
UndeclaredThrowableException due to SQLException in Spring + iBatis?

Hello, I am getting the following exception when I typo the SQL driver name or the database server is offline, basically any SQLException. I can't determine where the UndeclaredThrowableException is coming from. Line 194 in SqlMapClientTemplate is this: logger.debug("Obtained JDBC Connection [" + springCon + "] for iBATIS operation...

tomcat axis2 shared libs and spring destroy-method problem

in tomcat\lib there are axis*, axis2* jars. I cannot delete them [sysadmin won't allow to do that]. My web-app invokes web-services. I put Jax-ws jars directly to myapp/web-inf/lib. so inner calls frow a web app servlets use jax-ws libraries. but since "destroy-method" of the bean invokes a web-service, and session is destroyed, the...

Spring security - same page to deliver different content based on user role

Hello, i tried to search for any previous post related to my issue but couldnt find any. I have a scenario where in page handles 3 different scenarios and one of them not working. This page returns different content depending on if the user is authenticated or anonymous. localhost:8080/myApp/muUrl?test=authenticatedContent - > used for ...

spring3.0 mvc problem(The requested resource is not Available)

Hi, I am a newbie for Spring MVC 3.0 and trying to write a sample webapp to get the feels of it. I am able to get url to invoke my associated controller, but not able to foward the request from which to my jsp resource as indicated by the output on the browser: The requested resource (/Spring30HelloWorld/helloworldcontroller) i...

how to make connection pool in spring application using BasicDataSource.

hi friend, I have created the application in which I need to configure the connection pool.In which I am configuring the connection pooling in the spring_Config file. using the Basicdatasource. but there is some problem to create the connection pool. Please tell me how to create the connection pooling in spring application using BasicD...

Can I access Spring session-scoped beans from application-scoped beans? How?

I'm trying to make this 2-player web game application using Spring MVC. I have session-scoped beans Player and application-scoped bean GameList, which creates and stores Game instances and passes them to Players. On player creates a game and gets its ID from GameList and other player sends ID to GameList and gets Game instance. The Game ...

Implement the business logic in an app server with spring

Is posible implement the business logic in an App Server remote using pojos instead of either EJB or Servlets???. The main idea is apply a model of 3 layers where the clients may be both web browsers and desktop applications, and they share the business logic in an App Server. this would be the architecture browser----- >Web Server --...

Spring - using static final fields (constants) for bean initialization

Hey, is it possible to define a bean with the use of static final fields of CoreProtocolPNames class like this: <bean id="httpParamBean" class="org.apache.http.params.HttpProtocolParamBean"> <constructor-arg ref="httpParams"/> <property name="httpElementCharset" value="CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_ELEMENT_CHARSET" /> <prope...

Applying ServiceKnownTypeAttribute to WCF service with Spring

I am trying to apply the ServiceKnownTypeAttribute to my WCF Service but keep getting the error below my config. Does anyone have any ideas? <object id="HHGEstimating" type="Spring.ServiceModel.ServiceExporter, Spring.Services"> <property name="TargetName" value="HHGEstimatingHelper"/> <property name="Name" value="HHGEstimat...

How to truncate a table with Spring JdbcTemplate?

I'm trying to truncate a table with Spring: jdbcTemplate.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE " + table); Get the error: Caused by: org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [TRUNCATE TABLE RESULT_ACCOUNT]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Unexpected token: TRUNCATE in statement ...

How can I return a Future object with Spring without writing concurrency logic?

How can I return a java.util.concurrent.Future object with a Receipt object and only use the @javax.ejb.Asynchronous annotation? And do I need any extra configuration to let Spring handle ejb annotations? I don't want to write any concurrency logic myself. Here's my attempt that doesn't work: @Asynchronous public Future<Receipt> exec...

How to provide business logic in spring in an remote server?

Using Spring as Framework, if i need provide business logic's service to either JSP/Servlets(on Web Servers) or to Application desktop client or Mobile clients, the only way to accomplish the logic business(without EJB) in a remote server is through Servlets? ...

Spring security + remember me question + wicket

I am using wicket 1.4.7 + spring 3.0 + spring security 3.0 Problem is : Spring security authenticate the user via cookie (remember-me service) but Wicket's AuthenticatedWebSession couldn't understand this and populate login panel. How can i solve it ? Thanks. ...

How to make Spring accept fluent (non-void) setters?

Hi, I have an API which I am turning into an internal DSL. As such, most methods in my PoJos return a reference to this so that I can chain methods together declaratively as such (syntactic sugar). myComponent .setID("MyId") .setProperty("One") .setProperty2("Two") .setAssociation(anotherComponent) .execute(); My ...

Instantiating multiple beans of the same class with Spring annotations

With an XML configured Spring bean factory, I can easily instantiate multiple instances of the same class with different parameters. How can I do the same with annotations? I would like something like this: @Component(firstName=”joe”, lastName=”smith) @Component(firstName=”mary”, lastName=”Williams”) public class Person { /* blah blah *...

ModelMap usage in Spring

What are the benifits of using ModelMap instead of a simple Map in Spring MVC. I see in the code implementation that they put the datatype of the attribute added in the map as key instead to be made available on the form. Can anyone explain with an example. ...

springTestContextBeforeTestMethod failed in Maven spring-test

I try to setup a project with spring-test using TestNg in Maven. The code is like: @ContextConfiguration(locations={"test-context.xml"}) public class AppTest extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests { @Test public void testApp() { assert true; } } A test-context.xml simply defined a bean: <bean id="app" class="or...

Choose 'better' or more familiar technologies for a new project?

I am looking to start work on a brand-new project, something I've been thinking about for a while as my first independent sellable project. It's broadly speaking a web-based service application, and my first choice, server-language is quite easy... I know Java pretty well from working on Java web-apps in the past. However my experience ...

spring demo example

Dear all, I'm new to spring mvc framework. Plaese share small examples to start with:- Displaying data in a page Submiting data login ...

jdbctemplate and optimistic locking

In the project I'm in Hibernate and Spring jdbctemplate are mixed. I added optimistic locking. Hibernate works great with versioning but now I have to tansform all this jdbctemplate code to use versioning too. Is there something like LockingJdbcTemplate (like SimpleJdbcTemplate)? I was thinking I could implement a generic update metho...