
Example of tree.drop_mode with jQuery sortable anywhere

Hello Everyone, I have a working tree of galleries next to a sortable list of image thumbnails. I've been vainly trying to set up the galleries tree so that users can add images to the galleries by dropping the sortable thumbnails on to the galleries tree. I've been told this requires drop_mode. All efforts to get it to work ha...

jQuery Connected Sortable Lists, Save Order to MySQL

Hello Hoping that using something like this demo it is possible to drag items within and between two columns, and update their order either live or with a "save" button to MySQL. Point being that you can make changes and return to the page later to view or update your ordering. Doing it for just on...

jQuery UI sortable - unable to drag elements to the bottom of a connected list/column

Hi everyone, I'm having an issue with jQuery sortables. I'm using it to develop an iGoogle-like dashboard by creating 3 columns. All 3 contain sortable divs and are connected to each other using the connectWith option. The issue I'm having is when trying to drop a div at the bottom of a sortable column; it just doesn't want to happen. ...

jquery.ui sortable using a table and item:tr , placeholder difficulties

Hi I would really like to give some sortable goodness to the myriad old tables I have created. A little work has a proof of concept behaving ok. My one sticking point is that the placeholder does not work at all in IE 7 when using item:TR . It works OK in FF. I can make an perform correctly. It seems to be specific to tables and ...

Forcing an item to remain in place in a jQuery UI Sortable list

I've set up a jQuery sortable list but I need to be able to keep some items in the sortable 'fixed' in place and for the other items to sort around them. I thought that there would be built in methods to achieve this, alas this is not the case. I'm able to set up the list and not include the items in question: <ul id="fruit"> <li c...

How to retrieve parent container ID after sorting using Jquery sortable??

Hello I have following markup and javascript to sort some items. Items can be sorted within a block or across other blocks. It works but I have a problem in retrieving correct block ID after an item is moved from one block to another. For example, if I move item 1 within "Block 1", I get "I am in Block= block_1" but if I move Item 1 t...

Placeholder is not shown in jquery sortable, drag & drop

I can't show Place holder for the sortable items in a div. <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#userContent").sortable({ handle: '.close_button', connectWith: '#userContent', placeholder: 'placeholder', forcePlaceholderSize: true, tolerance: 'pointer', revert: true, });...

Jquery sortable , Draggable , Droppable problem

I have a list what I want to be droppable , and its items to be sortable and dragable but when enable the sortable it now longer work sortable + dragable not working any help will be appreciated ...

two sortable lists need to get serialize parameters using jquery-ui

hi guys! can you help me with these codes:, its two sortable lists and I need to get the serialize parameter of those lists to be passed when I click the submit button but I always get "(an empty string)" on "console.log". I'm using jquery-ui for this functionality. thanks! ...

How do I keep child elements together with parent jQuery sortable.

I have a list of items like this... <ol> <li> <span></span> <img src="image.png" /> <p>Image Caption</p> </li> </ol> And I want to be able to sort the LI's but not the sub elements, they should just move with their parent. I am using the jQuery to do that... $('ol li').sortable({ 'cursor': 'move' }); ...

Sortable_element with RJS does not working

I have a list of images where user can arrange their orders. When user uploaded an image, I want the list to still be sortable. I am using a similar upload that was described here: Please help. Here are the code for upload in view file: <% form_for [:admin, ...

Sortable behavior for Doctrine ORM

Does anyone know of an existing implementation of a sortable behavior for Doctrine? I'm actually amazed is isn't in the default behaviors since it's such a common thing in most webapplications. ...

Gridview SortExpression with 2 fields

Hello, I have a GridView that get's its datasource from a complex object. So I'm doing the Sorting & Paging in the code behind. <asp:GridView ID="SystemsDetailList" runat="server" AllowSorting="true" AllowPaging="true" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ShowFooter="True" OnPageIndexChanging="gridView_PageIndexChanging" OnSorting="gridView_Sort...

Exclude one or more elements from being connected (using connectWith) in jQuery's sortable lists

I have two lists, one with an ID of "vlist" and one with an ID of "hlist". The "vlist" holds elements which should be visible, while the "hlist" holds items that should remain hidden. The idea here is to allow the administrator of the system to specify which elements/fields should be shown on a sign-up page, and which shouldn't. The two ...

How to callback the new list id jQuery UI: sortable

Hi, I'm trying to use the sortable widget for my site. I have a mini scheduling app that I'd like to display a list of appointments for the week sorted by days. For this example we'll use only two days ( 2 lists ). If I wanted to drag an appointment (list item) from day 2 over to day 1, is there a way I can callback the id of list 1 a...

Combine jQuery UI sortable and draggable

I want to combile jQuery sortable and draggable. Each item has three handlers Sort handler Clone handler Remove handler Sorting works fine. Cloning causes some problems, item clones itself but it makes all elements to flicker while dragging, placeholder moves from one position to other with no sense. Other question is, why sort and...

jQuery-sortable, selector for the dragged element?

Hello I have divs inside columns and want to make them sortable. I'm using jQuery UI for this. However, I need to do something on the element which is currently being sorted. How is that possible? Here's my current code: $('.column').bind('sortstart',function({ $(CURRENTLY_MOVING).doStuff(); }); Martti Laine ...

jQuery Sortable + Droppable z-index problem

I am having a probelm with the z-index of my sortable object not being above my droppable. If you visit Press Ctrl + L to bring up the login screen. Enter the username clare and the password shilland. It will then load in the admin bar and if you click manage gallery. A pop down thumbnail view...

jQuery 1 draggable list & 2 sortable destination lists - bugs...

Hi, I have a list (List1) which I can drag boxes from, and two lists where I can drag List1 boxes to (List2 & List3). I have 'sortable' code for List2 & List3 which reformats what I've dragged from List1 (eg. it changes the colour of the box etc using the 'receive:' function. Say List2 boxes turn blue & List3 boxes turn red). The code ...

jQueryUI Sortable won't accept connected Draggable on a nested UL

I've posted an example here: Really, what it comes down to is the classic "assigning users to groups" issue. I have a list of users and a list of groups, but I'd like to be able to have nesting of the groups: user "Eric" would be in "Users", "Web", and "Administrators". The problem is that I ...