
How do I update the status bar from multiple viewmodels?

I have MainWindow with a statusbar and multiple user controls in it. Each user control has a viewmodel. How do I bind/update the statusbar text from multiple viewmodels? ...

Can i put an icon in the status bar when my application is running? ( PERMANENTLY, also in background mode)

Hi, i want to put just an ICON when my application is running, also in background (home key pressed or something like that) i mean that it's just an icon showing that my application is ON, and it have to be there allways also when my application it's in background mode i can't find any information about how to do this can someone give...

where to get all possible tags/values for "svn status --xml" ?

"svn status --xml" prints all files status and it's more much useful than parsing "svn status" output. Is there a list of all possible tags/sections in XML file and their values? I can read SVN sources but its time consuming and a dirty method :). Thank you! ADD: is it possible to find clean map from "svn status --xml" values to "svn ...

Wordpress create a new post status?

In Wordpress you get the default post statuses: Published, Draft and Pending Review. Is it possible to add some more post types via registering them via the function.php file of the active theme? Also is it possible to edit the lables of the Publish Meta Box? What I'm submitting really isnt Publishing... Also like to add I only want th...

What does process exit status 3 mean?

I've seen the usage of exit status 3 in several python scripts that restart processes. As far as I know the convention is only about 0 and "not 0" on Unix/Linux. Is there a convention defining other values like 3. ...

Use this progressbar for file download in Python

I found some code for a Tkinter status bar. I love this code and want to use it to display the progress of a file download. How would I add this functionality? Here Is The Code: import Tkinter class Meter(Tkinter.Frame): def __init__(self, master, width=300, height=20, bg='white', fillcolor='orchid1',\ value=0.0...

Method return status: bool, string, const... (PHP)

Hi all! This question: is similar to mine, however I would do it in PHP, not Java (which could make a slight difference here). The problem: There's a method that can have either a successful outcome (this may change to be more su...

Script to check for VGA/HDMI cable and channel status.

Hi there, i have to customize a debian based distro to run on some pc, showing some advertising on screen (with firefox in fullscreen mode). I'd like to write a software (script or compiled) that checks every X seconds the status of the VGA/HDMI cable and upon disconnection send an email to the administrator. It would be nice to check i...

How to get download progress info from I.D.Manager to python?

hi fellows, im working a project lately to get download progress info remotely when im away. i googled a bit but i couldnt find any useful info. on this issue im using Internet Download Manager. please help :/ i appreciate any suggestions im thinking about making software with python but Also C is Ok. if there is a solution ...

How to know that my application is running in Background or Foreground?

I am making Windows Mobile 6.5 Application using C sharp. In the application, I am opening the default browser in a case. When I open the browser, the application is still runing in background. But I wish that the application is not runing and when the user returns to the application, the application is runing again. So, I should know...

Critique for an approach to send status messages to the UI?

Hello. We are writing an application hosted in Excel 2002 (groan). One requirement is that, during certain operations, we submit progress messages to the user from the business layer. However, these messages can be displayed at multiple sites, one being the Excel status bar, and another being a label on a form, and possibly others in ...