
Jquery Table sorter and special characters

Hi there, am using jquery tablesorter plugin and in my "country" column i got special characters like this: Índia. The fact is that when i hit the header of the column to sort it, it puts my "Índia" at the end of the column. I guess the nav sees the instead of the real "I" with an accent. Any clue on how to make it work even with acc...

BlazeDS error - IOException reading message - client closed socket before sending the message?

I have a flex client and I am submitting a form with GB18030 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B characters (Unicode value > FFFF). The form hangs and I see the following error in the log file [BlazeDS]Channel endpoint my-amf received request. [BlazeDS]IOException reading message - client closed socket before sending the message? [BlazeD...

Where can I find information about Perl's special variables?

Perl has quite a few special variables such as @F, $!, %! ... etc. Where are all Perl's special variables documented? ...

How do I prevent the GET method from encoding HTML special characters in the URI?

I have a form using the GET method. If values are submitted with special characters, they appear in the URI as: ?value=fudge%20and%20stuff How do I make it clean? I don't want to use the header function because this is happening within a page in drupal. ...

special character in UNIX

I want to add backspace character literally in my file named junk. So I did following $ ed a my name is happy\b (here b means I typed backspace so \ gets disapperaed and cursor sits sfter y) . w junk q But when I do $ od -cb junk it doesn't show backspace. ...

vim special character "^\"

Hi, I opened a file in VI and I see a few instances of "^\" What exactly is this character? Thanks ...

Java api to get Microsoft Windows Special folders

I once found a nifty little library that used JNI to allow java applications on Windows to get the locations of various "special" directories on windows. I can't for the life of me find it again... In particular, I need to get the location of the "All Users" (shared) "Application Data" directory. So, anyone have a bullet proof way in ...

special character in php soap request wrongly displayed in xml out package

Hi, I'm using a webservice that in my request includes a ¥ symbol (chr 0165). I have set the encoding on my soap client to: $soap = new MySoapClient('address.wsdl', array('trace' => 1, 'encoding'=>'ISO-8859-1')); But when I look at my outgoing soap package the "¥" is changed to "Â¥" I'm not good at encoding but I've tried a number...

SQL Load Data Special Characters

I'm trying to import data into SQL from a CSV in PHP My Admin so it may be a PHP My Admin problem. The problem i'm having is that some of the columns use special characters for instance: "Adán, Antonio" Ends up as just "Ad". The column structure is as follows: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `players` ( `player_name` varchar(255) COLLA...

jquery airport plugin : How can I make it work with special characters ?

I'm using the cool jquery airport plugin and trying to make it accept special characters (like accents, "&", etc.). By default it only works with a-z. Has anybody found how to do that ? ...

Facebook share displaying weird characters

I just added a facebook share icon to my website, when I hit the button the facebook popup displays weird special characters the character won't display here but it's a square with 00 over 97 for example instead of a single quote I tried changing the quote to a the special character ’ but this doesnt' work either also tried mes...

Display Special Characters (Korean Letters) in RichTextBox

Hi, My question might be a little bit confusing, but I think it's still worth of paying some attention. Basically I'm designing a program to display all printable Unicode characters in a RichTextBox. I'm using VC# 2010 Express Edition. However, the RichTextBox has a critical problem: some special characters cannot be displayed correc...

jqGrid multiselect behavior when pressing special key

What I was expecting from a multiselect behaviour is to behave just as normal as long as no special key is pressed. I mean, if you have a row selected and click on another with no other key pressed, then it should select the new one and deselect the old row. Well, jqGrid’s standard options lets you choose between always regular behaviou...

Overlayed text?

Hi! Quick text-processing question. It's not necessarily related to programming, but this is the best place I figured I should go. Rate down to tell me this kind of question is not welcome here. (Though, I really like my one little reputation point.) Anyways, how can I encode text so that two characters get rendered in the same charspa...

Downloads folder: not special enough?

In .Net we can retreive the paths to 'special folders', like Documents/Desktop etc. Today I tried to find a way to get the path to the 'Downloads' folder, but it's not special enough it seems. I know I can just do 'C:\Users\Username\Downloads', but that seems an ugly solution. So how can I retreive the path using .Net? ...

regex in Vietnamese characters

I have one string and want remove any character not in any case below: not in this list : ÀÁÂÃÈÉÊÌÍÒÓÔÕÙÚĂĐĨŨƠàáâãèéêìíòóôõùúăđĩũơƯĂẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶẸẺẼỀỀỂ ưăạảấầẩẫậắằẳẵặẹẻẽềềểỄỆỈỊỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢỤỦỨỪễệỉịọỏốồổỗộớờởỡợụủứừỬỮỰỲỴÝỶỸửữựỳỵỷỹ not in [a-z 0-9 A-Z] not is : _ and white space. can anyone help me with this regex in php? ...

using unicode characters with wxPython

hi everybody! i have a problem with wxpython and his rich text control, when i try to insert unicode characters... \xb2 prints an apex '2', '\u2074' should print an apex '4'... edit: i use windows vista... and i tried 'coding cp1252 ' and 'utf-8' but with the same result... 2edit: on vista it crashs, on xp it shows a strange square (i g...

In Lisp, how do I fix "Warning: Assumed Special?"

In this file I get 9 warnings of "assumed special". They are ;;;*** Warning in CHECK-ROW: CHECKARRAY assumed special in SETQ ;;;*** Warning in CHECK-ROW: RESULT assumed special in SETQ ;;;*** Warning in CHECK-ROW: CHECKARRAY assumed special ;;;*** Warning in CHECK-ROW: CHECKARRAY assumed special ;;;*** Warning in CHECK-ROW: CHECKARRAY a...

python email special char

How can I send special character like registered symbol in a email's 'from' email string? E.g. Test® <[email protected]>. Do I require to set some headers? ...

HTML To PDF Turkish Character Problem

Hello All, I want to convert a ASP.NET web page to pdf using ITextSharp. I did write some code but I can not make it show the Turkish Characters. Can anyone help me? Here is the code: using System; using System.IO; using iTextSharp.text; using iTextSharp.text.pdf; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web; using iTextSharp.text.html.simpl...