
how to save sortable items in mvc

i have been working on my carousel items. i need to have a sortable list views in order for me to choose the appropriate format of details in the actual site. i was able to do the sortable items using this command in jquery $(function() { $("#subsortsortable tbody.content").sortable(); $("#subsortsortable tbody.content").disab...

Upgrade from jQuery 1.3.2 to 1.4 sortable serialize stops working

i just upgraded from jquery 1.3.2 to 1.4 - and I found my sortables serialize not working anymore?! anyone else experience this problem? heres the code: $(document).ready(function() { $("#list_to_sort").sortable({ handle : '.handle', update : function () { var order = $('#list_to_sort').sortable('serialize'); $("upd...

jQuery UI .sortable() with jQuery 1.2.x

Greetings, I'm in need of implementing functionality equal to that of jQuery UI's Sortable method: However, I'm not able to use a version of jQuery 1.3+. There is other functionality on the pages that is dependent on the older version which ceases to work when upgrading the older version of jQuery. ...

Best option for sortable/draggable layout selector?

For my current project, I need to make a layout selector where certain elements can be dragged and repositioned by the user, similar to this mockup: So far, I have been able to replicate something similar using JQuery UI and Sortable, however I am currently stuck only on the first level of control, where vertical elements can be repos...

jQuery reinitialize/refresh draggable/sortable elements dynamically

I have a few functions which I load in the ready() event. These basically make a list draggable, and other areas droppable/sortable. Eg. You can drag a clone into multiple areas (lists in divs), and within these multiple areas, you can sort/reorder them (but only within each area). This works perfectly. I have a button which dynamically...

JQuery Sortable that scrolls

Hello, I have two jquery sortables that connect to each other (code below). $('#da_favourites_sortable').sortable({ connectWith: '#da_available_sortable', handle: 'img.da_icon_handle', revert: true }); $('#da_available_sortable').sortable({ connectWith: '#da_favourites_sortable', handle: 'img.da_icon_handle'...

jQuery sortable obtain 2 elements being swapped

Hi, I cannot find out how to obtain destination element with jQuery UI sortable. $("#pages").sortable({ opacity: 0.6, update: function(event, ui) { var first = ui.item; // First element to swap var second = ???? // Second element to swap swapOnServer(first, second); } ...

looping through DOM / mootools sortables

I can't seem to get a handle on my list of sortables. They are a list of list elements, each with a form inside, which I need to get the values from. Sortables.implement({ serialize: function(){ var serial = []; this.list.getChildren().each(function(el, i){ serial[i] = el.getProperty('id'); }, t...

How to sort images in jquery/php/mysql same as google picassa reorder interface?

I am using PHP/MYSQL. I want to create a image gallery for sorting images. User will drag and drop images to sort and organize their images. Just like picassa do this. I have created a page using using jQuery UI sortable plug-in: Demo Page: Its dragging and d...

Using SortableRows and know when rows have been moved

I want to take advantage of the sortableRows property of the jqGrid. How do I detect when a row has been moved. I have studied the documentation and looked for examples but haven't found much. I do believe it is something like jQuery("#grid").sortableRows({connectWith:'#gird', ondrop: function(){ alert("r...

jquery ui sortable('refresh') not working!

I have a sortable list I'm working with that can have elements added and removed by another script through jquery and am having an odd problem. These newly generated items appear to be draggable, but they don't actually sort unless I have them already there at page load. I've tried using sortable('refresh'), but it seems to have no effe...

Hide list data when starting sorting

The attached code allows list elements to be dragged into a sortable area. Problem: Add three list elements, expand the first one and move it downwards. Because of fieldset's height (150px), you'll have to move it below its own height to apply the sorting. To fix this I tried adding a class (.hideImBeingDragged) when the sorting starts,...

nested sortable table rows jquery

Hi, I am trying to sort rows of a table, and put them as 'child' elements of a table row I found this: this works with ul li lists, but i want to build it for a table. <table> <thead> <th>tablehead</th> </thead> <tbody> <tr><td>somevalue</td></tr> <tr><td>somevalue2</td></tr>...

jQuery sortable for separated sections

I have main categories and sub categories. I want to be able to sort subcategories when the display is like: Main Cat1 sub cat11 [handle] sub cat12 [<>] sub cat13 [<>] Main Cat2 sub cat21 [<>] sub cat22 [<>] sub cat23 [<>] This turned in HTML <ul id="orde...

jQuery Draggable to Sortable list

Hello Guys, Good day! I right now have a function the drags an element from a list to a sortable list. But what I want to achieve is to insert my own created html elements when i drag it to the sortable list and not to insert the elements selected from the draggable list. Appreciate you help in advance! Thanks, steamboy ...

jQuery UI sortable() - listitem jumps to top in Safari and Chrome

Hi, I have a sortable unordered list on the bottom of my page, which works perfect in Firefox. However, in Safari/Chrome the grabbed listitem jumps instantly to the top of the page when I want to drag it, like the UL is on top of the window. Does anyone know what's going on here? Thanks. Lex. Here's the code: HTML (and PHP): <ul id="...

Jquery sortable each level for it own

i have this code: link text i want my UL and LI to have level (for now i guess only second level but who knows) and to be able to sort parent with all siblings and childs between their siblings ...

jquery nested sortable list

i have this code $(document).ready(function() { $("#test-list").sortable({ items: "> li", handle : '.handle', axis: 'y', opacity: 0.6, update : function () { var order = $('#test-list').sortable('serialize'); $("#info").load("process-sortable.asp?"+order+"&id=catid&orde...

jquery sortable scroll problem

Hi I'm having problems using the sortable function of jQ:uery UI. The scroll doesn't seem to work.. If the second list ( lists are created on the table rows in a tbody and each tbody is connect ) isn't visible I want it to be possible to scroll towards it for dropping my table row. This is my HTML set up: <ul> <li> <ul> ...

Connect sortable lists together and update SQL using jQuery UI

I'm using jQuery UI's sortable lists to sort items in a todo list, and the reordering of the lists works like a charm. I have several UL lists for each todo category, i.e. Design, Development, etc. I want to be able to move an item from one category to another, and jQuery UI's sortable lists plugin allows me to do this with the connect...