
Spark List reusing the wrong item renderers

I have a List component using multiple item renderers determined by the itemRendererFunction. When I set the data the first time, it works as expected. Then, when I set the data a second time with new data, it doesn't call the itemRendererFunction and tries to reuse the current renderers even though they don't match the data. Once I scro...

Flex - ComboBox has lines around it

I'm stumbling my way through designing my first Flex app, using Flex Builder 4 Beta 2. I'm trying to use a ComboBox, but they always seem to have lines around it and I can't figure out how to get rid of them. The ComboBox looks like this: All I did was drag the ComboBox from the C...

Flex - How to change open DropDownList height

Using FB4, I want to change the height of an open spark DropDownList. By default, it shows up to 6 items before scrolling. My dropdownlist contains 7 items, so I want to change the height of the open dropdown list to fit all 7 items without scrolling. As a workaround, I've changed the font size of the items so that they are smaller and a...

How do I handle click event in Spark List control in Flex 4

I have a s:List component. I want to handle a click event to know what list item is selected. I don't see Click event in s:List. Any workarounds? Thanks. ...

Spark can't find views

I have the following folder structure in an ASP.NET MVC 2 app using Spark. [site root] home HomeController.cs Views Shared Index.spark However, if I move Index.spark into the /home folder, I get the following error: The view 'Index' or its master was not found. The following locations were searched: ...

.spark views get copied to /bin/Views - why?

Building or publishing my ASP.MVC 2 application the .spark files in the View directories copied to /bin/Views/*. This redundancy seems to be useless as the app runs fine on the server even if I delete the bin/Views directory. Any idea how to prevent this behavior? My files are tagged with the default build action "Content" and the Vi...

Flex spark Percent height not working

First of all I know there is a spark VolumeBar component but, for design requirements I can't use it.. I'm trying to create a custom component but heights are not responding as should [Update] This is were I call the class <components:VolumeSlider steps="4" height="100" /> The problem is that the volume slider is adapting perfectl...

Mvc RenderPartial to spark view

Sorry if there is another question that covers this. Here is my problem. I am using Html.RenderPartial, i am also using T4MVC. <%Html.RenderPartial(MVC.Shared.Views.MainMenu, Model.Menu); %> spark view: <ul class="menu"> <for each="var menuItem in Menu.ChildItems"> <if condition="menuItem.ChildItems != null"> ...

flex spark buttonbar : how to determine which button in mouseOver event

re: spark.components.ButtonBar In the spark ButtonBar's mouseOver event, how do you determine which of the several buttons the mouse is hovering over? There is, of course, no selected index at this juncture. If it makes a difference, my ButtonBar is not defined in MXML but is instantiated in ActionScript and an ArrayList is assigned t...

ASP.NET MVC View Engine Resolution Sequence

I created a simple ASP.NET MVC version 1.0 application. I have a ProductController which has one action Index. In the view, I created a corresponding Index.aspx under Product subfolder. Then I referenced the Spark dll and created Index.spark under the same Product view folder. The Application_Start looks like protected void Applic...

Flash 4 BitmapImage and events

Hi, I am trying to use BitmapImage spark class instead of mx image class. Image loads the same, fine <s:BitmapImage id="img" source="sample.jpg"> </s:BitmapImage> But I have an issue with adding mouse events on it, eg: img.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,clicked); do not trigger any mouse events when clicking on the image Hel...

why is the Border bigger than the Group in this case?

if I place a Border with width and height of "100%" inside a Group with width and height of 10 pixels the Border looks bigger than 10 pixels, why? <s:Application xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://" > <s:Group width="10" height="10"> <s...

Adding Spark button in ActionScript project

Hello, I have a button skin in spark created in Catalyst. Now I want to apply this skin to my project of type ActionScript project. When I add a simple spark button to my sprite then it's not showing there. Can anyone help me to figure out how to add a Spark.Button in a Sprite? Best Regards ...

[Flex] What is new functionality 'Sparks' that appears in the Flash Builder 4 ?

Hello, i just checking Flash Builder 4 ( i come from Flex builder 3 ), and it was painfull to see that old CSS visual editor, that it was very convenient for skinning components, has dissapear when select version 4. Also creating new project appear option between Mxml and 'Mxml+Spark'. What is this spark? Do you recommend using this? W...

How to get the visible items on a Spark List with virtual layout

Hello, I have: an ArrayCollection of Numbers; a List using the above ArrayCollection as it's dataprovider, and virtualLayout=true; a custom ItemRenderer that shows a label with: a) the number b) an y position depending on the number AND the highest number visible In another words, if I have 10 numbers in the AC, and only 5 appear...

How to use bmpdata.draw(component); on Flex 4 SPARK components?

So I try to say bmpdata.draw(backgroundRect); to dray on my Bitmap my component but Flash Builder gives me this and I do not know what to do... 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type spark.primitives:Rect to an unrelated type flash.display:IBitmapDrawable. Flex Problem Please help ...

How can I hide a list component when it contains no items?

I have a List of items which is based on the contents of the "category" that a user selects When the user changes selection, I change the dataProvider of the list be be the contents of the current category. Sometimes the list contains items, sometimes it does not Is there a way of hiding the list when it has no items? I know that I c...

How do I make sure that there is always something selected in a Spark List?

I have a spark list, which is based on a dataProvider. As the application runs, the data in the dataprovider can change, and also the dataProvider can be swapped for a different one What I need to do is make sure that something is always selected in the list (unless it is empty) ...

Flex4: Detect source Video size VideoPlayer?

Hi, Is it possible in Flex 4's VideoPlayer control (spark.components.VideoPlayer) to detect some attributes of the source video? In my case, it's a local file. I would need to detect the original width and height of the input source video (an h264 f4v). Thanks ...

Prompt Property on Spark Combox Component in Flex 4

It appears there is no prompt property for the spark Combobox component as there was with the mx version. Anyone have a simple workaround for this or know something I'm just absentmindedly overlooking? Thanks in advance. ...