
JSF 1.2 + Spring 2.5. How to?

I am using Spring to manage my DAO & Services. And JSF for UI. I want to use dependency injection in my JSF backing-bean. There is an article that explained how I can do that. But I have two separate projects: one for Service and one for UI. The Spring configuration file is located in Service project. How can I connect both project...

Where can I find at least two great online tutorials for building a Web application with the Spring Framework

I'm really disappointed with just about everything I find online that tries to teach the Spring Framework. This is by far the best tutorial I have found yet, because it clearly teaches how to build a simple Web application with Spring: http://maestric.com/en/doc/java/spring I need a few more like this to get started, but most of the an...

Can I annotate an inherited final property with @Autowire?

Resolution: No I'm no longer extending the original parent. Original: Is there a way to annotate an inherited final setter method? I am extending a class which has a final setter which I would like to @Autowire with Spring. The parent class is from a library and cannot be modified. A workaround I have found is to write a proxy method, ...

Programmatic use of Spring Security

I am using Wicket with the Wicket Auth Project for my presentation layer and I have therefore integrated it with Spring Security. This is the method which is called by Wicket for authentication for me: @Override public boolean authenticate(String username, String password) { try { Authentication request = new UsernamePasswordAu...

Consuming Third Party web services through Spring WebServiceTemplate

I'm trying to consume a Third Party web service, through a wsdl file provided. I would load the file locally from a Spring-J2EE based project underneath WEB-INF folder. The wsdl might have more than one operation exposed. So I need a way to be able to choose the method to be called. I would also need to make use of a JaxbMarshaller. Ca...

Can I inject code in spring using AOP annotations?

Is it possible to do something like the following: public void doStuff(@RequirePrivilege("foo") User user) { // ... } and have it effectively run as if it were the following? public void doStuff(User user) { if(!user.hasPrivilege("foo")) throw new UserHasInsufficientPrivileges(); // this is a RuntimeException // ... } I ...

@Autowired static field. Spring 2.5

There is some way to use @Autowired with static fields. Or there are some other ways to do this? ...

Using AXSLT Components in Spring MVC

I while ago I wrote a Java application that processes XML with XSLT using Xalan. Now I'm trying to move towards Spring. I've been having trouble accessing components. As far as I can tell my XML, XSLT and Java objects are correct, but Spring cannot seem to find and reference the components I want to access. ... <axslt:component prefix=...

Application framework for Java desktop applications?

Hi, I'm currently using a custom framework to build Java Swing applications which have event monitoring over a network. I'd like to replace our custom networking layer with something like JMS but our framework is tightly coupled to its current implementation. This lead me to search for existing application frameworks which may already ...

Can I dynamically load additional Spring configuration files into an existing WebApplicationContext?

Upon starting my webapp within Tomcat 6.0.18, I bootstrap Spring with only what is necessary to initialize the system -- namely, for now, database migrations. I do not want any part of the system to load until the migrations have successfully completed. This prevents the other beans from having to wait on the migrations to complete bef...

How to reference Spring.Net's ObjectFactory in the config?

I would like to use prototype interceptors instead of a singleton interceptor so each session would get a new interceptor instance. I looked into the HibernateTransactionManager Class and I think "EntityInterceptorObjectName" and "ObjectFactory" are the properties I have to set. While EntityInterceptorObjectName is pretty obvious, I ha...

easy transactions using spring jdbc ?

I am working on a java app that uses Spring IOC and JDBC Template classes. I have a DAO class that has 4 methods : m1() to m4(). m1 performs multiple inserts and updates on table t1, m2 on table t2, m3 on t3, etc. The dao methods are used as follows: while(true) { //process & generate data dao.m1(data1); dao.m2(data2); dao.m3(...

What minimum .jars do I need for BlazeDS and Spring?

I've managed to create a small project in Eclipse using the Spring & BlazeDS integration. Everything is working fine, my AMF requests are coming through and all is well. I just want to know what the minimum required .jar's would be. At the moment I have a list of more than 35 jars required to make just a very basic application work. It...

Is JDBC capable of handling huge database?

I am working on a project, which is having huge database. [ around 32gb data in one week ]. We are using DB2, and spring-framework + jdbc. I just wanted to know is JDBC capable of handling this much of data? Or should i use something else? Or if JDBC is capable of doing this then should i use some specific technique for this thing. ...

Getting human-readable output of Spring circular references

Just to keep my sanity, I'm telling Spring to barf on circular references: _context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(getApplicationContextFiles(), false); _context.setAllowCircularReferences(false); _context.refresh(); _context.start(); The problem is that the resulting stack trace actually does look like barf :| ...

JBoss doesn't sends a JmsTemplate (Spring) message

Well, actually JBoss does send the message, but only when the current transaction started by the EJB is finished. We have this problem with JBoss 4.0.3 and Spring's JmsTemplate. An EJB sends a message to a queue with a temporary queue as the reply_to field. Then, inside the same transaction, we listen for the response given by the first...

Blazeds and Spring security, can remember-me be used in this combination?

I'm using the latest release of Spring Blzeds integration which has some features making it easier to secure invocations on destination objects. However the basic setup I use which uses the ChannelSet login approach form the flex side looses the authentication information (sessions) on each page refresh. Here's the configuration I'm usin...

how to specify a bean as non lazy with annotations

Does anyone know how to specify a bean as non lazy when using annotations to configure the bean? ...

Question regarding Spring Webflow 2.0 from a newbie ...

Hello, I'm new to the Spring MVC Framework and Webflow, and ofcourse, I've been thrown on a project involving these technologies. I'm having a problem that I can't get answered on the Spring website forums, so I thought I'd check with the smart people on this forum. I have a view (i.e. screen) which when I exit, I want to go to differe...

How to gracefully shut down a Spring JMS MessageListenerAdapter

I have a message handler, which consumes from a JMS queue and that sends results to another JMS queue. The message handler lives in a Spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer. When the container shuts down, I would like for it to finish handling any requests that it already consumed and send out the results. At the same time, it should no ...