
ui sortable object

Hi i am using the code bellow $(#sortable").sortable({ cursor: 'move', update: function (e, ui) { alert(ui.position); } }).disableSelection(); BUT i dont get the position as expected. The ui object has position, or i am doing something wrong?? ...

jQuery UI Sortable: Multi-item select

I'd like to (via a keyboard operator) select multiple items in an unordered list and drag them to another point in the same list with jQuery Sortable. ...

jQuery Sortable List - scroll bar jumps up when sorting

Hello I created a demo: When the scroll bar is at the bottom and you drag items to sort them, it causes the scroll bar to jump up. It seems to do this in FF, Safari, Chrome, and IE (at least IE8). In Firefox on my Mac, it does the jump up when the scroll bar is at the bottom, but al...

jQuery Sortable+Droppable vs Draggable special functionality

Hello - I'm trying to make a functionality that allows for a draggable list of items (left column) to be dragged onto a sortable list (right column). What is different about just doing a connectToSortable is that I need the sortable list to ACT like a droppable list, in that the order of the items is retained on the right column ONLY whe...

Avoid element to get selected when its dropped with jQuery sortable

Hi! I have a function which let me select a element when its clicked. It goes like this: $('ul.grid li').click(function() { var input = $(this).find(''); var value = input.attr('value'); if (value == '0') { $(this).addClass('active'); input.attr('value', '1'); } else { $(this).removeClass('active'); ...

Nested Sortable JQuery list doesn't work in IE while it does in FF

Hello everybody, While I'm using this site quite often as a resource for jQuery related problems I can't seem to find an answer this time. So here is my first post. During daytime at work I'm developing an informationsystem for generating MS Word documents. One of the modules I'm developing is for defining a default chapterselection fo...

Preventing click event with jQuery drag and drop

I have an elements on page that are draggabe with jQuery. These elements have click event wich navigates to another page (ordinary links for example). What is the best way to prevent click from firing on dropping such element, while allowing clicking it in not drag and drop state? I have this problem with sortable elements, but think i...

jQuery unexpected sortable behaviour

Hi all, I'm working on a project where I can generate Word documents, one of the functionalities is to define a table of contents. I want my TOC to be a sortable jQuery list for sorting the chapters. I'm retreving the data recursivly from a MySQL table, which functions as expected. Since I found there are some strange behaviors in IE7 ...

Problem updating sortables in jquery

I have a page where i have a sortable list of items (a div with class 'sortable'), which can initially have some items in it or be empty. The items are in another list on the page, and have an 'add' button. When add is clicked, they go into the sortable list. When the page loads with some items in the list already, the sorting works...

[jQuery UI] Connected sortable lists

Hi, I'm working with connected sortable lists and need the ability to add an extra list, but it just doesn't work. I have an XHTML like this: <div id="content"> <div class="line"> <span class="element">1</span> <span class="element">2</span> <span class="element">3</span> </div> <div class="line"> ...

Rails // jquery ui.sortable // jq not sending request

There might just be an update i'm not aware of according to this post, but i have some trouble with the sortable; nothing get sent (neither firebug nor my controller get anything) - any browsers. On rails using this very good post Big thx for any info about it. ...

Sorting a tables first column after using jQuery UI's sortable?

I got a table which uses jQuery UI's sortable. The first column contains the order number of each row. How do I automatically sort the numbers (in ascending order) in the first column when I sort the rows? This means that only the numbers in the first column will be sorted. Thanks in advance! ...

Limit jQuery sortable list

Hi all, I'm working on a project where I need to schedule persons in rooms. I'm using jQuery sortables to achieve this task. The only 'problem' is that there is a maximum capacity for a room. E.g. some rooms can have max. 3 persons, others 4 and some maybe only 1. So after browsing the jQuery documentation I came up with this.. only, i...

jQuery tab order kills drag/drop/sort lists

Hi everyone! I am stuck in a problem with jQuery. I try to make a list from elements, that can be dragged and dropped in many lists. But this whole thing is inside a tab. Here is it shown as it supposed to work: The interesting thing starts if I try to change the order of tabs. If the ta...

jquery, serialize the ui.item

This is what I have so far. The code I have is contained in php so there is some php in it. $(document).ready(function() { $(\"ul.droptrue\").sortable({ connectWith: '.droptrue', remove:function(event, ui){ var order = $(ui.item).serialize; alert( order ); }, receive : fu...

Jquery sortable('serialize')

Is it possible to get the serialized list of items from a UL in jquery by calling the serialize method directly instead of using a callback? The code snippet: var sortableLinks = $("#category_links_list_3"); var linkOrderData = $(sortableLinks).sortable('serialize'); category_links_list_3 is the id of the UL The DOM structure is: <...

jquery UI sortable, how can i return the text of moved <li> ?

what i'm trying to do is to return the text that is contained by the moved li, after the list item was moved. Is there a way to do that? thanks EDIT: i tried: $(ui.item).text() but i get an ui is not defined error (i imported just jquery.js, ui.core.js and ui.sortable.js , do i have to import something else?) HTML <ul id="sortable"> ...

Editing draggable after it's added to a sortable

Hey, I'm trying to work out what event I need to bind to and what property I need to use to get a reference to the DOM element for the dropped item (That is the item in the receiving list. Here's what I have so far... <ul id="toolbox"> <li>A</li> <li>B</li> <li>C</li> </ul> <ul id="existing"> </ul> <script language="javascr...

jquery sortable, how can i get element's new position?

how can i get the <li> new position in the list ? ...

[jQuery] Update item attributes when sorting

Hi. I'm new to jQuery and I need help with my little project. I'm making drag&drop list to move movie clips and count their times when dropped to destination target... and this is working OK... But main problem is that I want to sort positions in destination div. I don't know how to make all elements time update with sortable->change eve...