
Live Audio Streaming to a browser methods, must be very simple.

I'm recording a mono audio stream using a PIC at 8-bit 8Khz and streaming it raw to another microprocessor that houses a web server. I'm currently buffering the data and turning it into a wav file that gets played in the browser. What I'd like to be able to do is continuously stream the audio as it's being recorded without putting a lo...

HTTP-Live-Streaming - Loading Issue?

I'm (trying) to use HTTP-Live-Streaming in my app and after weeks of re-encoding it seems to work now without errors by the mediastream validator. On my latest iPod Touch (iOS 4.0) with WiFi the videostream loads in 1sec and switches to the highest bandwidth stream. On another test device iPhone 3G (iOS 3.0) with WiFi it takes up to 30...

Streaming a file from SharpSSH

I'm trying to use SharpSSH to get a file from a remote SFTP server, and I want to read it out as a stream. I found: class Sftp, which has a Get method that saves it to a local file -- close class SshStream, which might do kind of what I want, but seems disjoint from Sftp so I might have to implement the SFTP part myself (??) class Cha...

How to embed mjpeg file on a webpage

Hi Friends, I got the requirement to display output from an IP camera to the webpage so end users can use this page to view live from this camera. It has an interface which provides .mjpeg output for captured video, I need to embed this on my webpage. It should work on Firefox, Safari and IE at-least. Thanks in advance Thanks, Vipul...

Loop streaming .ogg audio - OpenAL

Dear all, I have problem looping a streamed ogg vorbis file. This is the code : fslStream_OGG::fslStream_OGG() { className = "fslSound"; iMemSize = 0; iLength = 0; bSourceRelative = false; bIsLooping = false; bForceStop = false; bActive = false; source = buffer = 0; current_gain = 1.0f; outer_gain = 0; snd_info.uiChannels =...

FlowPlayer onError - updating clip URL

I am looking to change the URL of a clip when the stream is not found. I am properly configuring the onError event, as I can debug the specific line or add an alert, but what I am having trouble with is the following: onError : function(errorCode, errorMessage) { this.getClip(0).update( { url : '

Is Java needed to use Red5

I'm working on a Flash project and someone recommended Red5 as a media streaming server. Do I need to know java to use build applications that use Red5 as their server? ...

Is Red5 production-ready?

I'm considering using Red5 instead of wowza and Flash Media Interactive Server. But it looks like a new project and it hasn't even reached full v1, so I'm worried about using it in a production environment. Has anyone used it in a real production environment and would like to share the experience and document it with others? ...

Hadoop Streaming Multiline Input

I'm using Dumbo for some Hadoop Streaming jobs. I have a bunch of JSON dictionaries each containing an article (multiline text) and some meta data. I know Hadoop performs best when give large files, so I want to concat all the JSON dictionaries into a single file. The problem is that I don't know how to make Hadoop read each dictionar...

record live streaming audio

Hi guys I'm actually making an app which has to play and record streaming audio from internet on ipad. The streaming of the audio is done, I will have to come to the recording part very soon and I don't have any idea on how to proceed. Could you give me a hint??? Idea? It will have to play while simultaneously recording into AAC or MP3...

Nodejs streaming

Hello. I want to realize a simple client-server connection using Nodejs. But I've encountered with the following problem. Consider the code server.js: var net = require('net'), sys = require('sys'); net.createServer(onConnection).listen(8124); function onConnection(socket) { socket.setNoDelay(true);

HTML5 and a sample RTP Stream?

Hi, I'm making a website in html5 that needs to play an rtp stream, but When I run it, I dont get anything, and I'm not sure if its my browser (safari 5), my rtp server, or the html code that is the problem. :P does anyone know of a sample rtp stream I could use to test the HTML and my browser? Thanks Beforehand! Cheers, Lukas ...

How can I check a video stream in Safari using Applescript?

I've written an Applescript to play a selection of streaming video programmes available on the BBC iPlayer and, though it works OK, my network connection is prone to interruptions which eventually trip up the Flash script that does the clever stuff within Safari. So, I'd like to to add the facility to check the network activity at inter...

Including jars in hadoop streaming using groovy

I love hadoop streaming for it's ability to quickly pump out quick and dirty one off map reduce jobs. I also love groovy for making all my carefully coded java accessible to a scripting language. Now I'd like to put the 2 together. I'd like to take a jar with some of my java classes, and utilize these in groovy-based mappers and reducers...

Mixing multiple live MMS streams (mms://server) using expression encoder SDK

Expression encoder SDK can accept sources from a LiveDeviceSource or from a LiveFileSource, but both can't support mms streams. The question is, is there a way to include a live mms stream in an encoding LiveJob? And then, possibily a way to mix them and stream it? ...

Streaming to a buffer and then using data

I am using sockets to send a music file from one instance to another. It currently saves the file, but I do not want to be caught up in file-sharing, so I want to "save" it to a buffer, and when it gets to a particular percentage transferred, I want another thread to play the music file, deleting it from the buffer as it plays. ...

How to write a playlist from an IceCast stream in C#

Hi, i want to monitor an icecast stream and write all file information (the actually played mp3) i can get to a local playlist for later processing. Any ideas how to do that? ...

DirectShow, c# and video from a stream

Is looking for a way of rendering a byte stream using DirectShow. IGraphBuilder.RenderFile already does the heavy lifing when the stream is in a file on disk, but I can't seem to find a good example of how to provide the data myself using a stream into the filter graph. I'm a total newbie to DirectShow, so from my point I have a stream t...

How do you implement seeking using the AudioStreamer sample application as a base?

I need to play some audio streaming contents on iPhone, but there are some options and problems I can't solve: 1. It is a library provided by Matt Gallagher, but I saw the Limited scope, and I would play a single song, not a radio station. 2. Suggestion from z...

Issue Building Flash Video Player (AS3) with Amazon Cloudfront to Stream MP4

So I have a working Flash player using Cloudfront, AS3, NetConnection & NetStream. Works with a FLV, but I need it to work with MP4s. It connects to the stream, and outputs the following: NetConnection.Connect.Success NetStream.Play.Reset NetStream.Play.Start NetStream.Buffer.Full My presumption is that it is working when looking at t...