
merge sort in python

basically I have a bunch of files containing domains. I've sorted each individual file based on its TLD using .sort(key=func_that_returns_tld) now that I've done that I want to merge all the files and end up wtih one massive sorted file. I assume I need something like this: open all files read one line from each file into a list sort l...

Sorting list of dictionaries according to specific order

I am using Python 2.6 and I have two data stores. Querying the first one returns a list of document IDs in a specific order. I look up all the documents at once in the second data store using these IDs, which returns a list of dictionaries (one for each doc), but not in the same order as the original list. I now need to re-sort this list...

Best way to remove sprites from an NSMutable array based on proximity to another sprite?

I have an NSMutableArray of Sprites and I want to remove a few of them based on their proximity to another sprite. So say I have 10 sprites and I want to remove the first 3 that are closest to another sprite. I can't think of a sophisticated efficient way of doing this, anything i've come up with so far seems overly convoluted and ineff...

Confusing loop problem (python)

this is similar to the question in I'm restating because I don't think I explained the problem very well over there. basically I have a series of about 1000 files all containing domain names. altogether the data is > 1gig so I'm trying to avoid loading all the data into r...

how can I maintain sequence of my list using set?

In [1]: l1 = ['a',2,3,0,9.0,0,2,6,'b','a'] In [2]: l2 = list(set(l1)) In [3]: l2 Out[3]: ['a', 0, 2, 3, 6, 9.0, 'b'] Here you can see the the list l2 is falling with different sequence then the original l1, I need to remove the duplicate elements from my list without changing the sequence/order of the list elements.... ...

problem with merge sort

void merge(vector<int> dst,vector<int> first,vector<int> second) { int i=0,j=0; while(i<first.size()&&j<second.size()) { if(first[i]<second[j]) { dst.push_back(first[i]); i++; } else { dst.push_back(second[j]); j++; } } wh...

Problem with JSON

var obj = { '51' : { 'name':'name1'}, '66' : { 'name':'name2'}, '58' : { 'name':'name3'} }; $(function() { s = ''; $.each(obj, function(k, v) { s += ' '+k; }); alert(s); }); In IE and Firefox it's 51 66 58, but in Opera and Chrome it's 51 58 66 Why Jquery.each() sort by key in opera, chrome? What can i...

CollectionViewSource and sorting (Danish alphabet)

Hello, I would like to sort some objects that have a Name property. These objects are stored in CollectionViewSource. I add sorting description in the following way: MyCollectionViewSource.View.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Name"),direction)); where direction is Ascending/Descending. Everything works fine except one case...

Why does java.util.Arrays.sort(Object[]) use 2 kinds of sorting algorithms?

I found that java.util.Arrays.sort(Object[]) use 2 kinds of sorting algorithms(in JDK 1.6). pseudocode: if(array.length<7) insertionSort(array); else mergeSort(array); Why does it need 2 kinds of sorting here? for efficiency? ...

How to sort a Gridview bound to a datatable and with a buttonfield column

I have a gridview that is bound to a datatable. I have also written some c# code to sort and page that gridview. However, the buttonfield column is not being sorted with the rest of the table. How would I accomplish this? Current Sorting Code: protected void gridView_SortingUser(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e) { ...

rsort sorting order

Hello everyone, I have an array which contains the following numbers: 10000 900 670 600 500 I want to sort the array in that format above. Largest to smallest, thus using rsort(). However the outcome turns out to be: 900 670 600 500 10000 Looks like rsort() just looks at the first digit of the whole number to sort the array. Is th...

Sorting words in lines in a file and output sorted lines again

I want to sort the words on lines in a file line by line and I want the ouptut to be lines with the words sorted alphabetically. for example: queue list word letter gum another line of example words ... I want the output to be: gum letter list queue word another example line of words ... I can't seem to get it to wo...

How to sort numbers in Perl?

print "@_\n"; 4109 4121 6823 12967 12971 14003 20186 How do I sort it in Perl? Using @sorted = sort(@_); gives me an alphabetical ordering 13041 13045 14003 20186 4109 4121 6823 How do I get a numerical ordering? Does Perl have built-in functions for merge-sort, insertion-sort etc.? ...

MATLAB: sorting rows of two matrices using same ordering

Possible Duplicate: Sort a matrix with another matrix Given two matrices A and B of the same size, I want to sort A across the second dimension (rows) and apply the same ordering to the matrix B. Is it possible to vectorize this current code? r = 10; c = 4; A = rand(r,c); B = reshape(1:r*c,c,r)'; % can be any random matrix' ...

Custom sort of directory contents

I have a number of directories containing the files similar to the below example: test setup adder hello _CONFIG TEST2 The file(s) in these directories with the prefix _ represent configuration files of significance. The aim was to have these files appear first when I listed the directory i.e. I would like to be provided with: _CONFI...

very large viewstate breaking web app

hi there I have a little web app, that consumes a web service. the main page runs a search - by passing params to a particular ws method, and then i bind the results to a gridview. I have implimented sorting and paging on the grid, by putting the datatable that the grid is bound to in the viewstate and then reading/sorting / filtering ...

Excel sorting questions

Ok I have two files in Excel 2007. They are both to large to do this sort manually consisting of several thousand lines. File 1 has first names and ID numbers as 2 columns: Joe 1 Mark 2 Bob 3 Sally 4 etc... File 2 has last names and ID number as 2 columns: Smith 1 Johnson 2 Brown 3 Hands 4 Is there an easy way where I can sort these ...

Can R-Trees maintain z-order when using 2 dimensions?

I'm writing an implementation of an R-Tree based on Guttman's original paper. I was thinking about using an R-Tree for a program I'm writing that involves a lot of rectangles on the screen that can be moved/re-sized with the mouse. I want to efficiently only select rectangles that are in a particular rectangle and draw them (instead of...

PHP sort text file (.txt) numerically

Hi there, Thank you for taking the time to read this and I will appreciate every single response no mater the quality of content. :) Using php, I'm trying to create a script which will numerically sort a text file (.txt) in ascending order (lowest to highest). Each entry within the text file is on a new line, therefore I'd like the lin...

Sort a Javascript Array by frequency and then filter repeats

What is an elegant way to take a javascript array, order by the frequency of the values, and then filter for uniques? So, ["apples", "oranges", "oranges", "oranges", "bananas", "bananas", "oranges"] becomes ["oranges, "bananas", "apples"] ...