I am writing a simple application (Spring + Hibernate + PostgreSql db). I am just trying to construct a sample object and persist in db.
I run a simple java class main method where i have loaded the applicationContext and have got reference to the service class as below
TestService srv = (TestService)factory.getBean("testService");
I'm developing my first app with JPA/Hibernate and Spring. My first attempt at a DAO class looks like this:
@Repository(value = "userDao")
public class UserDaoJpa implements UserDao {
private EntityManager em;
public User getUser(Long id) {
return em.find(User.class, id);
public List g...
want declarative transactional management example in spring aop........
Actually Here
<aop:advisor advice-ref="addAdvice" pointcut="execution(* com.DAO.*.*(..))"/>
<tx:advice id="addAdvice" transaction-manager="transactionManager">
<tx:method name="add*" propag...
I have two Spring contexts declared in my application - one for Spring-MVC requests, and another for Flex/BlazeDS messagebroker requests, mapped to different url-patterns:
I'm designing a new app based on JPA/Hibernate, Spring and Wicket. The distinction between the DAO and Service layers isn't that clear to me though. According to Wikipedia, DAO is
an object that provides an abstract
interface to some type of database or
persistence mechanism, providing some
specific operations without exposing...
I have an application which uses Spring 2.5 and Hibernate 3.
There's a web application with a presentation layer, a servive layer and a DAO layer, as well as some Quartz jobs sharing the same service and DAO layers.
Transactions are initialized in different layers with @Transactional annotations, like this:
It led me to a problem ...
I have a Spring MVC app that does not protect updates of user data with transactions.
It assumes that only a single user is accessing the account data for that account at any one time.
However, if two users were to log in using the same authentication credentials, it is theoretically possible, although unlikely, for two database upda...
I have a web-application in java, spring framework, hibernate on tomcat, that has basically almost no security except the login and logout functionality (no spring security)
I can access the user information in a controller by:
// where request is HttpServletRequest
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
SystemUser user =...
Hey I'm connecting to a .sdf database file and i need it to be generic project wide, no matter what computer the project is on. Currently I cana cheive this in C#/ASP.NET witht he following code:
"Data Source=" + (System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase) + "/dbmon.sdf;Passwor...
Using Spring Security 3 along with Struts 2 and Tiles 2, I have a login page that appears when it is supposed to and performs the login as expected -- however when I enter bad user credentials I am returned to the login page with no information about what went wrong. I've checked all my configuration parameters and I can't see where the ...
In class we're now learning how to build up a Spring application, even though spring isn't directly involved, we learned how to make the interfaces for DAO and service layer objects.
Please correct me if I'm wrong:
DAO layer is pretty abstract: it just contains the CRUD operations and is further used to read data.(ie: get all objects, ...
I would like to display the currently running version of my web application in the page. The project is based on Maven, Spring, and Wicket.
I'd like to somehow get the value of maven's ${project.version} and use it in my spring XML files, similarly to the way I use the Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to read a property file for set...
Firstly it is possible that I am asking something that has been asked and answered before but I could not get a search result back . Okay generally (or always so far:) ) We define transactional annotations on service layer typical spring hibernate crud is usually
Controller->Manager->Dao->Orm .
I now have a situation where I need to ch...
in my visual vm, i click on sample->memory, and i keep see "windowprincipal" class, instances stay at 25. even that right now nobody using the application. is this sign of memory leak?
I am designing a plugin system for our web based application using Spring framework. Plugins are jars on classpath. So I am able to get sources such as jsp, see below
ResourcePatternResolver resolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver();
Resource[] pages = resolver.getResources("classpath*:jsp/*jsp");
So far so good. But I have...
Hello from Spain.
Well, I bought the book Spring Python 1.1 and I have been facing some problems that I cannot solve. I am going to write the code of each file in order to make sure everything is clear. If some of you know what is the problem, please let me know because I am desperate.
class Service(object):
def happ...
We are seeing Spring in school right now but we don't have the time to wait till the end of the semester to start developing an application. We continue using an app we made last year, and are writing the service layer right now.
The problem is our "client" wants to have a desktop client and a webpart, which used the same dtatabase. Thi...
Our project has just decided to migrate from Spring 2.5.5 to Spring 3.0.4. In my original code, I had unit tests that looked like the following:
public class RequisitionDaoTest extends AbstractJpaTests
public static String FAIL_MSG_UNEXPECTED_ERROR = "FAIL: Unexpected Error";
private EntityMa...
Is there any way to use Lookup Method Injection using annotations?
Given the following class:
public abstract class A {
protected abstract createB();
In order to get it to work I have to declare in spring applicationContext.xml the following:
<bean id="b" class="com.xyz.B">
<bean id="a" class="com.xyz.A">
I am using RestTemplate to make calls to a web service.
String userId = restTemplate.getForObject(createUserUrl, String.class);
If this fails to return a user ID I just get returned null but I don't know why. How do I output the actual XML response to a log?