
iPhone background task stops running at some point

Hi, In my iPhone app I have a background task that starts running when the app enters the background state. The task runs fine and is structured in a loop like this: run. sleep for 5 min. run. sleep for 5 min. etc. For some reason, the task stops running after a certain amount of time... say half an hour to an hour. Can anyone help ...

stop loading action for button in web view is not working

when i tap a button in web view which is connected to action-"stop loading" of that web view is not working.. its not stops loading even after i press a stop button which is inteded for stop loading content .... ...

What's the best way to signal threads that sleep or block to stop?

I've got a service that I need to shut down and update. I'm having difficulties with this in two different cases: I have some threads that sleep for large amounts of time. Obviously I can't wait for them to wake up to finish shutting down the service. I had a thought to use an AutoResetEvent that gets set by some controller thread when...

How do I stop a video at a specific time using Blend/WPF in C#?

How do I stop a video at a specific time using Blend/WPF in C#? Example: When I clicked on a "TreeViewItem" called "MONDAY", the video will start to play. But up to 10sec of that video, I want it to stop. As after 10sec, that video will be showing video of another "TreeViewItem" called "TUESDAY". And when the video is stop, the "Slide...

how to use subporcess inovke /etc/init.d/tomcat6/ stop in python

i want to invoke /etc/init.d/tomcat6 in subporcess i have tried bellow code,but it didn't work cmd="/etc/init.d/tomcat6/ stop" p=subprocess.Popen(cmd) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() print stdout,stderr anyone could help me,thanks ...

[C#] How to write this statement into coding?

Possible Duplicate: [C#] How to write this statement into coding? [C#] How to write this statement into coding? I declare: MediaElement as "Video" Slider as "VideoTime" if (The video has played until 4 sec out of 10sec of that video) { *video will be stopped } Thanks ...

Stopping SQL code execution

We have a huge Oracle database and I frequently fetch data using SQL Navigator (v5.5). From time to time, I need to stop code execution by clicking on the Stop button because I realize that there are missing parts in my code. The problem is, after clicking on the Stop button, it takes a very long time to complete the stopping process (so...

Stop when get input in Python

How can I run a loop in Python and code it to stop when the user press a button (not ctr+c)? ...

How to stop an app from being launched in BREW MP

Hi, I am new to BREW MP platform so i don't know that much as u guys know about it. I need your suggestion in figuring out an issue. I want to make an app which always run in a background (I have found that it is possible in BREW). I want my app to stop particular app from being launched, i.e when user try to start a new application on...

How to stop slideDown() and slideUp() if user hovers out?

Please, I'm having this code: $('#menu ul > li:not(#menu ul.first li, #menu ul.second li)').mouseenter(function() { $(this).find('a').addClass('active'); $(this).stop(true).find('div.sub').slideDown(500); }).mouseleave(function() { $(this).find('').removeClass('active'); $(this).stop(true).find('div.sub:visible').slideU...

Javascript stop drag event for panorama photos

I've built a simple panorama photo viewer in jquery, see live example here: How can I prevent this from being dragged too far? These photos vary in width, so the solution needs to be dynamic. ...

Calling "start" to start program and "stop" to close current instance in C

I wrote a simple server in C and would like to have the same functionality calling it as other C daemons (such as calling it with ./ftpd start and closing that instance with ./ftpd stop). Obviously the problem I'm having is that I do not know how to grab the current instance of the running program. I can parse the options just fine (usin...

How to terminate code that takes long in

How to terminate function/code (not entire page) when it takes some time, for example, more than 1 sec? If Code > 1 Sec Then Terminate the code.... I found the command "Server.ScriptTimeou", but it stops the entire page instead of one command. ...

Code termination in .NET/VB

Possible Duplicate: How to terminate code that takes long in how to terminate function/code (not entire page) when it takes some time, for example, more than 1 sec? If Code > 1 Sec Then Terminate the code.... I found the command "Server.ScriptTimeou", but it stops the entire page instead of one command. ...

How to stop immediately the task scheduled in Java.util.Timer class.

I tried everything. This one too I have one task that implements java.util.TimerTask I call that task in 2 ways: I schedule Timer like this: timer.schedule(timerTask, 60 * 1000); sometimes I need that work to start i...