
How to get _sqlite3.so file?

I have installed Python 2.6.2.. I did it "locally" since I do not have root permissions. With this version of Python I wanted to use module called "sqlite3" (it is called "pysqlite" in earlier versions). In theory I had to be able to use this module without any problems since it is supposed to be included by default in the considered ve...

What is a difference between "sqlite" and "pysqlite2/sqlite3" modules?

I gave up to make "sqlite3" working but I just found out (with help("modules")) that I have "sqlite" module. I tested it (create table, insert some values and so on) and it works fine. But before I start to use this module I would like to know if it has some significant limitations in comparison with sqlite3 module? Can anybody, pleas, g...

Loop SQlite3 database continuously, when query found run script for first 3

I have a SQlite database gets populated when ever someone adds a filename and dir to it, then I want the script to read the newest 3 entries (done with the "LIMIT 3") then I want this script to take those 3 entries and start the "script1.sh" for each of them, then once the script1 has finished one of the 3, I want it to look back into th...

Unable to write to a chmod 777 database file on SQlite3 via php 5.3.0

I'm trying to insert data into my SQlite3 database (this works via the command line). I gave the data1.db file 777 permissions and still it says it's unable to open the file. I get this error: Warning: SQLite3::exec() [sqlite3.exec]: unable to open database file in /var/www/test.php on line 3 Using this code: $db = new SQLite3('./da...

How to improve performance on SQLite3 iPhone program

I am (still) working on an iPhone program which uses SQLite3. I have managed to optimize the database writes as far as I can. The problem I have now is that "END TRANSACTION" is killing me as it's taking very long. The journal file is usually about 50k which might be a problem, but I'd like to know your ideas. I tried using "PRAGMA sy...

left join with special condition on right table

don't know if this is possible.. I'm using sqlite3 schema: CREATE TABLE docs (id integer primary key, name string); CREATE TABLE revs (id integer primary key, doc_id integer, number integer); I want to select every job joined with only one of its revisions, the one with the highest number. How can I achieve this? Right now I'm doing a ...

Slaves working for Masters - Distributing Jobs

For a new project that I'm working on I need to set up a centralized computing environment with a primary server (master) and several workstations (slaves). The master will recieve several types of job orders with diferent intervals and expiration dates, example: NAME INTERVAL EXPIRATION OPERATIONS Job A 5 m ...

Sqlite3 diacritic insensitive search iphone

I've a db that contains some accent characters and i've to do an accent insensitive search as fast as possible. I tried two solutions: query all possible accent combination. For example: perche perchè perché pèrche pérche pèrchè pèrché pérchè pérché rewrite LIKE operator where i first replace all accent characters with their respective...

Error: file is encrypted or is not a database

Hi, I used PHP to create a database with a table. I did it in the following way: <?php $db = new SQLiteDatabase("test.db"); unset($db); $db = sqlite_open("test.db"); sqlite_query($db,"create table students (names char(255))"); sqlite_close($db); ?> After I execute my PHP file from the command line: "php test.php" I get a new file in m...

sqlite3 in Python

How do I check if the database file already exists or not? And, if the it exists, how do I check if it already has a specific table or not? ...

How to export to CSV from sqlite3 on the iPhone?

How can I export data from an sqlite3 database in Objective-c? Can I issue a dump command at least? What options do I have for exporting? ...

How to change Sqlite database mode?

Hi, How can I change Sqlite database from read-only to read-write? When I execute Update statement, I always got SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database. Cheers, ...

SQLite Prepare Failed: database disk image is malformed iphone simulator SQLite ?

Please help ! while i start app in simulator it fires "SQLite Prepare Failed: database disk image is malformed" in i have a .db file which i have rebuild thrice. What can cause this ? Any solutions ? ...

Reading floating numbers from sqlite database in iphone

I need to read floating point decimals from sqlite db I have created Variable type in database as INTEGER i am reading with sqlite3_column_int to NSInteger variables which parts should changed so i can read floating point integers from database thanks for answers sorry im a newbie in this topics ...

Improving iPhone performance - loading images from an SQLite3 database

I'm experiencing some performance problems loading about 60 images from a SQLite3 table with the following table: select rowid, thumbnail from my_table where category_id = 4 I have an index on category_id, yet it takes about 2.5 seconds to load a table of 170 70x70 PNG images. In my code, I create an NSMutableArray of objects represe...

SQL double SELECT on the same field (mysql or sqlite3)

Hi, i have a problem that i can't solve ! (sqlite3, but i think it would be the same than MySql) I have those tables (image) : And i would like to find all the bus lines (with type and number) that go to two different streets from which i have the street_id (12 and 14 for exemple). The result shall give to the customer all of the bus...

force python to forego native sqlite3 and use the (installed) latest sqlite3 version

Hello world! I am a newbie to python but, believe me I have done a day of browsing to find an answer for this issue, :( The error message I am trying to get rid of is: AttributeError: 'sqlite3.Connection' object has no attribute 'enable_load_extension' I have 'easy_install'-ed the latest sqlite3 version and python somehow kno...

Maximum number of rows in a sqlite table

Give an simple sqlite3 table (create table data (key PRIMARY KEY,value)) with key size of 256 bytes and value size of 4096 bytes, what is the limit (ignoring disk space limits) on the maximum number of rows in this sqlite3 table? Are their limits associated with OS (win32, linux or Mac) ...

Using sqlite db created in Windows but to be accessed in Android

I already have a sqlite3 db file that I created in Windows, is there a way to package this file into my android application and access it as a sqlite db from within the application or do I have to create a db on application load or something in Android only? The db has about a 1000 records, writing sql scripts again might be monotonous a...

Adobe Air drops Events silently??

Hi There! In my Adobe Air application I have a change event handler attached to a mx:DataGrid. When I'm debugging the application in FlashBuilder 4 the handler is executed, everything works fine. But as soon as I install the application the handler stops being executed! I've added plenty of logging to the application, no errors are thr...