
How do I diff 2 source trees with a difference threshold?

Hi, I have 2 source trees, one is very similar to the other (one is VC6 and one is VS2005). I need a program that can recursively diff the source trees and tell me which files are different. However I want to be able to define 'how different' the files are. So I want to be able to ignore all files that are less than 5% different. I'd a...

linux, directories, where should stuff go

I'm currently trying to get to grips with using linux. I'm running mint linux (an ubuntu variant). When I install something using apt-get, files seem to get scattered across various system directories at random (system meaning not my home directory), of course I know this isn't at random it just seems this way at the moment. However if...

WPF Image Source Binding

I have a ListBox with ItemTemplates and some data bindings, including an Image The ItemsSource is set in the codebehind. Everything works as expected until the app tries to change the image's source by updating the object's member, which is bound to the image source. What am I doing wrong? Here's the XAML: <ListBox x:Name="myList" Mou...

Python - Parse a .py file, read the AST, modify it, then write back the modified source code

I want to programmatically edit python source code. Basically I want to read a .py file, generate the AST, and then write back the modified python source code (i.e. another .py file). There are ways to parse/compile python source code using standard python modules, such as ast or compiler. However, I don't think any of them support way...

Do-it-yourself source-control hosting - is it worth it?

I'm a software developer working on a number of freelance projects, and because I tend to move around between different machines at different times, I have a need for hosted source-control that can be accessed through the net. Have you been in this situation before, and wondered whether to set up your own source-control server (for exam...

Unable to source a SED script

I run unsuccessfully cat Research/ | sed -f Users/Masi/bin/HideTopBar and I get sed: Users/Masi/bin/HideTopBar: No such file or directory [439] I get the same error message also for the following command sed -f Users/Masi/bin/HideTopBar Research/Skim....

Unable to source in .screenrc

I have the following in my .screenrc source ~/bin/Screen/multiUserSettings It gives me No such file or directory although I have it. The following code says me that unknown command ".". . ~/bin/Screen/multiUserSettings It is strange, since I can source by . in .vimrc and .zshrc, for instance. The file multiUserSettings # a...

C++ : Code reuse, classes and libraries

Hello. Although I consider myself an experienced programmer (lead programmer of 2 commercially released games), I feel lost now that I have started using C++ for my next project. Right now I want to create a class to read/encrypt/decrypt JSON-like text-based data files (a custom format I have designed for my needs). Let's say it's calle...

what is the best way to back up an SVN server for all the code and content?

is there a good way to back up all the code and content on an SVN server? because if that hard drive dies, then all work can be lost. i think if we use multiple computers to SVN Update to it regularly, the most of the files are present on those machines, and therefore the code are somewhat safer not to be lost. i was also thinking of ...

Flex Image source event, How to know when the new source is received ?

Hi all :) I have a simple Image component, I change its source dynamically on creation. myimg.source = "http://foo/bar.jpg" How can i know when the image is loaded and received so that i can check its width ? Thanks ...

find div inside table cell with selector

Hello, I need a little help here if possible, because I can,t find the source attr of an image with the selector I have already used $(this).children('someclass')just before and the one I am trying to locate is in the same tablecell next too the other div So, it makes no sense to me $(".reg_info_body").hide(); $(".reg_info").toggle(f...

Howto get iframe linking to internal document source using javascript/jQuery?

Hi there, I have an iframe with id "appframe", the source is page.html and it's on the same server. I want to get the source of the page using jQuery. alert($("#appframe").contents().find("html").html()); returns <head></head><body></body> even though the document does not contain those tags, it only contains "Default page" - any ide...

SSIS and Excel Data Source for SQL Server 2005

I have an Excel spreadsheet whose first column is mostly numbers or a combination of letters and numbers. These are codes relevant to my business area: 28 38 48 L2 A7 BC etc. The column is formatted as text in Excel. I want to use this as a data source in SSIS for SQL Server, but when I add the object to a Data Flow designer, it forc...

Unable to source a file in Git's .gitconfig

I put the following code to my .gitconfig unsuccessfully . /Users/Masi/bin/personal I get the following error fatal: bad config file line 7 in /Users/Masi/.gitconfig How can you source an external file in .gitconfig? ...

How do I get the current file, current class, and current method with Python?

Hello, could i get: Name of the file from where code is running Name of the class from where code is running Name of the method (attribute of the class) where code is running Thanks. ...

Dynamic source code in C++

How to process dynamic source code in C++? Is it possible to use something like eval("foo")? I have some functions that need to be called depending on user's choice: void function1 (); void function2 (); ... void functionN (); int main (int argv, char * argv []) { char * myString = new char [100]...

Unable to source .profile without .zshrc

I have the following lines in my .zshrc source /etc/profile source $HOME/.profile My .profile is not loaded without them, although .profile should be loaded by default in Unix systems. How can you load .profile without sourcing it at .zshrc? ...

Use the official binaries of a library without losing the option to load the source on demand.

Within a Visual Studio (2005/2008) Project I'd like to use an open source library. I'd like to link to the binaries so that I'm not responsible for a proper build and can check those binaries into the source control server (SVN). So far so good, but if I'd like to debug into the open source library or want to take a look at a class impl...

Howto get iframe linking to internal document source using javascript/jQuery?

Hi there, I have an iframe with id "appframe", the source is page.html and it's on the same server. I want to get the source of the page using jQuery. alert($("#appframe").contents().find("html").html()); returns <head></head><body></body> even though the document does not contain those tags, it only contains "Default page", so that ...

Source code editor for linux?

What would be a Gnome source code editor, closest to Notepad++. I'm particularly interested in: Python auto-completion; Source-code highlighting; Basic text modigfication macroses. ...