
Does SQL Server Compact Edition (SqlCe) have a SNAPSHOT table like Oracle Lite?

In Oracle Lite, you can create a SNAPSHOT table which is like a normal table except that it tracks changes to itself. The syntax is CREATE SNAPSHOT TABLE tblWhatever ... and you can perform CRUD operations on it like a normal table. To get the change information, you query the table like this: SELECT * FROM tblWhatever + WHERE ... ...

VMWare Fusion 3 on Mac Delete Snap Shot

I turned on AutoProtect and then decided I didn't want it. I found a several Gig size file in my VM folder. I tried to delete it after Shutting Down the VM (Win 7) But when I restarted Win 7 it complained that the snapshot files were needed. I restored them and was ok. How do I get rid of these AutoProtect created snapshot files? ...

If the dependency is a unique snapshot version and install is called, what does maven select?

Imagine two projects. The first is the framework-core project which is in version 1.1.0 and has several snapshot builds. The other is the example-business project which has the following dependency to framework-core on the build-iteration number 9. <dependency> <groupId>org.example</groupId> <artifactId>framework-core</artifactId> ...

Set plugin’s version on the command line in maven 2

I generate default quickstart maven example, and type mvn checkstyle:checkstyle, it always try to use the lastest SNAPSHOT version, probably it is wrong in my nexus server, but How can I set plugin's version on the command line in maven2, like 2.5 for checkstyle instead of 2.6-SNAPSHOT C:\HelloWorld>mvn checkstyle:checkstyle [INFO] Sca...

How to take snapshot of PDF file in linux?

How I can take snapshot of first page of PDF file in Linux? I wanna do this on VPS server automaticaly. My distribution is Debian. ...

MYSQL: Copying a table from a snapshot into production

Hi folks, i have a snapshot of the database that I took before i did some data migration. The data migration messed up, so I want to retrieve the data from the snapshot to migrate over to the production database. Question: How do i access the snapshot, and how do i retrieve the available data? Thanks! ...

"Explain a complex process" with snagit

Often I have a situation when I meed to show whole picture but clarify details I would like to create something like this: As I am not a designer and not familiar with PhotoShop I would like to use some tool. Does anyone know how to do it with snagit? Or advice some other tool that can create something like that. ...

Ivy and Snapshots (Nexus)

Hey folks, I'm using ant, ivy and nexus repo manager to build and store my artifacts. I managed to get everything working: dependency resolution and publishing. Until I hit a problem... (of course!). I was publishing to a 'release' repo in nexus, which is locked to 'disable redeploy' (even if you change the setting to 'allow redeploy' ...

App Engine: how would you... snapshotting entities

Let's say you have two kinds, Message and Contact, related by a db.ListProperty of keys on Message. A user creates a message, adds some contacts as recipients, and emails the message. Later, the user deletes one of the contact entities that was a recipient of the message. Our application should delete the appropriate Contact enti...

Bitmap data draw method - replacing the non-present pixels with blue color

I have a Sprite which is in the shape of a Convex polygon(not rectangular). If I take its snapshot using : var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width,height); bmd.draw(someSprite,someMatrix,null,null,null); I get an image like this : Click here to see the image In this image, I have added the green boundary myself, just to ...

My Snapshot views in ClearCase have disappeared, how can I get them back?

I have 3 views on my machine, I can see the structure on the windows directory but now when I open ClearCase I cannot see any of them on the ClearCase can I add them? ...

Tool to monitor website(html) changes/to get snapshot

Hi all, Could you recommend me some tool (not online one) to monitor html changes in website or to get complete snapshot of a website? My task is to migrate current website to the next version of CMS. Migration requires code changes as well, because of new API. The idea is to make snapshot of the website before migration and after. Af...

Snap Shot widget for dynamic DOM nodes.

I'm using service to create snapshots to Wikipedia links on my web page. It works fine with the links in the page when page is loaded. But it doesn't work when new links are created and inserted into the web page via Javascript. The script is called once when the page is loaded: <html> <body> ... <script type="...

What does Maven mean by: "Could not retrieve the target file name of dependency"

I have been Googling for the following warning when building a WAR, but can't find an explanation: [WARNING] Could not retrieve the target file name of dependency [Dependency {, artifactId=iJaxbtypes, version=1.0.2-SNAPSHOT, type=jar}] The dependency is resolved and everything works as expected, but W...

How do you retrieve a snapshot of a website in ASP.NET?

Could anyone tell me how I could retrieve an image or a thumbnail of a website through my ASP.NET application? I have seen this functionality in a few sites such as Alexa etc. ...

SQL Server replication drop vs truncate of target tables

The sp_addarticle stored procedure, used to create publication articles in SQL Server speak, has a parameter @pre_creation_cmd through which dropping the table or truncating data at the target server can be specified for a snapshot. What circumstances are appropriate for each? ...

whats wrong with *snapshot*.jars

I am using bitlyj snapshot jar to shorten URLs from the following link. will somebody explain me the term snapshot.jar is snapshot.jar files are unstable or any thing wrong with these kind of jars ? ...

deploying maven jar files and SNAPSHOT dependencies

We currently use SNAPSHOT modifier in development so that project dependencies are linked to the most current build of its dependencies. So when we build a project we get all the jars with various time SNAPSHOTS. Regardless of a code change. This proves to be an issue when the end user wants to download a new release. For example ther...

How to load a snapshot in Jazz source control?

So Jazz source control lets you snapshot a repository workspace. But how would I load a particular snapshot of a workspace on the command line? Doesn't seem like a lot of point to a snapshot if I can't load the project as it was at that point in time...? ed... I have found a 'new... repository workspace from snapshot' in the RAD plugin...

How to create a database snapshot in SQL Server with SSMS GUI, not SQL code

Hi, How to create a database snapshot in SQL Server with SSMS GUI? I can't find the menu of that action. Thanks. ...