
jquery sortable problem large nested dataset...

Hi peeps, have a problem with the sortable plugin. I have a dataset presented in tree form and using sortable to allow the user to drag elements from any branch to another. The problem I now face is the dataset has become large so that connectWith option entails many lists connecting to many other lists. Here is the offending code: ...

jQuery Connected Sortable Lists, Save to MySQL

Hello, I have a generated list of items (teams, playing in the season). I want to distribute these items to other lists (divisions for the season) and save new lists to MYSQL (order of list doesnt matter). I have to say that divisions may vary depending on the season, so i have divisions also generated from db. I changed #sortable to ....

jquery sortable - exclude single item in list from being connected with other lists, while being sortable in its own list

I am looking for this since last friday, couldnt find any solution. One thing i thought about and tried several times, was to first build the function, where ALL items in the list, containing that one, which actually should be excluded from being droppable into other lists get the right to be moved within that list, and later building an...

JQuery. Array of connected sortable lists. Save to Mysql. Desperate

Hello, I have been intensively looking for an answer for a week. There are a lot of examples out there, how to save results, when having fixed number of lists. My task is: I have one 'ul' list, full of items (with id from 1 upwards) queried from MySQL. And I have several other EMPTY 'ul' lists (with id from 1 upwards) also queried fr...

Railscasts #228 - Sortable Table Columns

I am following Ryan Bates' railscast on Sortable Table Columns and I have successfully gotten a column to sort ascending and descending. My table is more complex than in the Railscast because I have columns from different tables. # controller @cars = Car.find(:all).order(sort_column + " " + sort_direction).includes(:manufacturers) #v...

Working with multi-column sortable Items in jQuery

Here's my dilemma - I have a two-column list of elements (styled <div>s) that I need to make sortable. With elements that live in one or the other column, this is easy - I just set up two columns, place my elements where they need to be initially, mark them as "sortable," and let jQuery do its magic. However, I have two elements in the...

Jquery.can make JQuery UI draggable,droppable,sortable work together?

Need some help to make it out: In my page I have some dynamic created note sticker which draggable. And then I have a dropper which that sortable(enable sort) at the same time. I drag and drop the note sticker inside the dropper and sort(via drag) the sticker up and down inside the dropper! I think I can make it using the Jquery UI. Bu...

Sorting a ListView by deriving GridViewColumnHeader

I am trying to implement a ListView with a GridView with sortable columns. To sort the ListView I hook up the Click event for the GridViewColumnHeaders and adding SortDescriptors to the default view source (similar to what is done in MSDN). Something like this: <ListView ItemsSource="MY ITEMS SOURCE BINDING"> <ListView.View> ...

JQuery .get error when drag item inside droppable elment!

my part of code: function orderFileInfoMWindow(event){ event.preventDefault(); //var orderFileInfoMWindowPanel = $('<div class="orderFileInfoMWindowPanel"></div>').appendTo('body'); var orderFileInfoMWindowPanel = $('<div />',{'id':'orderFileInfoMWindowPanel'}).append($('<div />',{'class':'orderFileInfoMWindowPanelHeader'...

JQuery Draggable and Sortable placeholder

Hi everyone, I am facing a particular issue with combining draggable and sortable. The problem has to do with a placeholder not showing when a draggable is moved over the sortable and the drop is not "recognized". This behaviour occurs when the sortable ul hs NO height defined in css. When i do define a fixed height in css for the #Sor...

Simple jQuery gallery and sortable: one last missing piece...

Hey there, So, I've built-up a little gallery using a few plug-ins and some custom code. This is for a few photography website portfolios. So far, I've got the thumbnails in a UL on the left, and the larger image on the right. I've got some hover effects on the thumbnails, and onClick they fadeOut the larger image, swap SRC, load, then ...

Making a jQuery droppable accept items from a sortable which is using connectWith

I've got a sortable list which is using connectWith to ensure it can only be sorted within its own types of list. Now I'm trying to make a droppable trash can element that appears at the bottom on the viewport when an item is being sorted. This element is outside the context of the lists and simply deletes any element that is dropped o...

accordion fixed height with sortable list inside

Hi, i have an accordion with accordion content height 280px. Inside i have a sortable list connecting with another that sits outside the accordion (right). When the contents of the accordion is more than 280px displays the scroll down. So far so good. The problem is when scroll is displayed when i start drag an element from sortable ...

Different collections for different data sorting

Hello. I have a task to play with Java Collections framework. I need to obtain a users list from a database, and store it in a collection. (This is finished and users are stored in a HashSet). Each user is an instance of Person class described with name, surname, birth date, join date, and some other parameters which are not important no...

draggable connect to sortable (change the id)

Hi, I have a ui draggable that connects to a sortable list with helper clone. $(".mydrag").draggable({ helper:'clone', handle: '.drag', connectToSortable:'.new', start: function(event, ui) { console.log(ui); var id = ui.helper[0].id; ...