
How to handle StackOverflowError in Java ?

How to handle StackOverflowError in Java ? ...

StackOverFlow error - from instantiating my object class

I am trying to make a class in Java that builds an object of type Action which holds three ints and returns it to my other class in the array history, where history is an array of type Action. When it is called I immediately get an endless loop; hence the stack overflow. Error - I printed 1 line, it goes on... Exception in thread "main...

AdaptRecursive StackOverflowError

While compiling my project I get: The system is out of resources. Consult the following stack trace for details. java.lang.StackOverflowError at$WildcardType.isSuperBound( at$1.visitWildcardType( at$1.visi...

SWT Table with SWT.VIRTUAL raises StackOverflowError

After recently installing Windows 7 Professional, I'm getting a strange problem removing a TableItem from a populated Table in SWT. It is specific to Windows 7 and to the SWT.VIRTUAL style constant for the table. Consider the following code: table = new Table(parent, SWT.VIRTUAL | Skin.SCROLL_STYLE | SWT.FULL_...

Spring - StackOverflowError in Bean creation

Hello, I am getting the following error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load ApplicationContext at org.springframework.test.context.TestContext.getApplicationContext( at

Java overriding hashCode() gets StackOverflowError

Hi, so I'm not well versed in overriding hashCode and I seem to have some infinite recursion somehow going on with the hashCode method. Here is my scenario, I have a class DuplicateCache that is a cache object that checks for duplicate objects in our system. I have a static inner class Duplicate which represents the Duplicate objects. ...

Calling Intent.getStringExtra() throws StackOverflowError periodically

I have an android application that I am supporting and after calling one of the activities numerous time, it throws a stackoverflowerror when trying to get the extras from the intent. Here is the the stack trace from when it crashes. Any ideas as to why after calling the activity at least 4 times the next time throws StackOverflowError ...

StackOverFlowError in Java postfix calculator

---sorry i dont want my code to be here anymore until the deadline is over--- ...

SecurityManager StackOverflowError

Running the following code, I get a StackOverflowError at the getPackage() line. How can I grant permission just to classes inside package I want, if I can't access the getPackage() to check the package? package; import; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class SimpleSecurityManager extends...

StackOverflowError when trying to deploy an application to Weblogic ?

I am working on a J2EE application, to deploy I am using a build.xml (which is used by all team members) to create ear & publish, after the BUILD SUCCESSFUL message appears in Eclipse, I start Weblogic 10.3.2 but weblogic doesn't start properly and shows the following error message in the console: SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SL...

Android Network Programming: IOExceptions and StackOverflowError

Hi Everybody, In my Android app, I try to connect to a port on a local server to get some packets. I've encased to code in some try & catch's but with the following code: address = ""; public void run() { try { smtpSocket = new Socket(address, 60001); os = new DataOutputStream(smtpSocket.getOutputStream());...

Why I'm getting StackOverflowError

public class Category { private Category parentCategory; private Set<Category> childCategories; private String name; public Category() { childCategories = new HashSet<Category>(); } public Category getParentCategory() { return parentCategory; } public void setParentCategory(Category par...

Where is variablilty in stack consumption coming from?

Whilst running test code from this question and fiddling with the JVM's thread stack size, I found that results were not necessarily repeatable: there were values of stack size for which the program would sometimes throw java.lang.StackOverflowError, but sometimes not. My question is: "What is causing the variation in stack space cons...

Objective-C call specific class method

I have a class that has this in the initializer: @implementation BaseFooClass -(id) init { if (self = [super init]) { // initialize instance variables that always need to start with this value } return self; } -(id) initWithSomeInt:(int) someInt { if (self = [self init]) // <-- I need to make sure t...

Java StackOverflowError while recursively building an array from a binary search tree.

I'm trying to balance a BST by first building an array (inorder) and then rebuild the entire tree from my array. I have: public void toArray(E[] a) { toArray(root, a, 0); } /* * Adds all elements from the tree rooted at n in inorder to the array a * starting at a[index]. * Returns the index of the last inserted element + 1 ...