
how to use linq on a list<T> to generate a list<lists<T>> in C#

I've seen examples of the reverse question, but they don't help me with this direction. I've got a List where T has an int weight. I'd like to divide this into lists of 5 grouped by weight. if I have the following T's with respective weights A:1 B:2 C:3 D:4 E:5 F:6 G:7 H:8 I:9 J:-11 I want {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J} to be sorted to {{J,A,B,...

RESTful API sorting dilema

Hi folks I have REST api implemented following the principle that rest just gives back the basic documents and refs in those documents howto get other things etc etc For example a /car/5 will give me model:blabla , user_id: 1 and then if you need the owner you'll get /user/1 to get user data.. This way JOINS and stuff are avoided ...

PHP sorting object array by certain criteria?

I have something like this: $i = 0; foreach($tracks['results'] as $track){ $trackName[$i] = $track['name']; $trackPlaycount[$track['name']] = $track['playcount']; $trackPercent[$track['name']] = $track['percent']; $i++; } $this->trackName = $trackName; $this->trackPlaycount = $trackPlaycount; $this->trackPercent = $tr...

Update 20 rows in mysql with x=x+1 values?

Hi there In mysql I have a table with like 20 rows (example). I want to write sort order (it is in array that carried picID's) to the SORT column from 1 to x (x is the number of items in this example x=20). My array starts with: [10,15,1...] I can do: UPDATE table SET sort=1 WHERE picID=10 UPDATE table SET sort=2 WHERE picID=15 UPDAT...

DataGridView Custom Sort in WinForm

My DataGridView control currently sorts using the Sort property of the bound data, but it isn't doing what I want it to do. I have a column called Employee that is displayed as "Firstname Lastname". When I sort by Employee, Amy Z_Lastname is listed before John A_Lastname, meaning I would prefer to sort by last names. I could break the...

Ruby: Sorting an array that is "linked" to another array

In my rails app, I have a loop in my controller that does this: event_prices = [] event_dates = [] for event in event_prices.push(event.total_prices) event_dates.push(event.event_time.strftime("%b %d, %Y at %I%p")) end I then use the arrays to push data into a highcharts graph. What I want to do is sort the event_...

Sorting IComparable Object Performance in C#

I have designed a class which is basically nothing but an object which stores a large number of properties of a piece of data. I have implemented IComparable in the class. Objects of the class are instantiated and stored in a List. There is an added level of complexity in that certain fields of the object determine on which fields I...

Sortable ul/li tree with move to parent/child and handle

Hey, i need a lib or a plugin to sort a ul/li tree. It should have the handle option, like the on for jQuery UI. And you should be able to move the li's to the parent or child ul's. ...

JTemplates table + DataTables plugin Column sorting problem

Hi All, I have a HTML table to which I am binding data using the JTemplates script and then after the "processtemplate" line I am applying the datatables effect - ".dataTables();" Everything works fine - custom pagination,custom filtering etc. The only sore point is that I am unable to sort properly when I click a header. I am having ...

Is there a more concise way I could do my sorting in C#?

Lets say I have an entity like: public class Car { public string Make { get; set; } public string Model { get; set; } public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; } public int NumCreated { get; set; } } We are using a simple MVP architecture for our site with a View Layer (ASP.NET website, Presenter Layer (C# Class Library)...

Sort information from a webpage

I have a webpage which has 10 separate text input spaces. I need to sort (alphabetize) the text from those input spaces (based on the first word from each input). For example, if the boxes were: cat dog apple They would need to be: apple cat dog I need to do this on the fly. What are some options for doing this? I ha...

I am unable to sort data in ascending order using ORDER BY ASC

The query I am running is select accountid from general order by accountid ASC The result I get is accountid ------------ 1 1001 1002 10021 10026 1006 1007 Why is it not ordering correctly? It's a simple query and I am completely lost at how I can resolve this matter. ...

Codeigniter - sort retrieved values from MySQL

Hi, Is it possible to sort the values retrieved from MySQL, in say descending id? Thanks. ...

How can I pass additional parameters to predicate functions?

Can I pass additional parameters to a predicate function? I need it in a sorting process actually. public void Sort( Comparison<T> comparison ) where I would like to use Comparison predicate in this form: public delegate int Comparison<T>( T x, T y, object extraParameter ) Is this possible? Thanks, ...

perl: how to sort a JSON structure on something other than "root" key attributes

Perl: How can I sort a complex structure using JSON::PP ? From the JSON Documentation: As the sorting routine runs in the JSON::PP scope, the given subroutine name and the special variables $a, $b will begin 'JSON::PP::'. Here is my attempt, does not seem to work open my $fh, ">", $file or warn " exportAsJSON: can't open f...

jQuery dataTables plugin - how to ignore word from column sort

I have a table of books with titles, authors, publishers, and dates in it. Under the title column a lot of the book titles start with the word "The." How can I setup the sort within the jquery datatables plugin to ignore the first word if it is "The" when sorting this column? Thanks. ...

Fixed-size collection that keeps top (N) values

My code processes a huge number of values and I'm looking for an efficient structure to keep track of the top (N) values, where N is less than 10, so collecting ALL numbers then sorting the list and taking the first (N) is probably not the most efficient way. To do that, I'm building a collection of fixed size N, to keep the top (N) va...

Why quicksort is more popular than radix-sort?

Why quicksort(or introsort), or any comparison-based sorting algorithm is more common than radix-sort? Especially for sorting numbers. Radix-sort is not comparison based, hence may be faster than O(n*logn). In fact, it is O(k*n), where k is the number of bits used to represent each item. And the memory overhead is not critical, since yo...

How can I sort my Django model using complex data from a second model?

I have 3 django models (simplified for this example): class Fighter (models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) weight_class = models.ForeignKey(WeightClass, related_name="fighter_weight_class") class Bout (models.Model): fighter_1 = models.ForeignKey(Fighter, related_name="bout_fighter_1") fighter_2 = model...

How can I order an array by the amount of times each object appears in a join table in RoR?

I'm doing a search on a model, like this: search_results = Note.description_like("test string") So I've got an array of notes. I want to order them by the frequency that the note_id appears in a join table I have, note_categories. How can I do this? ...