
Very large drupal page execution time

Hello again! I'm on VPS hosting with dreamhost and am experiencing very high page load times. Here is the output from Devel module for mysql queries. Executed 190 queries in 227.67 milliseconds. Page execution time was 21969.43 ms. Using the module profiling at

jQuery dynamic qtip shows div, but gets slower and slower with every mouseover

Hello, I use jQuery qTip plugin to show divs for a mouseover link/img. I have wrote 2 options to use, but both are causing troubles. V1: the first version shows the tooltip, only the second time I move my mouse over the link. After repeating my mouse over the link the script seems to get slower and slower and after 6/7 times my browser...

CSS - :hover is slow/laggy in IE7

This is really strange. I've got this site where I have a list menu with a simple :hover effect on each item in the menu. In Firefox it works just fine. But i IE7 atleast there's a lag. I haven't tested it in IE8 but my guess is that it's there as well. Now, I've been trying out veriations to the code to see wh...

WPF ICollectionView Filtering

Hi ! I've written a code for filtering items in ComboBox: My question is, how would you do that? I think that this solution with reflection could be very slow.. ICollectionView view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(newValue); view.Filter += this.FilterPredicate; private bool FilterPredicate(object value) { if (...

NHibernate select grows exponentially slow

My problem is that NHibernate gets exponentially slow when fetching records from the database. I had a request to basically pull all the data from a very large database to be used in a report. I figured, well since I can't get all the records in one shot because the recordset is so large, i thought try breaking it up. Basically I'm ite...

Getting info about running update query

On Sql Server 2008, I have a slow-running update query that has been working for 3 hours. Is there any way to get any statistics (say, how many rows have changed so far or something else) about this execution (of course, while executing) ? So that I can make a decision between canceling query and optimize it or let it finish. Or else, s...

SQL huge selection of IDs - How to make it faster?

I have an array with a huge amounts of IDs I would like to select out from the DB. The usual approach would be to do select blabla from xxx where yyy IN (ids) OPTION (RECOMPILE). (The option recompile is needed, because SQL server is not intelligent enough to see that putting this query in its query cache is a huge waste of memory) How...

MySQL InnoDB insertion is very slow

We use MySQL server 5.1.43 64-bit edition. InnoDB is used as engine. We have a sql script which we execute every time we build the application. On ubuntu machine with MySQL server and InnoDB engine it takes about 55 seconds to complete the execution. If I run the same script on OSX, it takes close to 3 minutes! Any ideas why OSX is s...

download of large files slow when content-length specified (IIS7)

Hi, I have an web page to serve large file downloads to users. The page is hosted on IIS7, Windows Server 2008. The strange thing is that users can download at good speeds (2MB/s) when I don't add a content-length response header but as soon as I add this header, download speed drops to somewhere around 35kbps/s. This is the c...

Eclipse IDE speed sluggish on Snow Leopard Macbook

I've recently installed eclipse 3.4 on mac for java and flex coding - I noticed that the eclipse IDE on a mac is much slower than on a PC. By slow, I mean the UI and text editing seems to lag in comparison to eclipse in a windows environment or on a PC. Are there any tricks to getting eclipse more responsive on macosx? ...

show and then hide text JS Jquery

Hi. I want to do so when you just entered index.php it will appear a text for 10 seconds, and then it will hide, how to do so? and hide like slowly fine i have jquery ...

jQuery clean slideToggle for many elements at once

I am using a slideToggle technique to show and hide 100+ DIVs full of information in my application. I have "Show All" and "Hide All" buttons and I'd like for them to have the slideToggle animation as well (instead of just showing and hiding all). However on IE6, the slideToggle runs really slow when being applied to each element. Does ...

Why is my Maven so slow on Ubuntu?

Hi, I have Maven on Ubuntu server. It seems to try lots and lots of places to download from but the download times out, but the timeout takes ages, so my whole build takes more than a hour. Downloading: [INFO] Unab...

C# Getting a complete file list using ftpRequest is slow

I want to get the filename, file size and last modified time of each file on an FTP server, then populate a listView with it. It worked really well until I switched FTP host, and now it's really sluggish, despite the new host being just as fast in real FTP clients. Any apparent reason as to why? Also, is it really neccessary to send t...

Alfresco Community on Tomcat starts very slow

Hi, We're currently testing out Alfresco Community on an old server (only 1GB of RAM). Because this is the Community version we need to restart it every time we change the configuration (we're trying to add some features like generating previews of DWG files etc). However, restarting takes a very long time (about 4 minutes I think). Thi...

Speeding up xpath

Hello, i have a 1000 entry document whose format is something like <Example> <Entry> <n1></n1> <n2></n2> </Entry> <Entry> <n1></n1> <n2></n2> </Entry> <!--and so on--> There are more than 1000 Entry nodes here. I am writing a Java program which basically gets all the...

Data bind IEnumerable<of anonymous type> with entity framework

I'm binding this Entity framework query to a gridview and is ultra slow. The delay is on databinding. Any solution? Using ctx As New DBEntities() Dim PROC= (From p In context.Table.Include("RELATION") _ Where p.KEY= 1 _ Select p).First() Dim q1 = From r In PROC.relation _ Select New With ...

ASP.NET websites under IIS 7.5 (Windows 7) running extremely slow

I've just installed Windows 7 x64 Ultimate on my desktop PC. I installed IIS, Visual Studio 2008, registered ASP.NET, etc. I have this ASP.NET 3.5 website I'm working on running EXTREMELY slow on this new IIS. On STA and PROD servers (Windows 2003 Server) and on my old XP/IIS 5.1 everything runs smoothly. A page which usually takes 1-2...

WebRequests are slow (taking 4 seconds) how do I speed them up?

I'm doing a web request that is too slow. It takes around 3.2 seconds to GetResponseStream() and .8 seconds to ReadToEnd() If I run the same request in a web browser I get a response in less than a second... I'm wondering what I can do to speed up the request and what might cause it to be slow? Based on other questions I saw here, I di...

Running sites on "localhost" is extremeley slow.

Hello all, Having real trouble using my local host to test sites. It runs extremely slow! Sometimes up to a minute to load a page. I'm using firefox and the sites i'm testing run fine on other developers in my office local machines/ on the production server. I've gone through the normal things :- Disabled IPv6 Not running in debug mo...