
Is there a Python equivalent to Ruby symbols?

Is there a Python equivalent to Ruby symbols? If so then what is it? If not then are we stuck with using strings as our keys in dictionaries only? ...

How to get SLC.pdb to analyze memory dump

I am using windbg 6.12.0002.633 X86 on Windows Vista to analyze memory dumps for memory leaks. I'm trying to use the command `dumpheap -stat to determine the quantities of objects in the heap. Unfortunately, I'm getting the error *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for SLC.dll. I have activated !sym no...

Special characters in iText

I need help in using these symbols ⎕, ∨, ๐, Ʌ, and so on. But when I create a PDF with iText these symbols do not appear. What can I do so that these symbols appear? ...

Constraining/clipping symbol boundaries in Flash CS5

I want to create a MovieClip symbol of a certain width and height, but with content that extends outside its boundaries, with the option to have the external content be clipped/hidden or visible. In Flex, the solution would be to create a group with .clipAndEnableScrolling = true. Is there a way to do this in Flash CS5, or will the s...

How do I debug through system libraries on OS X?

I'm debugging a Cocoa app, which calls the system libraries. I get debug symbols for my own code, but not the system libraries, which stops me debugging any further. How can I get debug symbols for the system library. I'm using gdb, compiling against the 10.5 SDK on 10.6.4 (gcc 4.2). Here is the stack-trace I'd like to get symbols for:...

Edit item in all frames of a timeline layer in Flash CS5

I'm confused as to how Flash CS5 treats symbol instances across different frames in a given layer; If I add an object to a layer, and then add a keyframe to the existing frame set, are there now two instances of the object, one for each frame? When I change the color of the instance in the first key frame, the second keyframes instance ...

How to check if mouse is over a symbol instance with ActionScript 3 in Flash

How does one check if mouse is over a symbol instance using ActionScript 3 / Flash CS5? ...

What was the rhyme?

I recall seeing a rhyme floating around on the internet that looked like a block of characters and numbers, however when pronounced correctly (I seem to remember a bit that pronounced '!#' as "bang-hash"...) it rhymed. I think it ended in something like "SYSTEM ERROR" or something. Does anyone know what I am referring to? ...

Using Visual Studio combined with Intel Fortran, how to solve using with different types of name-mangling

I have obtained program that is lovely mesh of fortran and c code. In order for this program to compile it requires a series of libraries that comes precompiled from software vendor. This included among others Intel MKL, MPICH2 etc. On linux everything works just fine. But on windows I am stuck: Using the command line, I can compile the...

How to see all elements of current symbol in Flash CS5

I'm dealing with multiple hard to find/small/transparent elements within nested MovieClips in Flash CS5. Is there no outline window where I can get to an element through a tree format vs having to look around on the stage? The closest thing I've found is the Movie Explorer window, but it doesn't go any deeper than the scene level? But...

& symbol in xml

Hi, I'm working with a xml file which fails when opening it in firefox. I'm getting an interpretation error. Its all because of the & symbol. When replacing it with& or removing it i get no error. The problem is that the receiver of this xml document who prints it out on their homepage prints out & instead of &. Can i do somet...

Exclude certain projects from stepping through during debug in VS2010?

Hi, I am working on a couple of projects (A and B) in a large VS2010 solution (all in C#). There are many cases where methods from project A call through to one or more of the projects in the solution for which I am not responsible, which in turn call through to project B. When stepping through with the debugger from project A, I am f...

Shared object symbol resolution

Hi, Suppose I have 2 static Libs S1 and S2 which are different versions of the same lib and have the same C (not C++) interface though implementations are different. 2 shared libs D1 and D2 each of which links to S1 or S2 only. Suppose an application A links with S2 which is the more recent of the static libs and dynamically loads bo...

What does this untypical link format '#!' means!?

Possible Duplicate: What's the shebang (#!) in Facebook and new Twitter URLs for? Hello, One thing that took my attention in some modern websites is the presence of '#!' symbols in their links, see for example twitter and Rapidshare links:!/SolidSnakeGTI!/SolidSnakeGTI/followers http...

What does the symbols for methods in Eclipse mean?

In the "Package Explorer" in Eclipse, I can click on a Java class and list all the methods for it. The methods are shown with a few different symbols before the name. This symbol can be a green circle or a red square. What does this symbols mean? Is there a webpage that explains them? ...

Can debugging symbols be built after-the-fact?

We have hundreds of MSVC 9.0 C++ projects. One DLL slipped out into the public without the correct compiler/linker settings to generate symbols, and we are getting mini-dumps back that point to an exception in this DLL. We have the exact source code used to generate this DLL. Can it be compiled to produce symbols that we can use to debug...

How do I find documentation for operators comprised of symbols? (I.e. '<<<' or '|=')

Possible Duplicate: How to search for punctuation that gets ignored by Google? Occasionally, I come across an unfamiliar operator that can't be read aloud. One example is the heredoc notation of PHP, where strings are demarked with <<<. Another example is |= in C#. (If I'm entirely honest, I still don't know 100% what it is ...

Strange Lisp Quoting scenario - Graham's On Lisp, page 37

I'm working my way through Graham's book "On Lisp" and can't understand the following example at page 37: If we define exclaim so that its return value incorporates a quoted list, (defun exclaim (expression) (append expression ’(oh my))) > (exclaim ’(lions and tigers and bears)) (LIONS AND TIGERS AND BEARS OH MY) > (nconc * ’(goodnes...

Question about quote.

Hi all, I got question about quote. There many few quote using documentation: ' ` ‘ ’ " “ ” How to say or tell it in word?. There few symbol quote not include in keyboard, (“, ‘, ’, ”), how could I using symbol without copy-paste from other document. As programmer view, it really matter write quote to make different from one to ...

DbgHelp and decorated symbols...

Hi! I'm trying to get undecorated symbols using "dbgHelp". I'm getting the symbol's name with "SymGetSymFromAddr64" but instead of getting something like: "Foo(int f)" I'm getting just "Foo" as the symbol's name. I'm calling it with: SymGetSymFromAddr64(processHandle, address, &displacement, pSymbol); and I initialize it with the opti...