
Sorting multiple items at the same time using jQuery UI

I'm trying to setup a way to sort multiple items at the same time using jQuery UI's Sortable plugin. I have come up with a partial solution, where the checked items go with the drag, but I can't get them all to move positions. Here is what I have: What do I need to add to ensure the items move to their new locatio...

Sortable item moved from one list to another, loses handle and sort capability

I have DIVs with OL>LI lists in them, the lists are each sortable and I connect them together so the user can move and LI from one list to another.. seems like a common thing to do. When the sortable list receives an item, that item loses its "sortability"..or atleast the handle is not working on it. Here's some code to show you how I...

jQuery draggable + sortable: strange mouse offset behaviour

I have draggable list of < li > elements which I'm able to drag into another empty < ul > element. If I drag the first < li > element of the draggable original < ul > everything works fine... Problem: ...but when I drag any other < li > element of that list the 'helper' moves away from the mouse pointer as soon as I cross the border of...

Need javacript sorter (pref. jquery) that doesn't clone elements

So far I've tried Tiny Table Sorter, Tables on Cows, Sorttable, and Yoast's Sortable-table plugin. I have the last one currently installed on a test page here. I finally don't get a conflict w/ the qtip script I'm running on the same page. I understand that the conflicts arrive from a sorter that uses cloned elements. Unfortunately, the...

IE7 jQuery Sortable bug?

Hello, I'm trying to create a 3 column page with jQuery where users can move boxes between the three columns (something simular to iGoogle). In firefox and safari the dragging works perfectly fine. In IE7, once you drag a box once it works fine but then that box cannot be moved after that. I've tried re-applying the jQuery Sortable p...

IE7/8, jQuery ui sortable, and hiding content. O.o

So I've been having weird problems with jQuery sortable. I've got sortable li elements, which sort fine, however in IE, when dragging, the images disappear. I'm fairly sure they just get positioned weirdly but it doesn't seem to happen in any other browsers, other times the whole content within will disapear. Now I found a fix to this, ...

Making a DataGrid Column Header sortable in WPF using C#

I am using C# in Visual Studio 2008 and I have install the WPF Toolkit. I created a DataGrid in testtest.xaml. The ID and Parts $ columns have the ability to sort the DataGrid by clicking on their respecteive column headers. However, the column header Complete Date does not have that ability. I used the tag "DataGridTemplateColumn" t...

Scriptaculous Sortable.create - Can't hook the dragged element

When using Sortable.create I can't seem to get the element that is being dragged. Does Sciptaculous not fully implement all Draggable and Droppable features when you use sortable? Given: Sortable.create("sortArea", {scroll:window, onChange:orderLi}); function orderLi(){ console.log(this.draggables.each(function(e){if(e.dragging==t...

jQuery UI Sort disable issue

I have a nested sortable list: <ul class="testSortable"> <li class="ui-state-default" rel="1">What Can I Say? <ul class="testSortable" rel="1"> <li class="ui-state-default" rel="4">Total Divisions <ul class="testSortable" rel="4"></ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> I'm trying to mak...

Ruby on Rails sortable list

I created a sortable list in my RoR project, unfortunately it's not saving the list position. Upon page refresh the items return to their normal spot. I've pasted the code below or you can git it: git:// app/views/notes/index.html.erb ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////...

How to get target in sortable before drop?

I'm using JQuery's Sortable (not Draggable or Droppable) and I was wondering how I could highlight the potential drop areas (using CSS) that a user has when the user has begun sorting. Something like but with highlighting the area in which the item can be dropped. Thank you! ...

how to indicate a change in list elements' order using jquery?

i am using jquery sortable. right now i have a list of items that i can ALREADY use drag and drop. which is cool. i will use a submit button at the bottom of the list to submit the new order. the change in the list is not automatically submitted. All i need is somehow indicate that an element's position has changed. I googled quite a ...

JQuery Sortable & Clone

I got stuck into problem since 2 days. Here we have drug and drop and we want to do clone items from right box to left. If i use draggable, it works, but all droped items is no more possible to delete after drop ??? If i use both sortable, there is not posible to clone (sortible dont support clone) ??? How can i resolve this. is it b...

Jquery sortable

function dropMembers() { $("ul.present").sortable({ connectWith: 'ul', containment: 'window' //containment: 'ADD_MEMBER_DIALOG' // sort: function(event, ui) { // var present_result=$("ul.present").sortable('toArray'); // // alert(ui.sortable); // } }); $("

Jquery sortable element

Hi All, How to access the jquery sortable element. function dropMembers() { $("ul.present").sortable({ connectWith: 'ul', containment: 'window' //containment: 'ADD_MEMBER_DIALOG' // sort: function(event, ui) { // var present_result=$("ul.present").sortable('toArray'); // ...

jquery element sortable

How can i find out which element is selected for sorting ...

jquery disable sortable

Hi All , I want to disable sorting of source_element .how can i do so? function dropMembers(){ $("ul.present").sortable({ connectWith: 'ul', containment: 'window', items: 'li:not(.notSortable)' }); $("ul.usrlist").sortable({ connectWith: 'ul', dropOnEmpty: true, co...

jQuery sortable attributes of element dropped to

Hello I'm currently developing drag & drop menu management for my CMS, but I ran into a (hopfully) small problem. My HTML code look like this (copied from Smarty): <ul class="menu_items" name="parents" style="background-color:red"> {foreach from=$pages item=item} <li id="parent_{$};" name="parent" title="{$}">{$item...

jquery sortable issue

Hi All, I have a problem while using jquery sortable. I am using sortable between two unordered lists . Eg. If i have list 1 and list 2 then after sorting i want to get all the elements in list 2. How can i get that. If i perform sorting again then the list i got earlier would be lost i want to maintain that list. ...

jQuery treeview with sortable

Hi there, I was just wondering if anyone knows of any way to get the bassistance treeview plugin to work with jQuery UI's sortable plugin? Particularly in terms of being able to drag and drop the element from it's nested ul to the parent ul or vice versa. Two other requirements are that I have the ability to prevent dropping onto specif...