
How can I do a compare when the second is a sub select that returns multiple values?

Here's my SQL statement: SELECT DISTINCT a.* FROM OWU_Nomination as a, Merchants as b WHERE a.CallFlag = 'False' AND a.nominatedDate < DateAdd(hour, -24, getdate()) AND != (SELECT c.Email from Members as c where c.MemberID = b.MemberID) The problem here is that the sub select after != returns multi...

[PostgreSQL] Creating view from complicated select

Hi, I have quite complicated query from which I would like to create a view. The query looks like this: select s.avg as c3, fs.bayes, fs.sure, fs.visu, fs.fstd from ( SELECT AVG(q.c3), COUNT(q.c3), q.std FROM ( SELECT std, c3, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY std ORDER BY id) AS rn FROM ssims WHERE obr...

How to join the results of two subqueries in PostgreSQL?

hello i'm newbie in sql (postgresql) i have 2 tables as result of 2 differen selects all calls our customer contacts number contact_id and contact_id name 3213 12 12 jonh 3213 34 16 michael 3213 43 ...

CakePHP & Subselects

I got app that need to be recoded in CakePHP. I got following select with subselects: SELECT COUNT(*) AS item1, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM portal_members) AS item3, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM portal_reviews) AS item3, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM portal_downloads) AS item4 FROM portal_articles ...

Subselect a Summed col in Oracle

this is an attempted fix to a crystal reports use of 2 sub reports! I have a query that joins 3 tables, and I wanted to use a pair of sub selects that bring in the same new table. Here is the first of the two columns in script: SELECT ea."LOC_ID", lo."DESCR", ea."PEGSTRIP", ea."ENTITY_OWNER" , ea."PCT_OWNERSHIP", ea."BEG_BAL", ea."ADD...

SQL Server version of MYSQL insert into

I have the following query running on a MySQL, but it fails when I run it on a SQL Server database. How should it look to please SQL Server? INSERT INTO first_table (pk, data) VALUES ((SELECT value FROM second_table WHERE key = 'key'), 'other-data'); ...

Controlling Hibernate's generated subselect

Consider the following three Hibernate entities: public class Car { @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @Fetch(FetchMode.SUBSELECT) private List<Wheel> wheels; } public class Wheel { @OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) private Hubcap hubcap; } public class Hubcap { } Consider the following Criteria: Criteria criteria = ...

Find "old" rows

Consider a table like this: | txn_id | account_id I'd like to do a single query that will get me all txn_ids for all transactions where the transaction is not the most recent (highest txn_id) for the account_id . The database is MySQL 5.1, so that might imply some limitations around sub-selects. ...

Sort mysql table based on number of rows in another table

Hi, I'm trying to sort a user table based on how many comments they have linked to them in a secondary comment-table, I figured a sub-select will be the best tool but I can't get the syntax correct. Users table testdata: id | user_id 1 | 1000 2 | 1001 3 | 1002 Comment table testdata id | link_id 1 | 1002 2 | 1000 3 | 1002 4 |...

Subselect Column Invalid issue

I have a sql issue with column names in a subselect im guessing its because it has yet to be assigned that name but I cannot work out how to rearange it. select Distinct Captains.Name, Captains.Team, (select count(Winners.Name) from (select HomeTeamCaptain As Name from fixture where fixture.HomeTeamCaptain = Captains.Name And

Looking for sql to find a list of people in a database who don't have a particular row without using not exists.

It's easy to find all the users ids who have trait.color = "green" but I need to find all the people who don't. The obvious way is a subselect for all the ids where not exists (select id where trait.color = "green') but I was trying to think if there's a way to do it without a subselect. Is there some trick I don't know about? sybase 12...

MySQL is not using keys on the outer query of a subselect with "IN"

Hi, i'm querying a database like this: SELECT * from Log WHERE cookieId IN (select cookieId from Log WHERE someId="blafasel"); I have keys on someId and cookieId but yet the query is very slow. If I run the two queries (the outer and the inner) separated both of them or very fast. select cookieId from Log WHERE someId="blafasel" ...

Find the most recent shipment for a product (sql subselect?)

I have three tables shipment (shipment_id, shipping_date) company_order (company_order_id, shipment_id, company_id) company_order_item (company_order_item_id, company_order_id, product_id) Several companies get together and aggregate orders from a single manufacturer. This aggregate order is called a "shipment". Companies order a sele...

Using subselect to accomplish LEFT JOIN

Is is possible to accomplish the equivalent of a LEFT JOIN with subselect where multiple columns are required. Here's what I mean. SELECT m.*, (SELECT * FROM model WHERE id = LIMIT 1) AS models FROM make m As it stands now doing this gives me a 'Operand should contain 1 column(s)' error. Yes I know this is possible with LEFT JOI...

Subselecting with MDX

Greetings stack overflow community. I've recently started building an OLAP cube in SSAS2008 and have gotten stuck. I would be grateful if someone could at least point me towards the right direction. Situation: Two fact tables, same cube. FactCalls holds information about calls made by subscribers, FactTopups holds topup data. Both ta...

A better way to build this MySQL statement with subselects

I have five tables in my database. Members, items, comments, votes and countries. I want to get 10 items. I want to get the count of comments and votes for each item. I also want the member that submitted each item, and the country they are from. After posting here and elsewhere, I started using subselects to get the counts, but this q...

Need to speed up the results of this SQL statement. Any advice?

I've got the following SQL Statement that needs some major speed up. The problem is I need to search on two fields, where each of them is calling several sub-selects. Is there a way to join the two fields together so I call the sub-selects only once? SELECT billyr, billno, propacct, vinid, taxpaid, duedate, datepif, propdesc FROM trcd...

Need help tuning a SQL statement

I've got a table that has two fields (custno and custno2) that need to be searched from a query. I didn't design this table, so don't scream at me. :-) I need to find all records where either the custno or custno2 matches the value returned from a query on the same table based on a titleno. In other words, the user types in 1234 for th...

NULL handling with subselect in Hibernate Criteria API

I'm constructing a Hibernate Criterion, using a subselect as follows DetachedCriteria subselect = DetachedCriteria.forClass(NhmCode.class, "sub"); // the subselect selecting the maximum 'validFrom' subselect.add(Restrictions.le("validFrom", new Date())); // it should be in the past (null needs handling here) subselect.add(Property.f...

Oracle SQL: Multiple Subqueries Unioned Without Running Original Query Multiple Times.

So I've got a very large database, and need to work on a subset ~1% of the data to dump into an excel spreadsheet to make a graph. Ideally, I could select out the subset of data and then run multiple select queries on that, which are then UNION'ed together. Is this even possible? I can't seem to find anyone else trying to do this and ...