
jQuery: How to reverse sortable('serialize') arrays from last to first?

The discussion begins How to reverse it from last to first, updateList.php?id[]=5&id[]=4&id[]=3&id[]=2&id[]=1&&action=update? <ul> <li id="oreder-5">5</li> <li id="oreder-4">4</li> <li id="oreder-3">3</li> <li id="or...

Large number of connected sortable lists causes momentary hang in IE

I've got around 85 sortable ul's all connected with each other, and initializing the sortable() function works fine in Chrome and Firefox, but in IE it causes a 5-10 second hang while it loops through and connects them all. Yes they /do/ need to all be connected to each other unfortunately. Any suggestions as to how I can stop IE from ...

how to make a particular column of datagrid in flex as non sortable?

I am trying to make only one of the columns of a datagrid as sortable using flex 3. but using sortableColumns all the columns change their property...any solution?? ...

jQuery Sortable Move UP/DOWN Button

Hello, I currently have a jQuery sortable list working perfectly. I am able to move the 'li' elements around. However, how can I make a button to move a specific 'li' element up by one and the one above to move down (and of course the opposite for a down button)? I have looked around google and found very little. Even a link would be fa...

jQuery sortable fails with overflow: auto;

I've developed a form that uses the jQuery sortable. The form has several other jQuery and general javascript scripts. I have specified overflow:auto; for the parent div of the sortable list. Everything works very well on my WAMP development installation (on WinXP). However, when I move it to a hosted server (Linux), the sortable lis...

Javascript get li values and encode them

At the moment I have two (maybe more) unordered lists which are sortable with jquery and ui. The things that work are that the lists are connected, items are draggable, items can be removed and a form that adds to the list. What I need however is a function that gets all the content for li items and json encode them ready to be sent of...

How to reorder table rows (drag-and-drop) along with their sub rows

I have a table which looks like this (simplified for the example): <table> <tr class="lvl_1"> <td> Level 1 </td> </tr> <tr class="lvl_2"> <td> Level 2 </td> </tr> <tr class="lvl_3"> <td> Level 3 </td> </tr> <tr class="lvl_1"> <td> Level 1 </td> </tr> <tr class="lvl_2"> <td> Level 2...

If I do "jquery sortable" on a contenteditable item(s), I then can't focus mouse anywhere inside contenteditable text anymore.

Strangely this is broken only in Firefox and Opera (IE, Chrome and Safari works as it should). Any suggestions for a quick fix? <html> <head> <script src="; type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="

jQuery UI sortable - external controls

I have a sortable list inside of a modal dialog (non jQuery UI): <div id="modal"> <ul id="reorderList"> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3</li> <li>Item 4</li> <li>Item 5</li> </ul><!-- /#reorderList --> <button class="save" type="button">Save Order</button> <button class=...

Make jQuery sortable items droppable to their peers

I have a sortable list (of tasks). It helps prioritize tasks, so I want to keep this functionality. Now I want to add subtasks to the functionality: I want to enable users to drag one task over to another task and drop it there to turn it into a subtask. Applying .draggable() and .droppable() to items that are already sortable has no e...

jQuery UI Sortable - serialize multiple columns

Dear stackoverflow experts, I have a little script which allows me to use jQuery to sort div tags nicely between 3 columns. The jQuery can be seen below: $(".column").sortable( { connectWith: '.column' }, { update: function(event, ui) { alert($(this).sortable('serialize')) } }); If I move an item from column 1 to column 2, it will ...

Sortable clone helper not working

Maybe I don't understand how clone works with sortable, but here is what I would like to do. When sorting an item I would like a clone of the item I am dragging remain until I stop drop the item in its new position. Here's the code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="

Jquery UI Sortable Item Contents

So I have this shopping list coded in php and js: So people can add, delete or sort the list and thats fine, I dont want multiple lists and instead just have a list item containing a heading tag to represent a new list. All this works and then using serialize I can save the ordering/modify...

jquery, sortable: sort elements by ids...

hi, i want to reorder the sortable-list by ids.... but with the effect of the "sortable-ui"-component. how could i reorder the elements?... :-/ its pretty hard. ...

Jquery Sortable Update Event can called only one time?

Hello. I'm trying to make category changes with Jquery & Php. I have no problem with it. My problem is, when the update event is called, it returning 2 results. 1 result for Dragged Parent, One result for Dropped Parent. I wanna call only dropped parent's id. Here is my script: $("#gallery ul").sortable({ connectWith: '.dropBox', ...

How do you do sortable tables plugin for rails?

This seems like a classic rails situation: I want to have a my index action display a sortable table of the items. I've looked at (and hacked at) some plugins, notably thoughbot's sortable_table and Michael Kovacs's sortable (the latter I have forked and improved). However, now I'm finding that sortable is somewhat incompatible with inhe...

jQuery .sortable + receive Event: get the position of the inserted element

I've got a jQuery sortable element and another draggable element. With the sortable receive event i get the new inserted object and start an ajax query to write it in database. But it would be nice to get the right position of the new element, too. When i fire sortable("serialize") on receive event, the new element is not in the string...

Jquery UI sortables clone "not working"

Hi again folks, hope you can help with this one (or even improve it - which won't be difficult!) I am using UI sortables and tabs. What I can do is drag drop from column to column and manipulate the array/s to serialize it/them. In short I have 2 cols. "col_a" and "col_b". col_a has 2 tabs Items. Can move from col_a to col_b but if ...

How do I stop firing two events using sortable and droppable?

Hello all, I'm working on an interface for dragging and sorting questions and their choices. I have a toolbar on the right with the available questions/choices and the list of current questions/choices on the left. The list on the left is a droppable and a sortable. The items in the list on the right are all draggable and connected to t...

jquery sortable: How can I use a handle outside of its sortable object

Hey My problem is like that: My handle is located outside of the sortable object (not outside the DOM, but outside his visible borders). It is positioned absolute on the left with negative margins to the left, and write this handle using prepend on mouse over, and because of that, when I drag him, he doesn't sort the object. He just d...