
jQuery UI Sortable Question

I am trying to build a sortable navigation tree using jQuery UI Sortable. I have it working great in Firefox with no prblems. In IE it works pretty well, however, there seems to be some inconsistent issues when trying to move an item with a nested list down in its navigational tier. The list doesn't expand to create a drop point for t...

jQuery nested sortables jumpy behaviour

I want to allow user to drag and drop UI elements. I've 'container' and 'control', control may be in container, containers may include other containers (this is important requirement). I created simple prototype using jQuery. HTML: <div class="one"> <div class="control">Control 1</div> <div class="control">Control 2</div> <div class="c...

jQuery Sortable Cannot Click After Sort Issue

I have a table that is being sorted by the TR tags, everything works fine except that I have to click twice on any item in the list after something has been moved for anything to respond, on links etc. Do I have to call some function after the list has been sorted to re-activate it so that I don't have to click twice on items? ...

Categorize items at page load based on radio buttons - jQuery

I'm using jQuery UI Sortable to make a list "categorizable". I'm stuck on the code to put items in the proper category when the page is loaded with existing data (either from the database or just from a prior form submit). The html is a list with radio buttons: <ul id="Main" class="sort"> <li> <input type="radio" name="i1" id="i1...

Using sortable_element in Rails on a list generated by a find()

Hey all, I'm trying to use the scriptaculous helper method sortable_element to implement a drag-and-drop sortable list in my Rails application. While the code for the view looks pretty simple, I'm really not quite sure what to write in the controller to update the "position" column. Here's what I've got in my view, "_show_related_pgs.e...

jQuery problem with sortable based on jQueryUi

Hello @ all, I am having a problem finding the bug which is coming up with one script. I get following error in FireBug: uncaught exception: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: ) The problem is caused somehow inside my base.js, guessing the sortable function does not want to work with my jQuery version. Please have a look at ...

jQuery sortable (how to customize the clickable area inside the sortable box)

I have this jQuery code: $(".right_box_holder").sortable({ update : function () { var order = $('.right_box_holder').sortable('serialize'); $.get("right_menu_functions.php?change_sortorder&"+order); } }); and this HTML code: <div class='right_box_holder'> <div class='right_box' id='...

z-index not working in IE8 with the sortable jQuery plugin

I'm working with the jQuery Sortable plugin to drag and drop images from one box to another box. This works fine in ff,chrome and safari but it fails in IE8. It seems that when you start dragging that the image is send to the back. I've tried to solve this by adding the z-index option to the sortable plugin, i've tried appending it to a ...

Jquery sortable stange mouse offset

I'm working with the jQuery sortable plugin( 2 connected lists) and have a strange bug. When you drag the picture the mouse is above the dragged item screenshot: Html for one of the lists <ul class="flickr_key_ul ui-sortable"> <li><img style="display: inline;" src="http...

jqueryui sortable: How to get the ID of the li-element another li-element was sorted onto?

Hi Folks, guess i have this and guess that this list is a sortable one: <ul> <li id="a">Hey</li> <li id="b">Ho</li> <li id="c">Silver</li> <li id="d">!</li> </ul> Now im sorting the list. I move the third Silver on before the first "Hey" what makes the list looks like this: <ul> <li id="c">Silver</li> <li id="a">Hey<...

Is there a jQuery sortable plugin that doesn't require jQuery.UI

Just wondering if anyone knows of a jQuery sortable plugin that I can use that's not the UI library? ...

jquery ui sortable serialize from children

I want to send an Array with image paths and captions to a PHP script after I sorted the images. I can do 'serialize' or 'toArray' on the lists, but how to get the attributes from the img tag? <ul class="gallery"> <li id="li-1"> <img src="tn/001.jpg" alt="first caption" /> </li> <li mycaption="some caption" id="li-2"...

Jquery Sortable and mouseenter problem

I have sortable divs and in this divs - paragraphs. If I use mouseenter event to check if the mouse is in this divs - it doesn't work. I.e Sortable + mouseenter on the sortable elements = doesn't work. How can I fix it? Here you are some code $("#sort").click(function() { $("#ps").sortable(); $("#ps").disable...

JQuery UI Sortable

Can someone please help me with this one: When using UISortables where - and how do I put "serialize" into the JQuery function? I have 4 columns class '.columm' and each wit a unique id - col1,col2,col3 & col4. I can get the drag & drop bit to work I now need to put the "final" positions into a serialized array. Here is my code: $("...

jquery jquery-ui sortable array

Can someone please help me with this one: I am reposting this just in case people have missed it and or to see if UI Sortables is something beyond most people - so I apologise in advance: After considerable research on the BigG, posting here there and everywhere I am still no nearer finding or getting an answer or even seeing something...

JQUERY - jQuery UI Nested Sortables 2 - help getting it working

Hello, I'm interested in using the following JQUERY - However, I can't seem to get a demo instance of the plugin work. Here's the code I'm using: <script type="text/javascript"> $('#findit').nestedSortable({}); </script> <div > <ul id="findit"> <li> List ...

JSTree, is it possible to add a handle?

I'm very interested in using JSTree for a Sortable list that allows for nesting. The problem is, in my list items I want things like checkboxes, etc... which isn't possible because the entire list is draggable with JSTREE. Is there a way to add a handler to JSTree so only when the handler is clicked the list is draggable? That would al...

Given the Following List (UL), how can it be serialized and sent to the Database

I have the follow structure which is created with a nested sortable: <UL id="container"> <LI id="main1"> <input type="checkbox" /> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur <UL> <LI id="child2"> <input type="checkbox" /> In hac habitasse platea dictumst. ...

JQUERY-UI Draggables - Seralize is running before the Draggable is complete

Hello, I'm using the JQUERY-UI draggable plugin. As a setting, when the Draggable is done, using the STOP setting I run a function to seralize a list of LIs to get their order in terms of their IDs. For example, if I have an UL, with a list of LIs with the following IDs: 1,2,3,4,5 If I then move 5, between 2&3, the seralize is returni...

Can jQuery UI's Sortable handle complex selectors for the items option?

I have list items in an unordered list that when double clicked, can be edited in place via a wysiwyg editor. $('ul.mtm_section').sortable({ disabled: true, distance: 10, items: '> li:not(:has(form))' }); My goal is to prevent the list item from being sorted while it is being edited - aka once a form element has been swapped in ...