
Capture videostream with C#

Hello! I need to capture and save videostream using C#. I receive the videostream from a "Makito" server of "HaiVision", listening to a UDP port of my machine. I don´t need to specify the IP of the videostream server. The videostream that i receive can be encoded in "Transport Stream over UDP", "Transport Stream over RTP", "Direct RTP"...

MPMoviePlayerController autoplays when streaming - how do I stop it?

I'm streaming a movie on the iPad. If I just load a mp4 file, the player doesn't autostart - but with the example m3u8, it insists on autostarting. Has anyone encountered this? Am I doing something wrong? - (id)initWithVideo:(VideoDO*)video frame:(CGRect)rect { NSURL* videoURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"

Live video streaming like

I have a customer that is currently using as his live video streaming service. Basically he has a site for local sports where they stream the games. The problem is, ustream does not keep a copy of the videos for archiving for watching later. Basically I'm looking for a php/mysql compatible solution for having him handle the ...

Production live streaming with Red5 - oflaDemo required?

I've just finished putting together a basic flash video chat client that publishes the camera to a stream and receives a similar stream from another client. (Something in the spirit of this blog post.) The streams are being pub/sub'd to the "oflaDemo" that ships with Red5. This seems to work fine for my prototype, but I'm concerned ab...

Android MediaPlayer - How to get Correct Duration from Streamed File

When I stream music using the MediaPlayer, it gives me the wrong song duration. Has anyone else encountered this? Work around tips appreciated. ...

iphone embedded internet radio streaming?

I need to build an iPhone app with the ability to stream internet radio. Can someone please tell me what formats I need to cover or possibly direct me to an open source project to help me do this? I know that quick time player on iphone supports a number of formats, but I need to wite my own embedded player inside the app, so that the...

Stream AAC on Android

Hi all, I'm working on an app for a client that requires streaming of an AAC audio stream. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about the stream format on the server. I'm working on Android and have discovered that Android's media player does not support raw AAC streams (which is what I'm getting). I found a project on Google Code...

C# FMOD Playing stream in realtime

Hi, i am trying to play a stream in real time ( I keep appedning data to it as it comes in from a nexternal source) but no matter what FMOD doesn't want to carry on playing after the first chunk that got loaded, it seems as it is copying the memory stream/decoding it before playing, then as it is playing it doesn't use my stream anymore....

how to stream data in unix

How to stream data to a remote server in unix? I do not want to do ssh. Currently what I am doing on local machine is: cat local_file | ssh root@remote_machine "cat >> remote_file" But this file is large and I want a lighter way than ssh. I do not care about security or ack. ...

WCF REST Streaming Keep Alive Connection

I want to create something similar to the Twitter streaming API using WCF. We need to stream data to clients as quickly as possible (1/4 second). Our clients are diverse (JAVA, C++, etc. etc. etc.) and we're a .NET shop. Does anyone know if WCF can do this? ...

Open MediaElement in FullScreen

There is a MediaElement in my silverLight4 Application that plays videos. There are also other controls in the form (listbox, buttons etc...). When vieweing a Video, i want the option to switch to Fullscreen, but only the video and not all the form (something like youtube), is there a way to switch just the 'MediaElement' control to full...

Zend_Http_Client - Read from Stream?

I want to access the new Twitter Stream API using Zend_Http_Client. The problem is, that the HTTP request to that web page ( is never finished but keeps loading. So even when I set Zend_Http_Client to setStream(), I can't get the information it sends out. This is what my logic currently ...

Can I use CORBA/RMI to make live audio streaming?

I need to communicate between server/client. I saw that CORBA is used for different languages to work like RMI, is it? In my application I will have to transfer objects between client/server, transfer binary files (which I saw that I can do with RMI) and also play live streaming from one client to another. I was thinking about CORBA beca...

Android media player needs too much data before it starts playing. Solution?

Hi So I've been doing some experiments on Android and I noticed that the Android player needs around 32 seconds worth of music before it starts playing it (or entering the prepared phase). That's in the case of music streaming, I have a server on my workstation and I'm pointing the android player to it. It sounds like a lot, is it possi...

Streaming h264 encoded frame over vlc

Hello , I have integrated a TI lib for .h264 encoding on davinci board with processor dm6446 I could verify the encoded bit stream when saved on hdd and using Elecard stream analyser. But i could not stream it over rtsp and view in vlc player. the vlc player would switch to tcp /ip and then stop showing message as nothing to play. On fu...

Streaming Shoutcast station in iPad

Hi, I am developing an iPad application for live streaming from Shoutcast radio stations. I could get the playlist URL as mentioned in the API documentation: I parsed and obtained the URL of the form "http://xxx.yyy.zz.ww:nnnn" which could be played using iPhoneStreamingPlayer sample code. S...

Ruby on Rails 3: Streaming data through Rails to client

Hi, I am working on a Ruby on Rails app that communicates with RackSpace cloudfiles (similar to Amazon S3 but lacking some features). Due to the lack of the availability of per-object access permissions and query string authentication, downloads to users have to be mediated through an application. In Rails 2.3, it looks like you can ...

How to stream media playing in songbird?

Songbird is an open source media player with lot of plugins. I want to broadcast media playing on my songbird over a network. Kindly, do not suggest me using another player. ...

How to publish an audio stream from a client with FluorineFx?

I can't figure out how to publish an audio stream from a client to the server using FluorineFx on the client. We want to stream recorded audio data from the client to the stream via the already established NetConnection. There is a NetStream class in FluorineFx but it has no publish method. The NetStream class in FluorineFx only has the ...

Android mediaplayer error playing mp3 stream after a long pause

Devices: Android 1.5 on HTC Hero, and emulator 1.5 I am using Mediaplayer to play a stream...this works fine however when it is paused for a while and then resumes it periodically has an error. Searching for the error codes on the internet yield very few results. 08-22 12:18:47.461: ERROR/MediaPlayer(4406): error (1, -18) 08-22 12:18...