
re-indexing a search engine every few minutes

Hi, I'm running a search service on my development computer, and I have to run an indexer (.exe file) and restart a service every 1-5 minutes (I'm using sphinx search). How would I go about doing this in Windows? My thought is to run a batch file through windows task scheduler, but what do you do? ...

Sphinx searcing related has_many with thinkingsphinx

Hypothetically, I have a Room model that belongs to a Building model. Buildings has a has_many relationship with categories. I'm trying to figure out how to index the Room model so that a search for category_id = 1 will return any room, in any building that happens to have that category assigned to it. Again, a building can have multi...

Full Text Searching with Rails

Hi all, I've been looking into searching plugins/gems for Rails. Most of the articles compare Ferret (Lucene) to Ultrasphinx or possibly Thinking Sphinx, but none that talk about SearchLogic. Does anyone have any clues as to how that one compares? What do you use, and how does it perform? ...

Django-sphinx result filtering using attributes?

Hi all, I was going through the django-sphinx documentation, and it looks like it allows you to filter search results using attributes, queryset = MyModel.search.query('query') results1 = queryset.order_by('@weight', '@id', 'my_attribute') results2 = queryset.filter(my_attribute=5) results3 = queryset.filter(my_other_attribute=[5, 3,4]...

What is the correct way to document a **kwargs parameter?

I'm using sphinx and the autodoc plugin to generate API documentation for my Python modules. Whilst I can see how to nicely document specific parameters, I cannot find an example of how to document a **kwargs parameter. Does anyone have a good example of a clear way to document these? ...

Are Sphinx & thinking_sphinx really stable? Not indexing Columns

I'm encountering strange behaviour from thinking_sphinx/sphinx. My define_index block is about 100 lines, so quite a lot of columns i'm indexing. For full-text searching I only need about 10 attributes, for sorting and filtering I have another approximately 50 columns, mostly floats and integers. By filtering I mean using the "with" or...

Autodoc for private methods in Sphinx

I am using Sphinx for documenting my python project. I have the autodoc extension enabled and have the following in my docs. .. autoclass:: ClassName :members: The problem is, it only documents the non-private methods in the class. How do I include the private methods too. ...

django documentation locally setting up

Hi Guys , I was trying to setup django . I do have Django-1.1-alpha-1. I was trying to make the documentation which is located at Django-1.1-alpha-1/doc using make utility. But I am getting some error saying > C:\django\Django-1.1-alpha-1\docs>C:\cygwin\bin\make.exe html mkdir -p _build/html _build/doctrees sphinx-build -b html -d ...

How do I stop ThinkingSphinx from querying the database for faceting an MVA field?

I have a index set up so I can facet on category ids, as following: define_index ... has categorizings.category_id, :type => :multi, :facet => true end When I do a query like Listing.facets, I get the correct results in a hash, with each category_id pointing at its count. :) The only problem is Thinking Sphinx runs a database qu...

Deploying Thinking Sphinx through Capistrano yeilds 'Column number 6 has no name'

I'm not exactly sure where the problem I'm running into is occurring. When I run the deploy task the rake thinking_sphinx:configure works fine, but then when it tries to index it this error occurs: ERROR: index 'board_core': column 6 has no name. ERROR: index 'board_delta': column 6 has no name. ...and so on for all of my indexes and ...

Using Ruby-on-Rails, Sphinx or UltraSphinx and an HTML source (not a database)

The documentation states for sphinx-0.9.9-rc2: The data to be indexed can generally come from very different sources: SQL databases, plain text files, HTML files, mailboxes, and so on. However, I can't find any documentation on setting up a a source besides SQL. The config file doesn't seem to indicate that the source can be anything ...

best way to reindex sphinx in ubuntu hardy

Hi, I'm running a slice of ubuntu hardy. I've installed sphinx, and I would like to run the sphinx indexer every x minutes. What is the best way to go about doing this? ...

Substitutions inside links in reST / Sphinx

I am using Sphinx to document a webservice that will be deployed in different servers. The documentation is full of URL examples for the user to click and they should just work. My problem is that the host, port and deployment root will vary and the documentation will have to be re-generated for every deployment. I tried defining substi...

How do I search part of a column?

I have a mysql table containing 40 million records that is being populated by a process over which I have no control. Data is added only once every month. This table needs to be search-able by the Name column. But the name column contains the full name in the format 'Last First Middle'. In the sphinx.conf, I have sql_query = SELECT Id...

Multiple Keyword Search Using Thinking Sphinx Rails Plugin

I'm using the sphinx search engine with the thinking sphinx plugin for rails. I have a job model with a title attribute that is indexed by sphinx. I'd like to search across multiple jobs and capture any that match 1 or more keywords. For instance... Job.search("rails, django, symfony") ...and get an array of job objects with the f...

Choosing a stand-alone full-text search server: Sphinx or SOLR?

I'm looking for a stand-alone full-text search server with the following properties: Must operate as a stand-alone server that can serve search requests from multiple clients Must be able to do "bulk indexing" by indexing the result of an SQL query: say "SELECT id, text_to_index FROM documents;" Must be free software and must run on Li...

How to use sphinx plugin for MySQL to implement fulltext search with PHP?

Can someone provide a demo here? And how to retrieve the matching snippet at the same time? ...

Using sphinx to auto-document a python class, module

Hi, I have installed Sphinx in order to document some python modules and class I'm working on. While the markup language looks very nice, I haven't managed to auto-document a python code. Basically, I have the following python module: SegLib.py And A class called Seg in it. I would like to display the docstrings of the class and mod...

Autodocumenting Python using Sphinx

Hi, This is a generalized version of a previous question regarding Sphinx. Is there a way to recursively autodocument modules or packages which contain classes and functions within them? I think it is silly to add the autofunction or automodule directive for each function; There must be a way to automate the process, otherwise I don't...

PHP and MySQL search across lots of columns

I need a way to search through 50+ columns, both varchar and int, in a specific table. I've seen people recommend Lucene and Sphinx, but I have no clue how to go about using those and MySQL's Full-Text won't allow me to combine more than 16 columns or both varchar and int columns. ...