
What's the right way to use idlestartup on python 2.6.5?

Idlestartup is analogous to pythonstartup variable, but for IDLE, instead of command line. But it seems not to work properly. I'm using python 2.6.5 on Windows. I have the following script assigned to it: from pprint import pprint import sys newPath = 'C:\\Python26\test') sys.path.append(newPath) print "initial config loaded" Both va...

some literature about structure of social networks

Can you advise some literature about structure of social networks? I am interested in building databases of social networks. Sorry for bad English. ...

Controlling the order of PicoContainer startup

I have been tasked with doing some refactoring work on how we start up applications. Basically we have a bunch of console apps which were depending on the GUI application startup code, causing bogus dependencies which have kick-on effects for which libraries we need to ship, and which dependencies other modules need to declare. So I ha...

how to get 12 for joel test working in a small team of 3-4 on php website?

Hi, I read this and I was inspired. I am asking for specific help to achieve a 12 for my current project. I am working in a team of 3-4 on a php project that is based on cakephp. I only have a dedicated server running on linux which i intend to have the website live on and i have a plan with assembla where i am using its svn repositor...

[C#] Running elevated applications on user login with UAC?

I need to start a program every time the user logs in, but I cannot do this without being met by a UAC dialog asking for permissions for that application. Is there any way to have an application start up on user login without the user having to answer the UAC prompt? I was thinking about running a service, but this would be a last resort...

How to select which Matlab version to start from shell or Matlab startup?

I have multiple Matlab versions installed on my PC. To say, R2006b, R2009b, R2010a. In this particular application I want to start R2009b when I start it from Shell. Is there any options at the time of startup to select which version to run? ...

Mac OS X & MAMP - How to run mysql without having to type in the full path?

Right now, if I want to run mysql, I have to do /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysql -u user -ppass... I'd be a happy camper if I could just do mysql -u user -ppass.... Been googling around, but haven't been able to find anything... Have a feeling I'm using dumb search terms, so if anyone here knows how to do this, that'd be awesome......

How to run specific program with root privileges (Ubuntu OS) when no sudo user log into system?

How to run specific program with root privileges (Ubuntu OS) when no sudo user log into system? Program need root privileges to function correctly. Normal user shouldn't be able to shutdown this process. ...

How to selectively run programs like MySQL, Java EE SDK when I turn on Eclipse and NOT on startup?

Since I do some RAM/Memory sensitive Tasks on my computer, I was wondering weather I can run MySQL and Java EE SDK processes ONLY when I'm turning on eclipse.exe? BTW, I'm running Windows XP ...

How do I set the default selection for NSTreeController at startup?

The Background I've built a source list (similar to iTunes et al.) in my Cocoa app. I've got an NSOutlineView, with Value column bound to key path of an NSTreeController. The NSTreeController accesses JGSourceListNode entities in a Core Data store. I have three subclasses of JGSourceListNode - JGProjectNode, JGGro...

Problems with WCF endpoints hosted from Windows Service

I have a managed Windows Service that hosts a couple of WCF endpoints. The service is set to start automatically when the PC is restarted. On reboot I find that this line of code: ServiceHost wcfHost1 = new ServiceHost(typeof(WCFHost1)); in the OnStart() method of the service takes somewhere between 15 - 20 seconds to execute. Actu...

How to load a configuration file at startup within tomcat

I want to be able to load my configuration for the webapp at startup of tomcat (apache commons configuration library) is this a possible way: public class MyAppCfg implements javax.servlet.ServletContextListener { private ServletContext context = null; @Override public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) { try{ ...

Windows: Does something temporarily grab the com ports on startup?

I have a WPF/C# app that is launched as part of the "Startup" group on a Windows Embedded Standard machine. One of the first things the app does (in its static App() method) is create a new SerialPort object for COM1. COM1 is a hardwired serial port, not a USB virtual port or anything like that. My problem is that every so often (maybe ...

Slow Startup for Java Web Start Application

I'm using the Netbeans IDE to develop a Java Web Start application that will launch from the web and then use the EclipseLink JPA to access a remote MySQL database. I'm using the Swing Application Framework to manage life cycle for my app. When I launch the application from Netbeans it takes about 7 second for my application to load, b...

Starting an app when iPhone turns on?

I don't care if its something Apple wont accept but, how would I get an iPhone app to start up when the iPhone turns on? ...

How do I make my program run with different privileges at Windows 7 startup?

Hi, I am trying to add my program run in Windows 7 startup, but it doesn't work. My program has an embedded UAC manifest. My current way is by adding a string value at HKCU..\Run. I found a manual solution for Vista from Cli...

Simple startup on boot of misc application (Java based) on Ubuntu Linux 8+ as a daemon

What is the easiest way to have an application launch at startup on Ubuntu server as daemon? This is a java application (java etc. How would I have it launch as a user and possibly have access to write to some log file where the user has permissions to write? And if I don't end up doing that, how would I launch the app...

Getting program to run at start up from c# code. Setting Registry Run to 'true' doesn't work as well.

I found this nice snippet of code online: rkApp = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true); Which runs great but alas on windows 7 and vista I suspect, it crashes cause it doesn't have permission to write there. So then I research (on stackoverflow of course) how to avoid this, quick...

A 110 kb .NET 4.0 app needs 10 seconds for a cold start, thats not acceptable !

Hello, I am using the .NET 4.0 client profile for my app and I run a dual core with 4 GB Ram and a fast hard disk. nothing big is done at the start just showing a generic List in a wpf listview. How can I make the cold start faster of my assembly ? I have done now again a cold start and run the windowsapplication.exe in my \obj\x86\D...

WPF app startup problems

My brain is all over the map trying to fully understand Unity right now. So I decided to just dive in and start adding it in a branch to see where it takes me. Surprisingly enough (or maybe not), I am stuck just getting my darn Application to load properly. It seems like the right way to do this is to override OnStartup in App.cs. I'...