the query to get the data It will only pull part of the text.
I pull the data using odbc_exec and store using $variable = odbc_result($runquery,"body").
if i ...
I need to convert NSFileSystemSize to Gigabytes.
NSDictionary * fsAttributes = [ [NSFileManager defaultManager]
NSNumber *totalSize = [fsAttributes objectForKey:NSFileSystemSize];
NSString *sizeInGB = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\n\n %3.2f GB",[totalSize floatValue] / 107374824...
I need an app where I can just copy a block of text and have it identify the typeface, color, size, etc. Is there such a thing?
I seem to see a lot of people arbitrarily assigning large sizes to primary/foreign key fields in their MySQL schemas, such as INT(11) and even BIGINT(20) as WordPress uses.
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but even an INT(4) would support (unsigned) values up to over 4 billion. Change it to INT(5) and you allow for values up to a quadrillio...