
Apache - Self assigned SSL Help

Hi, How would I self assign a SSL Cert on Apache (XAMPP) on a Windows 2003 server? I have researched and the farest I got was a broken SSL Cert with "Common name" problem. Post your guide or links here, Thanks. ...

Encryption: simulate SSL in javascript and python

Because of china Great Firewall has blocked google appengine's https port. So I want to simulate a Secure Socket Layer by javascript and python to protect my users information will not be capture by those ISP and GFW. My plan: Shake hands: Browser request server, server generate a encrypt key k1, and decrypt key k2, send k1 to brow...

SSL Handshake negotiation on Nginx terribly slow

I am using Nginx as a proxy to 4 apache instances. My problem is that SSL negotiation takes a lot of time (600 ms). See this as an example: Here is my Nginx Conf: user www-data; worker_processes 4; events { worker_connections 2048; use epoll; } http { include ...

Why do I get a bad_certificate error when using spring and CXF

I am using CXF generated code to connect to a remote web service over SSL and through a corporate proxy. The code works fine when the connection is established through the Java API and all SSL settings are set as system properties as follows. System.setProperties("https.proxyHost", ""); System.setProperties("https.proxyPort"...

Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS for SOAP call

Our core server is calling out to a soap web service over https on a number of different servers to confirm that a transaction has completed. The code is dotnet 3.5 (vb) and works for the various callback services we have set up until we just moved a new one into production and it is refusing to communicate, giving the following error: ...

Client identification over SSL

Which of the following is more appropriate to use as an identification field in a database to represent a client, when two-way SSL authentication is used? The client's X500Principal OR The thumbprint of the client's certificate ...

How can I add support for a specific SSL certificate in my AIR Application

Hi, I need to open a specific SSL secured site inside an iFrame of an Adobe-AIR application written in Javascript. For that reason I've build a small test application which opens the site in a iFrame - this works well, but the server certificate is not accepted. A Popup shows up and prompts the user to accept the untrusted certificate....

How to chain a SSL certificate

Is there any way we can chain our own generated key pair with an existing certificate which has been chained to a root CA (eg: verisign)? Basically my question is described in diagram below Verisign Root CA | --> Company XYZ certificate | ---> Server foo certificate Once i've generat...

Query an AD domain via SSL

I have a domain and port number (636) as well as a username and password. I am trying to figure out a way to connect to this AD via Secure LDAP and get a users 'givenname', 'sn', 'mail', and probably a few custom attributes. However I have no idea how to do this in C#. I think that Microsoft may have a method for this available alr...

How to run jetty server in SSL mode using PKCS12 keystore?

I am trying to run jetty web server in SSL mode using PKCS12 keystore. The code is as follows: import org.mortbay.jetty.Server; import; class MyClass { public static void main(String[] args) { Server server = new Server(); SslSelectChannelConnector connector = new ...

Finding non-secure items in internet explorer

I was wondering if there is a tool, bookmarklet or something out there that can help me find non-secure items on a page. When I view source and search for http:// on the https page in question I find the following items: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

Prevent OpenSSL from using system certificates?

How can I prevent OpenSSL (specifically, Python's ssl module) from using system certificate authorities? In other words, I would like it to trust only the certificate authorities which I specify, and nothing else: ssl_socket = ssl.wrap_socket(newsocket, server_side=True, certfile="my_cert.pem", ca_certs=MY_...

Configure SSL on Jetty

Hey guys, I am trying to configure SSL on my Jetty. I read this: and created a key store. Then, I jumped directly to section 4. But where is this configuration file I should configure Jetty? I tried to serach for jetty.xml, but there is no such on my computer... Thanks ...

Using Fiddler2 to trace HTTPS SharePoint Calls

I'm using Fiddler2 to trace the https sharepoint calls. After starting the fiddler and browisng the https site it throws the error: Access Denied (connect_method_denied): .... This is typically caused by an HTTPS URL that uses a port other then the default of 443. Any suggestion to resolve the issue will be very helpful. Thanks, Mac...

How to enable SSL with a IIS 6 + FastCGI + Django setup?

Hi folks, I have successfully setup FastCGI/Django on a IIS 6 Server. What I don't know how to do, is to enable SSL connections. Any tips or ideas to get me started? I'm not an IIS expert, so this is quite confusing for me. :) ...

How to create a Cookie using SSL pages?

Hi, I have an ASP:NET MVC 2 web site that is on SSL. I want to create a cookie like this: FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(validatedUser.UserName, false); FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, validatedUser.SecureToken, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10), false, String.Empty); HttpCookie coo...

How to debug Safari silently failing to connect to a secure WebSocket

When doing new WebSocket('ws://server/'); Safari connects fine, but when using new WebSocket('wss://server/'); it completely fails (returns a null object). Worse, it fails silently - no errors in traceback (a custom Eventlet web server) or in the error console within Safari. Chrome works fine with both the secure and non-secure host. H...

PHP/cURL error with https again

Error is "Could not resolve host: (hostname); Host not found." This randomly started happening again on my development computer. It works fine on the production server, so whatever. But I still need to test this here. Here's the code: function useCurl($xml,$cert,$host){ $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$host); curl_setop...

Java equivalent of PHP/CURL's curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, '/path/to/file.pem');

In PHP, I use CURL to send a .PEM formatted certificate to a remote host. For example: curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, '/path/to/file.pem'); How can I do this in Java? ...

HTTPS does not work - Secure and Non secure data on web page?

Hello, I have a browser compatibilty problem with https? I have SSL installed and is in usage. Until today morning, my https part is working well. From then, Https is shown as https(with slashed in red color) saying the page has some insecure content. I have not changed any code and suddenly i see this problem in chrome. In IE 8, i see...