
Flexible eCommerce and social networking solution

Hey there! Im currently developing website that will contain e-commerce part and social networking part. Social networking part might have following options: Users Edit profile Upload photos / videos Manage friends Select favorite product (+review) Groups Forums Videos Photos So, basically it is a merge of regular ecommerce store...

Database design: merge users from different logging systems (google, facebook, openid ...)

Hallo, I need to merge users from several souces some how, for example facebook, Google, plaxo... Currently I have this structure in my database: USERS_MYSITE mysite_user_id | parameter | value ------------------------------------------ 223 | firstname | Tom 223 | lastname | N. 223 ...

A good framework for easily creating a social networking site

Hello, I was just reading about Magento, a free framework for easily creating an ecommerce site. I was wondering if anyone knew of a similar, easy to use framework that is designed specifically for social networking sites. Thanks in advance for your wisdom! ...

how to access facebook or twitter using blackberry API?

Hi, I am newbie for such kind of social networking Application integration using blackberry API. i want to develope such kind of application which can use the facebook or twitter social networking site integration using available blackberry api. how to access the faceBook using blackberry API? Is there any webservice available of face...

Social Networking APIs for PHP

Good Morning SO Campers, I'm interested in developing a social networking site. It will be run on a Linux dedicated server and must be written in PHP. The site functionality will be a cross between FaceBook, Myspace and Yahoo. Specifically, the site needs to offer: The ability for users to obtain a free email address. Instant Messag...

Developers' Social Networking

I am new here, and interested in collaboration and social networking sites. I wonder if any of the available social networks falls down under the "Developers' Social Networks" umbrella, if there are any. And what makes us believe that they are developer's SNs ? How do developers use them? ...

Which CMS, script, etc. should I use?

I have been requested by someone starting a non-profit organization to build their website. They basically want to have users be able sign up, create profiles, send messages, etc. and then have charities be able to do the same, but with different functionality (write blogs, post videos, etc). The users would look over each charity's ...

Object Model of a Social Network

Where can i find resources that describes the strategies and patterns of design of social networks object models? For examples, how to implement relationships between users, how to implement the stream of notifications of user actions, how to filter that stream for each user, etc...? ...

How to implement the activity stream in a social network

I'm developing my own social network, and I haven't found on the web examples of implementation the stream of users' actions... For example, how to filter actions for each users? How to store the action events? Which data model and object model can I use for the actions stream and for the actions itselves? ...

Complex software architecture

Hi everyone ! I've got a few questions about the architecture of a software that I'm working on ! So basically, this software allow the user to access to some popular sites : Social networks (Facebook, MySpace, ...), Common services (RSS, Mails, Twitter...), Social bookmarkings (Digg, Delicious...), Chats (MSN, AOL...), ... Cur...

Drupal or Wordpress CMS as a Social Network?

I am making a community for web-comic artist who will be able to sync their existing website to this site. However, I am in debate for what CMS I should use: Drupal or Wordpress. I have heard great things about Drupal, where it is really aimed for Social Networking. I actually got to play a little bit in the back end of Drupal and it s...

fbopen, what does it mean to open source the platfrom?

As developers, will be able to build our facebook-like social applications with it? and giving them attribution is the only cost? Are there real examples who deployed their fbopen-based networks? ...

SharePoint 2010 My Sites versus custom code for Social Networking / Micro-Blogging

What kind of features does the upcoming SharePoint 2010 have in regards to functionality that is like those found in: FriendFeed, Twitter, Google Wave? Flickr or Digg (tagging and voting)? How much of this do you get "for free" with SP 2010 or would you still have to code it all yourself? Any one know what that have added to My Sites? ...

How do I have plugin architecture in Ruby on Rails?

I have to built a social networking site on Ruby on Rails. The features in the site may change from time to time; so we will need to add/remove features with ease. Moreover, we may be building another social networking site. Due to these reasons, we are thinking to build a basic framework for social networking sites in RoR with the featu...

wordpress-mu: other options apart buddypress to build a good blog social network home page etc…?

Hi, I want to mount a social network of blogs and I am using Wordpress-mu, I need to have a home page to resume all the activity / members / comments, and add featured blogs. I have considered buddypress but I am not very satisfied, because it has more things than what I want. Plz, can you give me names / urls of free plugins for wordp...

Efficient way to implement LinkedIn like "How you are connected to" feature?

So LinkedIn has this cool feature in which while visiting some user's profile, linkedin prompts how you are connecting to that user through the network. Assuming that the visitor and the profile owner are two nodes of a graph where the nodes represent users and edge represents friendship, a simple solution could be a bfs starting fr...

gathering user information from social networking sites

I am curious with the current api of some major social networking sites such as (facebook, twitter, myspace etc) and the willing of the user (for instance user allows a site to inspect his/her profile and giving enough privilages) would it be possible to do data inspection inorder to inspect user behaviours, patterns and thing they like...

Importing Facebook friends to different social network: How to know which friends are which?

It is straightforward to retrieve a list of friends from Facebook using their api. But how would a site figure out which of its members corresponds to the Facebook friend it has imported? Is there a unique id that could be used? For example, does Facebook give the email address of the friend, so that could be compared to see if a perso...

Buzz Management Tools recommendations?

Anyone out there use a "buzz management tool"? such as buzzstream? Which do you recommend? I am trying to find some alternatives to Buzzstream, I found one a few days ago but completely forgot the name. I remember the examples it had used Nike as reference for Buzz. Hope you guys can give me a hand! Thanks. ...

Community Portal Packages for C#

I'm looking for a list of community server packages that I can integrate with C#. I have a requirement to build a community portal/facebook style site with functionality that integrates with a CMS using the .NET membership provider. I need functionality like: Forums Blogs Profile pages Groups Ability to upload pictures and video S...