
Opensource Booking/reservation system?

Just shooting out the question before I start hacking my own because my google skills has failed me. Does anybody got a suggestion for a booking/reservation system? Preferably for the .Net platform or PHP? Even better if it were integrated into a CMS system of some sort.. ...

Looking for a functional language

I'm a scientist working mostly with C++, but I would like to find a better language. I'm looking for suggestions, I'm not even sure my "dream language" exist (yet), but here's my wishlist; IMPORTANT FEATURES (in order of importance) 1.1: Performance: For science, performance is very important. I perfectly understand the importance of p...

which book is better

Hi All, Just want to know which book will be better for me (I know the basics): Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 by Matthew MacDonald or Programming ASP.NET 3.5 by Jesse Liberty Thanks. ...

Auto-updating USB Key Marketing Materials

Marketing development isn't my strong suit by any stretch of the imagination, so when I was asked about designing a marketing USB key that could update itself I ended up doing quite a bit of searching around on Google. Building some HTML that hosts some (say, not married to the idea) Flash and presents the information on the USB key is e...

What would be a good way to make a school library website? Language, Framework, CMS?

Im toying with the idea of offering to make my school a website for their library. I am an intermediate php programmer with advanced front end skills (started off as a designer). Was hoping someone would have some suggestions best way to approach the project. ...

Which C#/.NET Twitter API do you recomend?

I wondering if I'm going to make a twitter app, but not sure which one of these libraries I should use. Any suggestions? C#/.NET Libs The app should be able to post new tweets, read tweets(from "All Friends"), read "Mentions" and Direct Messages. Possibly also a search function... ...

Learning DirectX

I want to learn to do some DirectX 9 and 10 programming in C++. Could anyone suggest me some good books to start with for a beginner in DirectX and at the same time, some reference books for DirectX 9 and 10? I have a background in standard C++ programming and I want to know what are the prerequisites to be able to program with DirectX....

Python/GAE web request error handling

I am developing an application on the Google App Engine using Python. I have a handler that can return a variety of outputs (html and json at the moment), I am testing for obvious errors in the system based on invalid parameters sent to the request handler. However what I am doing feels dirty (see below): class FeedHandler(webapp.Requ...

Multiprocessor Scheduling Algorithm

Hi, I'm searching for a Sequential implementation of multiprocessor scheduling algorithm, preferably implemented in c++, or c. Any suggestions are welcome. ...

"Silverlight 3 Jumpstart" book, is it worth to read?

There are several Silverlight 3 books available right now on Amazon, but some of them are based on BETA version - which I don't like. Silverlight 3 Jumpstart book is based on the Release version instead and looks like a good book to read (based on what I can read on Chapter list). What do you think guys? Have you read that book? Should...

Tutorial/Suggestions on YUI with Ruby on Rails

I'm looking at using YUI in my Ruby on Rails application. What is the best tutorial, examples, or how-tos about generally integrating YUI into my Rails app. Thanks in advance! ...

Is my project open-source if i use .NET langauges ?

I know VB.NET and i want to develop a program. Which i think later will be open-source if i fail to keep updating it. My question is : Is it possible to build open-source project by using .NET languages ? Or do i have to build open-source projects only using open source languages like Java,Ruby, Python etc ? ( I mean is there any restri...

Which license to choose for closed-source freeware ?

I've few closed-source freeware programs which i distribute from my site. But some sites like qarchive and other freeware-download sites hijack my software and keep it on their servers. (They steal my traffic from website and earn by CPM/CPC advertisers) It's like parasite on my hard work. I want to restrict that. In order to do that i w...

Is it possible to search the database for related files when a file is loaded in a upload form

I have an idea for a site that involves uploading files to the site. But what I'd like - and wondering if it's possible - is when a user clicks on "Browse", and selects the file, if it's possible for the site to automatically scan the site's database for similar files before they upload the file to the site. Kind of similar to the automa...

Looking for combinations of server and embedded database engines

I'm redesigning an application that will be run as both a single user and multiuser application. It is a .NET 2.0 application. I'm looking for server and embedded databases that work well together. I want to deploy the embedded database in the single user setup and of course, the server in the multiuser setup. Past releases have been ba...

Options for automating Microsoft Word 2007 document creation

I have automated word document creation from templates using the "Microsoft Word 12.0 Object Library" in my project, but it is unacceptably slow. I'm looking for alternatives: I need to create a document from a template, run some macros and insert text and tables into various bookmark ranges (some text formatting options would be nice to...

How can I make this regex match correctly?

Given this regex: ^((https?|ftp):(\/{2}))?(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3} (25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))|(((([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\.)*?))(\.)([a-z]{2} |com|org|net|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|jobs|museum){1}) Reformatted for readability: @"^((https?|ftp):(\/{2}))?" + // http://, https://, ftp:// - Protocol Option...

How to manage and record flash meeting?

I call this a flash meeting, but maybe there is another more appropriate name. Once in a while (and sometimes more often) one of my developers comes to my desk and asks how he should code a particular piece of code. The code itself is not directly answering a feature, meaning that it hasn't been designed during requirements, but it is ...

What to learn next?

Hi, In my team we are using MVC 1.0, JQuery and LINQ2SQL to develop our current, and last couple, of applications. We have extensively used ASP.NET 3.5, ADO.NET and Windows development in the past and tried using SubSonic for dataaccess. We are currently focussing on the web spehere and are looking for some new technology to use. We ...

way to make a function aware who called it

in java is it possible to make a method aware of who called it (without changing parameters) and then return something else? public class MyClassA { public static final String someStirng = "this is some String" public String getSomeString () { return someString; } } public class MyClassB extends MyClassA { public...