
Java ArrayList.remove() not decrementing the Size of the ArrayList.

I have an ArrayList to store some data, but whenever I remove an item from the list, the size does not decrease, even when I call ArrayList.trimToSize(). This is causing me nullPointerExceptions. How can I remove a single item from an ArrayList and have the list's size() shrink accordingly? EDIT: All right, here's the code. Here's a bi...

Visual Studio 2010 WPF Designer scale

Hello. I made simple interface in Visual Studio 2010. When I launched application everything is bigger. Red square on screenshot represents size of the Button in launched application (On the right). Am I missing something? How to fix it? P.S. In "Microsoft Expression Blend 4" the same project is exactly the same size as in editor. ...

Is there any size limitation of ipad application?

Hi, I know maximum size of application in app store is 2GB. and we can only download 20MB apps through 3G and unlimited through wifi. What about a application that wouldn't be put into app store, is there any limit? Also, is there any guru know any performance issue when the application is big? what is the ideal limit if there is any,...

Java: Does a Size interface exist?

Does some interface like below already exist in Java? interface Size { int getWidth(); int getHeight(); } Edit: It must be an interface. ...

Drupal Image Attach only need 2 image sizes for my content type

When I use image attach it's creating too many extra images that I don't need. I created a content type called "content_area_4" with Image Attach allowed. I then created an image size called "content_area_4_thumbnail" with a Scale & Crop of 160 x 130. When I go to create a node type of content_area_4 with Teaser image size: content_area_...

Frame width has strange behaviour

I want to add a footer view to my gouped table view for now i have this: NSLog(@"width:%f",self.view.frame.size.width); UILabel *lblInfo = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50, 30,self.view.frame.size.width - 100, 70)]; lblInfo.text = @"Hellow"; [footerView addSubview:lblInfo]; [lblInfo release]; ...

Getting Disk Size Properly

I am trying to get the physical device size of a connected USB flash drive. I have tried using WMI. ManagementObjectSearcher mosDisks = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive WHERE Model = '" + cmbHdd.SelectedItem + "'"); foreach (ManagementObject moDisk in mosDisks.Get()) { lblCa...

OpenFeint disk space footprint

How much size does OpenFeint add to your binary? ...

c# Icon (Windows.Drawing.Icon) selecting the size?

Hi, I have an Icon which has a few different sizes (16px, 32px, 64px). I am calling the toBitMap() object but it is always returning the 32px image. How do I retrieve the 64? ...

Visual C# 2010 Express: Same Form But Different Size on Win7 and WinXP

Hi, I'm using Visual C# Express 2010 both on my Win7 and XP. I have a Windows Form Application project, and there is SevenXPForm (inherits Form). I created it in Visual C# Express 2010 on Win7, and in the Properties panel, I set .MinimumSize = 300, 300 .Size = 300, 300 And a TabControl is in the middle of the Form: However, when...

Size of database . PHP - MySQL

Hello. I want to know the size of my database using php. How to display the size in megabytes entire database? Size in megabytes a specific request? ...

How can I get the size of a folder on SD card in Android?

Is it possible to easily get the size of a folder on the SD card? I use a folder for caching of images, and would like to present the total size of all cached images. Is there a way to this other than iterating over each file? They all reside inside the same folder? ...

AForgenet video Capture in C#

Dear Friends In my WPF application, I have to capture video and need to save it as an .AVI file. I am using AForgeNet for this purpose.It work fine.But the video size is extremely large. How can I reduce the video size. Please help me. I am using this dll AForge.Video.VFW.dll This is my module. private void MovieRecordFn() ...

How can I find files that are bigger/smaller than x bytes?

In terminal, how can I find files that are bigger or smaller than x bytes? I suppose I can do something like "find . -exec ls -l {} \;" then pipe the result to awk to filter by file size. But shouldn't there be an easier way than this? Thank you. ...

will Delphi applications become smaller in future

already delphi win32 exe size is ~850 kb , do they have any roadmap of making exe size bit smaller,(i know that the size is because of vcl unicode RTTI and many more ),delphi compiles the whole unit even only a small function in the unit is needed. so is there any facilities to do so,or third party products are there , (i know kol and mc...

ExtJS: how can we get the size of the store in a grid

Hi, I am trying to get the size of the store I am using in the grid. But I am not able to find any method to get the size of the store(number of records in the grid). Could anyone plz help, how can I achieve this. Thanks, Neha ...

size of std::vector with struct elements

Hi everybody, I'm having trouble getting the right size of a vector with struct elements. The element class is defined like this (I didn't omit any detail even though I think the only relevant fact is that it is a class containing an int and two doubles): class Interval { public: Interval(int _i = 0, scalar _l = 0, scalar _r = 0) :...

Setting same width or height of views in XML

Hi, I started to learn android and I'm making a simple game. In this game I need two scroll lists with the same width, so I set layout_weight parameter to "1" in both views. But when I run program scroll views have different size. Second problem is that i need EditText widget to be low, so I did the same thing with TableRows, but in the ...