
xcode - iPad App. Status bar overlaps toolBar.

I have an app fully finished. It is very simple. Uses a toolBar up top with a few buttons. Under this is a WebView. The WebView only opens one URL and there is no way to get away from this site. Thats the point of it. Now the issue. The status bar overlaps the toolBar. My temp solve is to hide the status bar, but I really need it...

How to display a status message in the Gnome panel?

I have a Gnome applet I've been working on. It is written in Python and it displays the progress of something in a small label. My question is: what is the best way to display status notifications to the user? On Ubuntu, I notice that whenever I connect to a network or adjust the volume, a black box appears in the upper-right corner. Is...

How can I get 'git status' to always use short format?

I'd like git status to always use the short format: $ git status --short M src/meck.erl M test/meck_tests.erl ?? erl_crash.dump ?? meck_test_module.coverdata There does not seem to exist a configuration option for this, and git config --global alias.status "status --short" does not work. I haven't managed to create and alias in zsh ...

Twitter like status message using jquery...

I am using this jquery javascript function to show status message, function topBar(message) { $("<div />", { 'class': 'topbar', text: message }).hide().prependTo("body") .slideDown('fast').delay(4000).slideUp(function() { $(this).remove(); }); } and my css: .topbar { background: #476275; border-bottom: solid 2px #EE...

any idea how gnash is doing?

For those who don't know GNASH is an open source flash movie player. It can also run as a browser plugin. However I don't know its cross-browser support. I think it only supports firefox and the konqurer web browsers so far. Just want to know if people have started using the product, what their experience was so far using it, etc. ...

Dynamic Linq : is it stable ?

Dynamic Linq is provided as a sample for VS2008, not as a "real" project (no official site, no support, no issue tracking, no new releases...). So I was wondering, how reliable is it ? Is it suitable for production use ? ...

"untrusted server certificate" on iPhone

Hello, I am writing an iPhone application and I would like to connect to a 'HTTPS' server to get some information. However, I get the error in the console which is NSUnderlyingError = Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1202 UserInfo=0x3e95cf0 "The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that...

using --quiet argument in ant svntask

Is there a way to run an svn status command from ant without seeing the whole output? I'm currently using the following: <svn><status path="." revisionProperty="build.number" /></svn> Bottom line, i'm trying to quietly get the svn revision number and for some reason I can't use the "info" tag (I get "svn doesn't support nested info el...

How do i have Apache to do further handling of the error status set within the PHP script?

Hello! My environment is: shared hosting with PHP 5.2 installed as apache2handler I have ErrorDocuments configured: ErrorDocument 404 "Simply Not Found" # OR ErrorDocument 404 /errors/fancy-not-found.php # both variants works as expected However, most simple example from PHP manual doesnt want to cooperate with Apache2 and perform ...

how to check up/down status of oracle reports server?

To check the status of database servers, I use tnsping utility. Is there any similar utility for checking reports server? Thanks. ...

IPhone - View hides behind the status bar

Hi I am trying to add a subview to my iphone window and i have written the following code for that. Problem is that when the splash view or main menu view appears on the screen, it goes behind status bar. I mean the view starts from behind the status bar. Also both view overlap when the main menu view is show after the splash view. Can a...

How to get HTTP status from JavaScript

How to get HTTP status code of another site with JavaScript? ...

IBM JMS connection

Hi guys, I'm currently working in C# and I need to check the state of the JMS connection that i made (whether it's connected / disconnected). I'm sure that I can connect and disconnect succesfully..its just that i need to display the status of the connection in my UI. Is there any properties of the JMS connection that states connection ...

Is there an alternative method to check the network availability in iphone instead of service reachability?

I'm creating a simple iphone application and there I need to check the internet availability. To check this most the forums recommended to use the reachability class. Based on that I have implemented the following code. struct sockaddr_in zeroAddress; bzero(&zeroAddress, sizeof(zeroAddress)); zeroAddress.sin_len = sizeof(zeroAddress...

a4j:commandLink working intermittently

Hi Everyone, In the code below, a4j:commandLink (with id id="account-link") does not work for me all the time. Fail Scenario (happens 1 out of approx 10 clicks) : Its clicked, the a4j:status tag (we show a moving wait bar) is invoked but the backing bean is not called. Below is the entire code. The backing bean is conversation scope....

How to retrieve the status of Foreign Key constraint?

I have the SQL query for getting all the constraint names, but not sure how to get its status like whether it is enabled/disabled? SELECT OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID) AS NameofConstraint, SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS SchemaName, OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id) AS TableName, type_desc AS ConstraintType,* FROM sys.objects Any help? ...

Open source APIs to determine websites status and different information

hi, are there any Open source API to help building a tool that can detect websites status. something like this service watchmouse watchmouse 2 thanks ...

Check serverlist offline / online PHP

Hello, i try to make a script to check if my server are online or offline: <? $server = ""; $check = @fsockopen($server, 22); if ($check) { @fclose($check); echo "online"; exit; }else{ echo "offline"; } ?> so this script works, but how can i make the script that i can ...

how to programmatically change status of various IM clients (gtalk,msn-im,yhaoo-im etc) ?

I am making a desktop music app. I want to make an option for user where he can choose to change the status of the currently running IM client something like "listening bla bla ". I can make it limited to popular clients only. But i have not idea how can i do it. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks Edit: Making it in Adobe-Air html...

Changing status with restrictions

I'm working on a status changing implementation for records. For example, when a record is created, it commences in a 'pending' state until a administrator changes its state to either 'active', 'rejected' or 'revoked'. The thing is, if a status has been changed from pending to active, the status cannot be changed back to pending or reje...