
Programmatically change the startup form on application launch?

Can I programmatically change the startup form on application launch in VB.Net? ...

Program needing elevation in Startup registry key (windows 7)

Hi all, I have a program that I'd to run when the computer starts. I've put its path inside "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run". This is in Windows 7. When the computer starts nothing happens. I'm thinking this is because the program needs elevation when I run it. But Windows does not ask for permission to elevate and gives ...

List of web apps and services utilized by startups

Startups often prefer to leverage 3rd party web services for features that are not central to the service they are providing. I would like to assemble a categorized list of these services and am hoping the SO community can help. For instance: Get Satisfaction User Voice MailChimp Campaign Monitor GitHub Codaset It would be nice to c...

How to start a service after installing it?

Possible Duplicate: Automatically start a Windows Service on install I have a Windows service that I've flagged for automatic start-up in its installer. I use a Setup Project to install the service, which works fine, but I can't figure out how to get it to automatically start the service. Is there a way I can tell either the ...

Alfresco Community on Tomcat starts very slow

Hi, We're currently testing out Alfresco Community on an old server (only 1GB of RAM). Because this is the Community version we need to restart it every time we change the configuration (we're trying to add some features like generating previews of DWG files etc). However, restarting takes a very long time (about 4 minutes I think). Thi...

Good resource or Book for Internet Start-Ups (Updated)

Which will cover issues like, things I will need to know in advance, technical difficulties, how to scale/deal with increased load, marketing strategies even?! etc etc. I love Getting Real by 37signals, your favorites? EDIT: Question moved here ...

Start glassfish at boot in windows

This must be a dumb question, but I don't see any obvious references. How can I get glassfish to start at boot on a windows box? ...

2 Rails Apps, 1 Database (using Heroku)

I've made 2 apps, App A and App B. App A's sole purpose is to allow users to sign up and App B's purpose is to take select users from App A email them. Since App A & B were created independently & are hosted in 2 separate Heroku instances, how can App B access the users database in App A? Is there a way to push certain relevant rows from...

How to roll the log file on startup in logback

Hi all, I would like to configure logback to do the following. Log to a file Roll the file when it reaches 50MB Only keep 7 days worth of logs On startup always generate a new file (do a roll) I have it all working except for the last item, startup roll. Does anyone know how to achieve that? Here's the config... <appender name=...

How do they make programs that run on startup

Programs like page defrag by sysinternals or the chkdsk utility that run on startup. Please enlighten me. What kind of programming language do they use for these kinds of operations. ...

How does one change the background color for a loading out-of-browser Silverlight 3 application?

When running our Silverlight 3 application out-of-browser, startup takes a little time, but it's long enough to be noticeable. During this startup, the background of the window hosting the application displays an ugly white background color. When running in-browser, we have a splash screen, but that's loaded via JavaScript of course. ...

BlackBerry - call time tracking application

hallo, I have a common question, I hope it is ok to ask it here. I have a project, where I should develop a small appliation for BlackBerry. I know Java ME is the platform to do that (Browser and Widget are other opstion). What I need to do is a samll application which pops-up after every call and asks the user if he wants to save(ass...

Will Windows wait for my service on startup?

I've written a service that is to be started automatically. It does some initialization stuff in its OnStart method, including setting up SENS watchers for who logs in. Will Windows wait until my OnStart method is complete before it allows uers to log in, or is it possible that such a login could happen before my watchers are set up, if...

iphone threading speed up startup of app

I have an app that must get data from the Sqlite database in order to display the first element to the User. I have created a domain object which wraps the DB access and is a thread safe singleton. Is this following strategy optimal to ensure the fastest load given the iPhone's file access and memory management capabilities in threaded...

DIfferentiate Between Windows Service Startup as part of System reboot and Service stop/start using sc tool

Hi, How do I differentiate in my C++ code between a service coming up as a part of system reboot and service coming up since the user stopped and started the service manually in service manager or using sc tool???? ...

add a start up item via command line (mac)

How can I add a start up item via command line on a mac? From googling, I know you have to edit ~/Library/Preferences/ using defaults write [key] [value] but i'm not sure exactly which things to edit. ...

Registry key editing vb6 startup

Is it possible that someone here could explain how to use this code. Please keep in mind i am a complete amateur, so simplifications may be needed. Private Const cPGM = "C:\VB Forum\startup\Example.exe" Dim oShell As IWshShell_Class Set oShell = New IWshShell_Class oShell.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\My...

Populate javascript template at startup global.asax

Hello, everybody I use mvc & going to build javascript files at application startup depending on site configuration. I am going to have some javascript file templates that will be populated with appropriate constants and put into /scripts folder. Please, suggest me the best way to do that. I want to have something like: appl...

SQL Server switch to MySQL/PostgreSQL for startup?

I just checked out the licensing for SQL Server and well...i can't afford it since im funding this project myself. I have been tinkering with MySQL and PostgreSQL a bit the past few weeks and at this point I can't really decide which to go with. MySQL has a large user base and lots of people using it so finding out how to do various item...

Seeing what files are run at startup (linux)

How do a check what startup scripts are run after I ssh into a machine? ...