
Start And Stop Windows Service remotely using PSEXEC

How to start and and stop a windows service remotely using PSEXEC Preferable the syntax to write I tried the cmdlet given below psexec \Server -u Administrator -p Somepassword ServiceName Please can any body help me in this Thank You in advance ...

Cannot Start /Stop windows service using C# code with PsExec?

Process process = new Process(); ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(@"C:/PsExec.exe"); psi.UseShellExecute = false; psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true; psi.RedirectStandardError = true; psi.RedirectStandardInput = true; psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized; psi.CreateNoWindow = true; psi.Arguments = "PsExec \\\\Newton ...

as3 2D hitTestObject make something stop how to!

I want To make a square that has keyboard movement(up, down, left, right) and will stop when it hits another object such as a wall. please help me achieve this goal! it will help a lot! thanks :) EDIT: I already have a square and a keyboard layout but if that needs to be something specific then please tell me! ...

How to call jquery ajaxStart + ajaxComplete

Hey guys, I have a load function and would like for the code to write some html into a div while it loads, and when it completes, to display the page. I saw some little writeups on the ajaxStart and ajaxComplete events, however I am not sure how to implement them. Here is the jquery I am thinking of using, however not sure how to imp...

How to stop threads of a Java program?

I have made a java program with GUI and have placed a "stop" button on it. When I start the program, the main thread starts 10 threads. Now I want that whenever a user click on "stop" button, all the threads should terminate first, then the main thread should terminate. How can I do that. ...

Tokenizer, Stop Word Removal, Stemming in Java

Hi there I am looking for a class or method that takes a long string of many 100s of words and tokenizes, removes the stop words and stems for use in an IR system. For example: "The big fat cat, said 'your funniest guy i know' to the kangaroo..." the tokenizer would remove the punctuation and return an arrayList of words the stop wo...

[C#] Stopping timer in its callback method

I have a System.Threading.Timer that calls its appropriate event handler (callback) every 10 ms. The method itself is not reentrant and can sometimes take way longer than 10 ms. Thus, I want to stop the timer during method execution. Code: private Timer _creatorTimer; // BackgroundWorker's work private void CreatorWork(object sender, ...

Jquery problem: trying to stop an animation after first click.

Jquery newbie here =) so I've got a code that slides the menu divs to the right, the problem is that I don't want the menu to keep doing the animation after the first click on any of those divs. I've tried return false but it didn't help. Here's the code: $(document).ready(function(){ $("#menu_home").click(function(){ $("#menu_ho...

Stopping a NSTimer

Okay, so, this code is pretty basic. The user inputs an answer into a textbox, if it equals "first + second" they get a point. Then, they have 5 seconds to answer the next math problem. If they do, the function "doCalculation" is run again, and they get another point. IF they don't, then the function "onTimer" is run, and shit hits t...

How to start/stop a monitoring Delphi thread on demand?

I've been looking for a way to monitor for specific registry changes in Delphi. Found a solution at procedure TRegMonitorThread.Execute; begin InitThread; // method omitted here while not Terminated do begin if WaitForSingleObject(FEvent, INFINITE) = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then begin fChangeData.RootKey := RootKey;...

Stop all active ajax requests in jQuery

Hi. I have a problem, when submitting a form all active ajax request fail, and that triggers error event. How to stop all active ajax requests in jQuery without trigerring error event? ...

Early response termination when using an ASP.NET Master Page

I have a page which needs to terminate execution of it's code (which is run at render) but not stop the execution of the MasterPage. The problem is this, page 'Default.aspx' uses the masterpage 'MasterPage1.aspx'. The code in Default.aspx checks a certain condition and if found to be true, Default.aspx needs to stop executing, but rende...

PHP, Don't Echo Out cURL

When i use this code, $ch = curl_init($url); $statuses = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); I am returned what i want, but if i just use that - $statuses is echoed out onto the page, how can i stop this? ...

List of stop words for Ruby

I am writing a search engine using the Lucene Java framework. What I want to do is to create an index of Ruby source code files. For that I would like to have the option of using a stop word filter, i.e. I want the stop words of the ruby language be ignored when indexing the files. --> Does anyone know of a nice complete list of Ruby s...

I have a progressbar, but I want it to stop at 100% and reload the site to redirect users to the next step

Hey, okay as I said in the title I already got a working fake progressbar. <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> #progress-bar-wrapper { width: 500px; height: 2px; } #progress-bar { background-color: #a1cee8; width: 100%; height: 100...

jQuery / CSS NOT selector, and stop () question

Here is my site: Move your mouse over the menu on the right side. Notice how Car Service, Trailer Hauling, and Show & Display are fully enlarged by default. This is because they are higher selling products, and most people who view this site are looking for those. Currently there is an accordion menu setup...

mpmovieplayercontroller stop function, and then play with current time (iPhone)

Hi all, I have this situation: Play (streamed) video, stop by code the video, and then play again. The problem is that the video is begin from the start and not when i stopped it. What solution do you now of? tnx ...

How can multiple calculations be launched in parallel, while stopping them all when the first one returns? [Python]

How can multiple calculations be launched in parallel, while stopping them all when the first one returns? The application I have in mind is the following: there are multiple ways of calculating a certain value; each method takes a different amount of time depending on the function parameters; by launching calculations in parallel, the ...

Python equivalent of IDL's stop and .reset

Hi there, I'm relatively new to python but have a bit of experience using IDL. I was wondering if anyone knows if there are equivalent commands in python for IDL's stop and .reset commands. If I'm running some IDL script I wrote that I put a stop command in, essentially what it does is stop the script there and give me access to the com...

Stop a php function

Hello guys :) I got this code: It simply validates a date, but ends the script if a error occurs (exit ()). Now i gonna put this same code in a single function that returns false on error: I dont want to use "if/else". I want to return false on error and stop executi...