
Any way to override .blur() if .submit() is called upon in jQuery?

I'm writing up custom code for a CMS for a website. When a user clicks on the submit button (created with jQuery UI), it calls the click event on the button, which in turn calls a submit event, which submits the form. Said form also checks specific fields to see if they have text, and will show error messages and deactivate the submit b...

Form in Thickbox Refresh Parent On Submit

I have a form sitting in a Thickbox modal in a Symfony project. I am trying to make it so that when the user submits the form, the modal closes, form submits and the parent page refreshes to show the new data (saved to the db). I added to the function tb_remove() parent.location.reload(1); This looks like it refreshes the page, but i... mvc 2.0 Jquery form submit

I am using the following code in my MVC application to login a user. If I get back "1", I redirect user to the dashboard view else login is unsuccessful. $.post($("form").attr("action"), $("form").serialize(), function (data) { if (data == "1") ...

I can't get the onsubmit button to post the warning in the <p> at the bottom of the form.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <title>Form</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function isValidUsername() { var user_name = document.getElementById("user_name"); var pattern =/^[A-Za...

HTML Form - Firing the form submit using the enter key does not work when focus is on a select list

Hi, I'm stuck on the above problem. I have a simple form as follows, with a text input, a select list and a submit button. When focus is on the text input and I hit Enter, the form submits. If focus is on the select list the submit does not fire. I want the form to submit regardless of which field has focus. <html> <head runat="server"...

Form not submitted after a second call

I try to submit a form if a condition is not validated. $("#support_form").submit(function() { if($("#id_reward").attr('value')=="" && $('.reward_item.none.selected').length==0) { alert('problem'); return false; } else { alert('valid'); return true; } }); If my form is valid on the first call, my form is well sub...

How do I get rid of background on a input.submit?

Hello! I am currently trying to replace the input.submit button with an image. I have managed to do this successfully except there seems to be a background around the image which I want completely gone, and for it to just be the image. Here is my css: {width:70px; height:40px; background:transparent url(images/shadow_search.png) no-r...

Want html form submit to do nothing

I want an html form to do nothing after it has been submitted. action="" is no good because it causes the page to reload. Basically i want an ajax function to be called whenever a button is pressed or someone hits "enter" after typing it data. Yes i could drop the form tag and add just call the function from the button's onclic...

two submit button one direction

I have one <form id="inputdefect">,and one <input id="item">, but inside that I have two submit buttons: <button id="accept"> and <button id="reject"> They have same purpose, but different result in the DB. This is the result: item condition tape accept roll reject I w...

show dialog for option submit data.

dear all.. i have one submit form. i want if someone submit same data can show jquery dialog "This data already exists! Are you sure to input?" Then select OK or CANCEL. can you tell me the step that must i do?thanks. ...

jQuery iframe form submit

Hi All, is there any way to submit an iframed form from jquery? What i have is the following. $('button#bookingButton').click(function(){ $('<iframe id="externalSite" class="externalSite" src="/form/page" />').dialog({ title:'Form', autoOpen: true, width: 800, height: 600, ...

Submitting 'live' content IE7 Jquery

I have some content that is appended to a form when dropped using the 'droppable/draggable' jquery plugins. Once the content has been appended to the form. I have a button to submit the form. The form submits correctly in all browsers but in IE7. In IE7 it will not submit I'm guessing it does not see the appended 'live' content. Is th...

PHP saving variables

There is a $variable, its value is a big Array(). It is created inside the function one() { ... } on the first.php page. first.php has form with method="post", after submition page reloads on second.php Is there any way to get value of $variable inside function two() { ... } on the second.php? Seems I can post value of $variable wit...

iTunes Connect app description text won't accept line breaks, description squished.

What gives? I've tried multiple browsers, using safari on a mac.... the description text will NOT take any returns / line feeds, they just get stripped out. It doesn't matter if you cut/paste the description in the description form box, or write your own, everything gets stripped of line feeds and it ends up looking like a wall of text. ...

How to submit a form with AJAX/JSON ?

Currently my AJAX is working like this: index.php <a href='one.php' class='ajax'>One</a> <div id="workspace">workspace</div> one.php $arr = array ( "workspace" => "One" ); echo json_encode( $arr ); ajax.js jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('.ajax').live('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); ...

registration form helps to efficiently register people

hi guys, i want to make a registration form, here i want to user to add some inputs to it, when (s)he register a person, i want to submit it, register the person but i want only to give a alert saying registration successful, in the original registration form some fields are cleared and user can use it to register people again, cycle g...

How can I returns to a JSP with multiple forms with ActionErrors?

I have a JSP with multiple forms as the "edit" view of an object. Now I want to send one of the forms, but there is an error in the validate method, because one of the input fields was not filled. When the bean is validate and the error is found, Struts returns to the JSP which is defined as the INPUT for the bean in my struts-config.xm...

How can I do the equivalent of submitting a form twice with PHP?

I have a problem with a form. I need it to perform two actions with only one submit click. I've read that the best solution is a server-side script, but my knowledge of PHP is pretty limited, so I'd really appreciate any help. The two actions I need to perform are: Run a script that uploads a file and sends an email (action="uploader....

Preventing duplicate form submission while not breaking page when clicking Back button

I have a page with a form where I'm trying to prevent duplicate submission, which is fairly straightforward (in case anyone's curious, I used this $("form").submit(function() { setTimeout(function() { $("input").attr("disabled", "disabled"); }, 50); }); ...which I stole from this page, and it works fine. As expecte...

nothing happens when clicking on my submit button no _POST values

Hi. For some reason nothing happens when a user click on my submit button. The html look like this: <td colspan="3"> <div align="center"> <input name="Decline" id="Decline" value="Decline" type="submit"> | <input name="Accept" value="Accept" type="submit"> </div><input name="place"...