
swfobject weird behavior

Hi All, I'm using swfobject to embed my flash. It's doing weird things. I've created a simple textfield using FlexBuilder. It's an AS3 project, which extends Sprite. I've set its width to be 640 and height to 450. Then, in the swfobject parameters of the page, I've also set 640 x 450. I've made the background nice and red and ugly so ...

can you load swfobject.js or jquery.swfobject in the footer

can you load swfobject.js or jquery.swfobject in the footer, below the div being replaced? I'd love to keep all of my javascript loading at the bottom of the page but swfobject seems to fail if it isn't loaded before any divs to be replaced. bare bones example: <div id="flash"></div> <div id="footer"> <script src="/static/default...

How best to embed multiple Flash Player instances using swfobject via a usercontrol?

I have a ListView on a Page within a MasterPage and some very ugly ugly autogenerated IDs. Such as..."ctl00_workbenchPlaceHolder_ListView1_ctrl1_LibItem2One" Using swfobject.embedSWF(...) requires me to hand over the id of a div on my page that can be replaced with object/embed markup depending on the browser context. My aim is to sho...

play multiple flv file in single swf object

Hi, I have one swf object in my site. I have to read data from database and after fetching data of video names, I need to play those video in single swf object one by one, means after completion of first video second video will start. Thanks in advance. ...

Showing a large amount of HTML alternative content with swfobject & swffit flash site

I have a full flash site which uses swfobject to embed it 100% height and width. I'm using swffit to force a browser scroll bar for pages with a large amount of content. This is all fine and works perfectly. I also have the content in HTML format, as alternative content and this also works apart from in order to get the flash swfobject t...

Jquery Media Plugin with alternate mediaplayer problems...

I can't seem to get the jQuery Media plugin to work with nonverblaster:hover ... This is what I'm using.... am I doing something wrong? I've tried loading SWFobject aswell... <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $.fn.media.defaults.flvPlayer = 'js/NonverBlaster.swf'; $.fn.media.defaults.mp3Player = 'js/NonverBlaste...

IE not letting flash stream audio

This problem is happening is both IE8 and IE7. I have a small swf compiled with flex. It's basically just a wrapper around audio streaming functionality. All the controls and such are in html with javascript. I load the swf using swfobject's "static" method. This works great in Firefox and Chrome. In IE, the swf loads correctly, but as ...

Cannot Get params.play='false' in SWFObject 2.2 to work as expected, as documented, or as it *should*.

I am trying to do a very minimalistic sample of borderless video using swfobject and some cookie code that checks if a site visitor has been there before. The latter cookie code works, but basic SWFObject 2.2 code doesn't. My problem is that the SWFObject 2.2 library from code.google is not working as expected; specifically it is NOT o...

SWFObject and Resizing Div

Hi, I have the following HTML code, what I want to do is to split the page into two divs, and place the object to the left side. However, the swf file covers all of the page, not just the left side. What could be the problem? Thanks, <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml...

YouTube Chromeless/JavaScript API Player Full-Screen Button

I have implemented chromeless player and so far the necessary controls such as play, pause, change video, mute, unmute all appear to work fine through JavaScript. I now need to send the chromeless player to "Full Screen" mode via JavaScript. The JavaScript API player includes the full screen button but the chromeless player does NOT; in...

Viewing Flash Applications on a Mac: stage.stageWidth/stage.stageHeight Return 0 in Firefox/IE

I am using SWFOBJECT to embed my flash content. I have been worried about stage.stageWidth and stage.stageHeight returning 0 in Firefox/Internet Explorer; this problem is referred to in question #21 on the SWFOBJECT FAQ (http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/wiki/faq). I have been told that this problem is particularly prevelant on Mac...

detect the size of swf. flex/as3

I'm creating a map that has points of interest. (POI) When a user mouses over the POI an info bubble pops onto the screen and it loads an swf. I currently have 3 problems. My 4th problem is that this is due Monday 21st! so any help would be greatly appreciated! I can't detect the size of the swf so that my infobubble will size itself t...

Transperent png and swfobject in IE

Hello! I have a page with a transparent png that (background-repeat: repeat). The background works fine on all other pages. On this particular page is a flash music player. I believe the is causing the background to look weird in IE8. Is the player causing this? What can I do? URL to page: http://kingromeo.com/wordpress/media/ ...

Codeigniter and SWFObject

Hello, I'm building a website using Flex, Codeigniter, and I use swfobject to embed the swf. This will not work if I access the website using Codeigniter's index.php file. This is the ouput source: <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <base href="http://localhost/Pixelatte-debu...

jQuery appendTo gives invalid argument in IE

Hey everyone, I am trying to create an interface to the swfobject found at http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/. I am building the needed alternate content for when the user does not have flash player installed. This is working fine in FF, but not in IE for some reason. I have done this the same way a million times before and it has alwa...

videobox plugin issue: Issue when multiple swf files on same page for FF 3.0.17

Issue: Lightbox effect not hiding other flash content (swfs) on the page. To reproduce: Have an older version of FF (I saw this happening on 3.0.17) View page: http://www.snaplogic.com/snapstore Click on 'Introduction to SnapStore' thumb to start vidbox You'll see the banner swf file still "bleeding" into the lightbox This is working...

Executing SWFObject with Ajax reloads

For my current project I am working on a home page that has a series of tabs above a content box that each execute an ajax script to load new content into the content box. However, some of these pages contain a flash object called with SWFObject and when the ajax script calls the page, the SWFObject javascript is not executed and I am l...

Flash Videos "Bleeding" above Lightbox Video

Have a video in a lightbox on a page that has some other Flash content (banners, animation, etc. in SWFObject). I guess Flash has it's own window that's essentially on top of the document window (although I'm not sure I understand this in it's entirety). Tried setting wmode to transparent, and also tried several lightbox libraries (JQuer...

YouTube API — not firing 'onYouTubePlayerReady()'

From what I've read, this is how I should setup the YouTube API: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta content='text/html;charset=UTF-8' http-equiv='content-type' /> <title>Youtube Player</title> <script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/swfobject...

swfobject in Uploadify not working with IE 7 or 8

I am using Uploadify and have a pop up which is loaded by jQuery by Ajax. The page on which the popup lives on has an include to swfobject (from Google's Code Api) and the Uploadify button should appear. This works great on FF and Chrome but IE gives me a javascript error Unknown runtime error line 4 character 5942 Anyone got any ide...