
when spring bean is loaded and if i have a constructor and setters which one will be called first?

This is a basic question - when spring bean is loaded and if i have a constructor and setters which one will be called first? Thanks ...

problem using @Transactional annotation

I am trying to use the declarative transaction management feature provide by Spring. I have set the spring configs and beans as described in reference documentation (i.e including AOP, tx namespaces and using the <tx:annotation-driven /> tag) and am using the @Transactional annotation on the method I want to be made transactional. This ...

What is the best view layer for Spring 3 ?

I'm investigating presentation layers to be used with spring in our new project. I'm coming from PHP+Prado and want to move to something what is as simple as Prado and more powerfull than PHP. I like Spring 3 and Spring MVC. It's very simple to learn and start working with. But I'm looking for "view framework" better than simple jsp. I ...

how to get dynamic attribute value in tiles....?

Can anybody help me to get dynamic attribute value in tile... i am using it in spring.... as i am passing the value for title dynamically..... ...

how to log resource bundle key missing

Hi! I am using http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt tag library for outputting messages from Message Resource Bundle which is set up in Spring configuration. Also message resolving can go in Controllers. I would like to log situations when the keys are not found in resource bundle file. Does any body know how to do it? ...

changing spring jsp date input bind in a form to use freemarker

I´m trying to change a spring jsp example to use freemarker. I changed all fields in a form with something like this: <@spring.formInput "account.name" /> Everything worked nicely. Form binded to the object and everything was validated, but I can`t get this part to work. <@spring.formInput "account.renewalDate" /> In jsp it was ren...

Spring Autowiring class vs. interface?

I have this Spring config: <bean id="boo" class="com.x.TheClass"/> The class TheClass implements TheInterface. Then I have this (hypothetical) Java code: @Autowired TheInterface x; @Autowired TheClass y; The autowiring of TheInterface works but the autowiring of TheClass fails. Spring gives me a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException fo...

Securing Web Service communication with SSL using CXF

Hi all, I am trying to secure communications via SSL/TLS for one of our Web Service using CXF 2.2.5. I am wondering how to update client and server Spring configuration file to activate this feature. I found some information on CXF's website (CXF Wiki) for the client configuration, here is the given example: <http:conduit name="{http:...

XML serialization for Groovy classes

For an application build on Spring MVC + Groovy + Google App Engine i need simple XML serializer/marchaller. I'v tried: XStream - it doesn't work on Google App Engine, because it uses restricted (at GAE) classes Jaxb2 - it doesn't work with Groovy classes, because groovy class have additional (hidden) fields (like metaClass, etc) Xml...

Help designing velocity template to support Header and Footer

My websites pages are broken down into 3 parts: Header Main Content Footer The header needs to access the user object to display things like the username, sign/signout links depending if the user is logged in or not. I want my velocity templates to be like this: inject header template, that will need access to the user object. mai...

Is there a spring lazy proxy factory in Spring?

Wicket has this device called a lazy proxy factory. Given: <property name="foo" ref="beanx"/> the idea is to auto-generate a proxy in place of 'beanx', and then only initialize beanx if and when something actually calls a method on it. It seems as if this might be a core Spring capability. Is it there somewhere? ...

Spring Web Service Client Tutorial or Example Required

Hello All... I need to jump into the Spring Web Service Project, in that I required to implement the Spring Web Service's Client Only.. So, I have already gone through with Spring's Client Reference Document. So, I got the idea of required classes for the implementation of Client. But my problem is like I have done some googling, but...

how to do logging in iBatis ORM

We use iBatis + Spring intensively. Everything we get from the DB is fetched via stored procedures. At times when troubleshooting an issue we want to know the exact parameters that were sent to the SP and SP name that was executed. Currently we do this by debugging the code (which is a pain). We would like to add some sort of logging...

Parse request URL in JSTL

I want to display a specific message based on the URL request on a JSP. the request URL can be: /app/cars/{id} OR /app/people/{id} On my messages.properties I've got: events.action.cars=My car {0} event events.action.people=My person {1} event Finally, on my JSP page I want to have the following code: <spring:message code="ev...

Groovy/Grails validations and hasFieldErrors issue

I have created a custom tag that looks like this: def textField = { attrs -> def field = attrs.name.split('\\.')[-1] log.error("--------- Field is ${field}") if (attrs.bean && attrs.bean.errors.hasFieldErrors(field)) { def className = attrs.remove('class') def classStr = 'errors ' if (className) { ...

SEVERE error in Eclipse Web application Startup

I use tomcat. I am developing a web application using struts2, and I use eclipse as my IDE for development. I get this error Mar 7, 2010 7:38:42 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext filterStart SEVERE: Exception starting filter struts2 Unable to load bean: type:com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory class:org.apache.struts2.sprin...

spring-security problem with loged user

Hi, i've got problem with my app, as usual.. I use Spring MVC [version: 2.5] and Security[version: 2.0.4]. My problem looks like that: First login into my app with UserA login and Password -> OK Logout UserA, UserB is login in. UserB login + password works fine, i'm in app and UserB ROLE is on. [no access for admin s...

Spring Security: autowire ProviderManager

I am trying to programatically validate a user login/pass using Spring Security, so I need to have access to the ProviderManager. I would like it to be automatically injected into my @Controller. My code looks like: import org.springframework.security.authentication.ProviderManager; ... @Controller public class MyController { @A...

Jetty startup delay

I'm trying to figure out what would be causing a 1 minute delay in the startup of Jetty. Is it a configuration problem, my application, or something else? I have Jetty 7 (jetty-7.0.1.v20091125 25 November 2009) installed on a server and I deploy a 45MB ROOT.war file into the webapps directory. This is the only webapp configured in Jetty...

client side spring

I wanna sth like Spring framework to use in client side. Actually I am going to abstract ui from data sources that may be added to system while it is up. An XML will be injected to system and ui will be generated automatically. Client side use would be able to search on new data source while objects are created in client side. Thanks ...