
What is difference between segment, Volume and Partition ?(In Storage Domain)

I have a basic question related to storage domain. Can any one answer what is difference between segment, Volume and Partition ? Thanks. ...

Do bit operations cause programs to run slower?

I'm dealing with a problem which needs to work with a lot of data. Currently its values are represented as an unsigned int. I know that real values do not exceed a limit of 1000. Questions I can use unsigned short to store it. An upside to this is that it'll use less storage space to store the value. Will performance suffer? If I dec...

Dealing with Android devices that don't need a SD card

It seems that some Android devices like the HTC Incredible and the Archos 5 IT don't need a SD card for storage. How should apps that read and write files to "external" storage (so far the SD card) deal with this in the most backward and forward compatible way possible? Edit: Getting more reports about devices that use onboard memory a...

Insert Registration Data in MySQL using PHP

I may not be asking this in the best way possible but i will try my hardest. Thank you ahead of time for your help: I am creating an enrollment website which allows an individual OR manager to enroll for medical testing services for professional athletes. I will NOT be using the site as a query DB which anybody can view information stor...

ODBC Storage Size

I'm pulling a lot of text from a MS SQL Server database. I'm not getting all the text (which includes some html. The text is stored perfectly on the database. However, when I run the query to get the data It will only pull part of the text. I pull the data using odbc_exec and store using $variable = odbc_result($runquery,"body"). if i ...

ANY way to consolidate this code?

I am building a PHP registration form which takes the following fields for up to 20 athletes: First Name Middle Initial Last Name Federation Number Address City State Zip DOB SSN Phone Email I am only through 7 of the fields for each fighter and my php file is very large (over 40kb). Is there ANY way to consolidate this code at...

Multiple storages using localStorage

Is it possible that the same name used can have many different values stored separately and to be shown in a list? E.g.: function save() { var inputfield = document.getElementById('field').innerHTML; localStorage['justified'] = inputfield; } <input type="text" id="field" onclick="save();" /> Every time someone enters somethi...

Structured Storage

Hi All, I have a file that is in structured storage format. I was wondering if this format be accessed concurrently by threads. Meaning have multiple threads read the different streams process it at once. The objective is to load the file faster. When i refer to a file i refer one that represents CAD information. Thank you. ...

what's the best storage for text

Hi, I have an application that just only use for show information and search data. and my datatype is text and has larg size. would you please tell me what's the best storage for it. also I don't want to use SQL database. thaks ...

Are there any portable Cloud APIs that allow you to easily change cloud hosts?

I am creating a web-based RESTful service and want to cloud-enable it for scalability. I don't want to get locked into one cloud provider though. I'd like to be able to switched between Go Grid or Amazon EC2, etc. as pricing and needs evolve. Is there a common API to control the launch, monitoring and shutdown of cloud resources? I'v...

How to config Remote BLOB Storage(RBS) with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 ?

Hi We have working site for Dynamic crm 4.0 and in it we are storing image into the database. Now database is growing very fast and server is dying.. now I want to enable the Remote BLOB Storage with Dynamic CRM 4.0. for that I tried to install RBS for testing but everywhere is configure with Sharepoint 2010 not with Dynamic Crm. Does...

Show a DB as a directory (Like Sharepoint Does)

Hi, My team and I are programming a sort of Document Manager and the idea is to store them completely on DB. Is there a protocol or Extensions that allows us to show a "Virtual Directory" or files that are really non existent (only in DB). How does Sharepoint do this? I understand that Sharepoint uses WebDav but it implies that the fi...

iPad App Cookies Storage?

Hi, I have an application that sends you to one website that shows a login form. I've read up on cookies from the apple reference ( I'm honestly ju...

Android get storage used by one application

Hi, i have an application which have a directory created in SDCard where i save photos. I would like to know how much space is using that dir on SDCard in order to show that info to the user. How can i do that? Thanks ...

How do I use Amazon's new RRS for S3?

Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) is a new service from Amazon that is a bit cheaper than S3 because there is less redundancy. However, I can not find any information on how to specify that my data should use RRS rather than standard S3. In fact, there doesn't seem to be any website interface for an S3 services. If I log into AWS, there ...

Does some Integer data types differnate with other Programming languages?

Do Integer data types allow spaces when it should be just numeric? Do other programming languages allow spaces in an Integer data type? For example, MySQL database storage does not allow spaces to be stored in an int data type. Do other languages allow it when storing in their own int type? ...

What are the best ways to store Graphs in persistent storage

I am wondering what the best ways to store graphs in persistent storage are, for later analysis, search, clustering, etc. I see neo4j being an option, I am curious if there are also other graph databases available. Does anyone have any insights into how larger social networks store their graph based data (or other sites that require the...

best practices question: How to save a collection of images and a java object in a single file? File is read to be rendered

Hi all, I am making a java program that has a collection of flash-card like objects. I store the objects in a jtree composed of defaultmutabletreenodes. Each node has a user object attached to it with has a few string/native data type parameters. However, i also want each of these objects to have an image (typical formats, jpg, png etc)...

don't wanna lose data on Android after uninstalling

Hi, Now I make a trial application. I'd like to store IMEI and other info in Android permanently. And I don't want to lose them after uninstalling it. I tested with shared preference but it deletes after un-installation. SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences(PREFS_NAME, 0); SharedPreferences.Editor editor =...

Appropriate data field type for true/false value?

Hi everybody, What's the most appropriate (read least data consuming) data field to store a true/false/1/0 value in a mySQL database? I have previously used a one character long tinyint, but I am not sure if it's the best solution? Thanks! ...