
How to change underlining color in a Rich Edit control (Win32/C)

I’m looking for a way to make red squiggly underlining in a Rich Edit control (I’m using version 4.1 with Msftedit.dll). I’m able to produce squiggly underlining with this code : CHARFORMAT2 format; format.cbSize = sizeof(format); format.dwMask = CFM_UNDERLINETYPE; format.bUnderlineType = CFU_UNDERLINEWAVE; SendMessage(hWndEdit,EM_SETCH...

Spelling Suggestions for Conjoined Words

I am working on implementing a spell check function for a web-based WYSIWYG editor. I am currently using the Damerau-Levenshtein distance algorithm to produce a list of spelling suggestions. This is all working out nicely, but I am curious as to how I might improve the functionality. Specifically, my implementation does not currently ...

Aspell Dictionary can't be opened

When I try to add a word or to ignore all, Aspell throws the error 'the file "C:/Program Files (x86)/Aspell/en.pws" cannot be opened for writing'. Anyone know what is causing this problem and how to fix it? ...

How to Use OpenOffice.org Spell Checker in My App (VB6)

It is possible to use Microsoft Word to spell chek an arbitrary document. What I want is to use OpenOffice.org to do the same. Is it possible? How? ...

adding pictures in certain places in a richtextbox in C#

Alright, Question #1: well i have a richtextbox, and id like to add emotions to it, so for instance, if ":)" was in the textbox, id want the picture of a smiley face in its place. Question #2: i have a normal textbox, NOT a richtextbox, and id like to add some sort of spell check to it. that highlights the mis-spelt words as you type ...

Spell Check my Delphi source code

Previously I have used Visual AssistX in Visual Studio and it had a very nice spell checking over literals. Is there something similar to Visual Assist spell checker present for Delphi as expert? It should spell check method names, class names and especially resourcestrings and literals. ...

Lucene using Snowball and SpellChecker brings back strange values

I am trying to get SpellChecker setup using Lucene.NET, it all works fine other than situations similar to the following: I have text containing satellite in the index, I analyze it using Snowball. I then create a SpellChecker index and get suggestions from it. The suggestion I get returned when passing in "Satalite" is "satellit". I...

Force spell check on a textarea in WebKit

I'm creating a browser based QC/data entry app that will let people edit OCRed files, which naturally have tons of errors. Chunks of data are put in textareas so they can be checked, but the red underlines only appear when the user manually puts the cursor in a misspelled word. Is there a way to force WebKit to add the little red spell ...

Match similar names in C#

I'm currently working on a project that requires me to match our database of Bands and venues with a number of external services. Basically I'm looking for some direction on the best method for determining if two names are the same. For Example: Our database venue name - "The Pig and Whistle" service 1 - "Pig and Whistle" service 2 - ...

TinyMCE Spellchecker in Pylons

I've been trying to get the TinyMCE spellchecker working with my Pylons app. My first problem is actually capturing the post data in the first place. Firebug tells me that the following is being sent: {"id":"c0","method":"checkWords","params":["en",["Lorem","ipsum","dolor","sit","amet","consectetur","adipisicing","elit","sed","do","eius...

Spell checking in MFC

I was looking for a multi-language (specifically English & Swedish) supporting spell-check solution that can plug into a commercial MFC/C++ application. Top of my Google search was Wintertree, which appears to meet all criteria but is hardly cheap at $3500 for a site license. Now I know that using some open-source option could take seve...

Textarea spellcheck attribute XHTML Strict

I would like to turn off the built-in spellcheck functionality in certain browsers such as Firefox and Opera on a textarea that contains HTML embed code for visitors to copy and paste. This can be done with following attribute: spellcheck="false" However, this causes a validation error for XHTML Strict. Also, it doesn't work properly i...

Add spell check to my website

I have an asp-based website which I would like to add spell checking capabilities to the textarea elements on the page. Most of the pages are generated from an engine, though I can add JavaScript to them. So my preferred solution is a JavaScript-based one. I have tried JavaScriptSpellCheck and it works okay, though I would like to see...

where to find dictionaries for other languages for intellij ?

Hi all, a quick googling didn't bring anything interesting, intellij spellchecker comes with only english and arabic bundled (strange, I think it made in east Europe, they didn't even bundle their language ?). My customer is german so all my code is mixed english (code)/german (interface) and I can't find a german dictionary for intel...

efficient algorithm to perform spell check on HTML document

I have a HTML document, a list of common spelling mistakes, and the correct spelling for each case. The HTML documents will be up to ~50 pages and there are ~30K spelling correction entries. What is an efficient way to correct all spelling mistakes in this HTML document? (Note: my implementation will be in Python, in case you know of an...

Spelling check in Visual Studio 2005

I read about Spelling checker for VS 2008. I wonder if there is something similar for VS 2005 (+freeware, -shareware). Thanks. ...

Telerik Spell Check

I'm attempting to use Telerik Spell Checking for the first time for a textbox, but I keep getting the "Spell Check handler Server Error:500" "No dictionary loaded. Set the Dictionary Path property from the spell checker settings or copy the dictionaries to....." How do i accomplish this?? <td align="left"> ...

PHP based Spell check control

I am developing a web site where i need to accept data from user. What i am looking at is some spell check where as and when user types it shows the suggestion. Like the box we use in while type the question in Stackoverflow. It should be based on PHP. I am looking free opensource which i can use in my project. ...

What's the best way to spell check python source code?

What's the best way to spell check strings and comments inside Python source code? ...

Comparing list of strings with an available dictionary/thesaurus

Hi all I have a program (C#) that generates a list of strings (permutations of an original string). Most of the strings are random grouping of the original letters as expected (ie etam,aemt, team). I wanna find the one string in the list that is an actual English word, programatically. I need a thesaurus/dictionary to look up and comp...