
Multiple form buttons work in Firefox (3.x) but not in IE (8) using Asp.Net MVC2

Hi Guys, I'm having a problem with mutliple form buttons. I've got a DB table which lists all of my categories, these are placed into a form in the form of image-buttons. They all have the same name and their value is the ID from the Category's table. So I've got a form with a number of buttons; <input type="image" value="<%= Html.Enco...

Uploading IPhone App For Review

Hi All, Im just at the step of using the application loader to upload my iphone app to the app store. My question is (and im sure its a dumb question, and im sorry for that) when i get to the step of the application loader where it is asking to choose a file to upload, WHAT FILE DO I NEED TO SELECT? Thanks in advance ...

Jquery Form Submit

Hi all, I am working with jQuery and after looking over other questions, I cannot seem to find an answer to the problem I have. I am trying to validate a form and submit it in one action. It work's fine it I use a submit button, but it I try and call the trigger from another function it fails. jQuery code: $(document).ready(function()...

How do I submit forms with the Enter key without a submit button.

I have jQuery go though all the submit buttons with the class button, and turn them each into an anchor element with the class button. $("input.button").each(function(i) { var anchorButton = $("<a class='"+this.className+"' href='#'>"+this.value+"</a>") { $(this).blur().prev(...

Enter does not submit form in IE because of hidden button

I have a form with two buttons. The first is hidden using Javascript. When I press enter in a textfield in IE, the form does not submit. I assume it is because it has chosen the first button as default submit button, but since that button is hidden it does not work. I have solved this by submitting the form on an enter keydown Javascri...

Form does not submit when running jQuery's submit() function

Hi, I have a form with the following HTML below: <form id="course_edit_form" name="course_form" action="/courses/save" method="post"> <fieldset> <div id="side-left"> <!-- Course Name --> <input type="hidden" id="course_id" name="course_id" value="${}" /> <div> <label for="n...

How to get attritubes of form input when generating a form dynamically and using .live()

I am dynamically creating forms from a JSON object that I fetch with a getJSON. If there is a better way of building forms in this manner, please let me know. I used this example to understand how to rebind submit button:** What I need...

Form submit button will not submit when name of button is "submit"

I am having trouble getting a form to submit when the name attribute of the submit button is precisely "submit". Here is the code: <input onclick="checkForm(document.form_29) && document.form_29.submit();" value="Submit" name="submit" type="button"> Note that we are not using a standard input type of "submit", but rather an input type...

Turning off multidimensional arrays via POST in PHP

Is there a way to turn off the PHP functionality for Submitting a multidimensional array via POST with php? So that submission of <input type="text" name="variable[0][1]" value="..." /> produces a $_POST like so... array ( ["variable[0][1]"] => "...", ) NOT like so: array ( ["variable"] => array( [0...

How to process XML returned after submitting a form?

I have just started a project that involves me sending data using POST in HTML forms to a another companies server. This returns XML. I need to process this XML to display certain information on a web page. I am using PHP and have no idea where to start with how to access the XML. Once I knwo how to get at it I know how to access it usi...

Drupal hook_form_alter Not redirecting

I am using hook form_alter and setting the $form['#redirect'] = 'dir1/dir2/mypage'. But the form refuses to go there. Form seems to work otherwise, but keeps sending back to the original form instead of the redirect. The form I am altering is from the root user module. mymodule_form_alter( ){ ... code... $form['account...

Is this a nice way to preserve a field value when an HTML form submitted?

Hello all, I have a form with two submit buttons. The user fills field-A and hits submit. Done that, some input fields will be filled with data. After that first submission, the value on the field-A should not disappear. How can we preserve this value after the first submission? Should we, on the field-A value attribute, place: va...

Using a hotkey to submit an HTML form?

Hi there, I have a very simple HTML form, only containing a submit button and a textarea. Is there an easy way to use a hotkey to submit this form, as an alternative to pressing the button? Thanks in advance :-) ...

Javascript Submit on click

I have the next code:; Where myForm - form name, mySubmit - submit name. I want to call submit of my form outside me form. My problem - my form doesn't have names(terrible?). How can I do this with help of id or classes? Or may be you know another way? Thank you. ...

How to submit a form in an ajax function?

Hi, normally my ajax functions look something like this: function ajaxCallback(url,functionToRun) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for new browsers myXMLlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6 and lower myXMLlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } myXMLlhttp.onreadystatechange=functionToRun; myXMLlht...

submit button behaviour in IE

Hi I have a problem in IE. Hitting enter when the focus is on the last input control sends the focus to the "Next" button. This submits the form. So far, so good. The code in my base class WizardController looks to see if the Next submit button is null, as follows: protected string NextButton { get ...

jQuery form submit

My goal is: When for is submitted: a validation on form is made : OK an ajax is called to see that username and password do match : OK if they don't match, display an error: OK if they match, then REALLY SUBMIT the form: NOT OK. Infact the trouble is, I cannot submit the form since there is a jquery submit event on it! function fo...

How to submit by just selecting an option from a dropdown with jquery? When you select a different week (uke) from a dropdown on the right or trainer from the left dropdown above the schedule, it submit automatically . You don't need to click Submit(Vis). How do you submit when you just select an option from a dropdown list? Can it be done with jquery? Thanks in ad...

How to simulate the action in a form when submit?

first: always is the same action. two: the form has multiple "CSS SUBMITS" like <form action="/myaction" method="POST"> <a id="foo1" name="foo1" href="#" role="form_button">submit1!</a> <a id="foo2" name="foo2" href="#" role="form_button">submit2!</a> <a id="foo3" name="foo3" href="#" role="form_button">submit3!</a> <input type="submit...

Enable disabled keypress?

I'm trying to prevent double submission using the enter key on my form, but I can't seem to re-enable the keypress after the data has been submitted. Here's a part of my code: $(".adauga-clasa").submit(function() { var adaugaClasa = $('input[type=text]', this); adaugaClasa.keypress(function(event) { if (event.keyCode == '13') { ret...