
ExtJs sortable elements list

Is there any implementation of sortable list in ExtJs as JQuery UI .sortable has ? Or how could I drop element using jQuery UI sortbale from eastern panel of ExtJs layout to droppable sortable element in central panel of layout ? Now dragging element hides under layout :( ...

jQuery UI sortable, each sortable div contains an iFrame gets refreshed in FF3 but not in IE7

I'm using the jQuery UI Sortable on DIV which contains DIV tags. Inside of each of the sortable DIV's is an iFrame with a src= to a different site. In IE7, sorting works as expected. If you've navigated within the iFrame, the iFrame retains the current state. However, in FF3, when sorting stops and the iFrame is reloaded with the ori...

jQuery: draggable connect to sortable. draggable item has a different DOM from sortable list

I am now able to drag an item to a sortable. But the sortable list has a different DOM. <!-- The draggable items. Has the "original" DOM in the LI tags. --> <ul class="draggable_text"> <li><span>DRAG THIS A</span></li> <li><span>DRAG THIS B</span></li> </ul> <!-- This list has a different DOM in the LI tags --> <ul id="stagero...

jQuery UI, sortables and Cookie plugin with multiple lists.

I'm using jQuery UI sortable plugin with the cookie plugin to set and get the list of two sortable lists. I found this piece of code to set and get a cookie: It works as I want to for one list, but not two (I've made the changes listed in the comments but fail s...

jQuery Sortable + Droppable. After dropping, my LI is wrapped inside another LI

This is my code for a draggable connected to a sortable. The thing is, I am creating an LI with a bunch of attributes. BUT when I drag an item to the droppable div, the sortable creates a new li tag and wraps my created li with it. It looks something like this: <ul> <li class="ui-draggable" style="display: list-item;"> <li class="X...

Using an external element as handle on jQuery Sortable/Draggable

Hi, I need to show a div over the some items in a sortable list. This div shows information and needs to be use as handle for the sortable item. The problem is that this div is located outside the items (at the end of the body), and since sortable handle option only looks for child elements (because it uses a .find() to look for) it's ...

jQuery UI Sortable - disallowing transfer into child elements.

Hi, I'm working with jQuery's UI sortables and have created a system of divs in this format; <div class='mainDiv'> <label>text: <input type='text' name='textbox' /></label> <div class='children'> <div class='mainDiv'>...</div> <div class='mainDiv'>...</div> <div class='mainDiv'> <label>text:...

sort combination of <li> and <div> using jquery

Hi, I am new in Jquery. I want to use sortableUI to my datalist. Each row in datalist contains text with serial number. I have used sortable ui successfully. But now I want move the text not the serial number while sorting. Here is my Example Code. The div displays the serial number at the top-left corner of each li. Now If I try to st...

jQuery UI Sortable problem on IE6

Hello there, first question here from me. We have a users customization page which gives them the possibility to relocate different modules () into three different content blocks. There is two space content, and a four space content, then a pool of unused modules to use. I'm using Sortables to be able to drag & drop these modules into ...

Sortable similar with youtube homepage

Hi guys! I'm trying to achieve an effect similar with youtube home page (you must be logged in so I posted a small movie to explain this): we have a basic sortable (vertical only) but on each sortable item we have a "move up" and a "move down" button. Those buttons do... exactly what it says: move each item with a neat animation move or...

Jquery Multiple Sortable List

Can someone please explain how to take the code below. Heres a screen shot this is my JS $(document).ready(function(){ $(function() { $("#sortable1, #sortable2").sortable( { connectWith: '.connectedSortable', opacity: 0.6, cursor: 'move', update: function() { var order = $(this).sortable(...

jQuery - Sortable with divs

Is it possible to sort div layers? Examples only show list items being sorted. I currently use one function to control dynamically created divs (based on a MySQL result). This one function keeps the movable layers in one div. ...

Selecting content of a textbox in a sortable, jQuery

I'm trying to get the content of a textarea inside a sortable item in jQuery... I can't seem to figure it out! Here's what I have now: jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#list").sortable({ axis : 'y' , revert : 'true' , opacity : 0.5 , stop : function (e, ui) { jQuery("input#output"); } }); ...

How can I remove the original element after doing a draggable event with a 'clone' helper?

I have a list of items which I have made draggable. I am dragging these over to several sortable lists. I have to use the 'clone' helper method while dragging as the other helper methods did not work properly. Unfortunately, I don't want the item to remain in the original list once it has been dropped in the sortable list. How do I r...

jquery sortable > nested uls

Hi, I'm trying to nest several lists inside the main list. Goal is to organize the menu and submenus. The html: <ul id="pages_0" class="sortable-list"> <li id="page_14">home <ul id="pages_14" class="sortable-list"> <li id="page_21">nieuwsarchief</li> <li id="page_19">waarom bouwelement</li> <li id="page_20">vac...

jQuery Sortable - scrolling in div with overflow:auto

Hi, I have a page using jQuery with some lists which have been made sortable. The list is inside a div which has a fixed height and overflow set to auto in the stylesheet. The scroll attribute of sortable seems to affect the scrolling of the whole page, is there any way I can make the container div automatically scroll up or down whe...

Jquery sortable list won't serialize, why?

I'm implementing a sortable list of images with jquery in a Zend Framework application. I just can't get the .sortable('serialize') method to return more than an empty string. When I try with a few simple examples outside my application it works. Does it matter that the snippet below is wrapped in various other and other tags. I think...

Draggable+Sortable & Scrollable Divs

I have a container with a list of draggable items and container with a list of sortable items. The draggables & the sortable list is connected, allowing the user to drag clones of the draggables to the sorted list. The draggable items appear in a vertical list, however the sortable items appear in a horizontal list, achieved by floating...

jQuery Sortable for Two Column reordering?

Hey all. Here is the scenario. I have the below code, and I'm needing to rearrange the items within these columns. The problem is...the items don't necessarily need to remain within their containing column, they need to be able to be switched back and forth, depending on the user. Here is the sample code: <div id="container"> <d...

jqueryUI droppable "drop" function firing on "over" only if i have on my draggable a "connectToSortable" option set

Hello guys hope anybody can help me with this little bug. You can see the code on Now here is my problem: I'm trying to make something similar to the widget drag and drop from Wordpress. I've gotten pretty close to what we wanted to accomplish but we wanted to be able to when you drag a ite...