
Is there an implementation of rapid concurrent syntactical sugar in scala? eg. map-reduce

Passing messages around with actors is great. But I would like to have even easier code. Examples (Pseudo-code) val splicedList:List[List[Int]]=biglist.partition(100) val sum:Int=ActorPool.numberOfActors(5).getAllResults(splicedList,foldLeft(_+_)) where spliceIntoParts turns one big list into 100 small lists the numberofactors part, ...

What syntax sugar or language features makes a language hard/tough to parse?

I did some searching and didn't find a question that "directly" answered this question. Anyway the basic gist of this question is I am wondering what "language feature" or "syntax" that makes a language be a major pain to build a parser, syntax highlighting, etc? This might be subjective but I was thinking of like for example the diffe...

Use of Syntactic Sugar / Built in Functionality

I was busy looking deeper into things like multi-threading and deadlocking etc. The book is aimed at both pseudo-code and C code and I was busy looking at implementations for things such as Mutex locks and Monitors. This brought to mind the following; in C# and in fact .NET we have a lot of syntactic sugar for doing things. For instance...

Does this feature exist? Defining my own curly brackets in C#

You'll appreciate the following two syntactic sugars: lock(obj) { //Code } same as: Monitor.Enter(obj) try { //Code } finally { Monitor.Exit(obj) } and using(var adapt = new adapter()){ //Code2 } same as: var adapt= new adapter() try{ //Code2 } finally{ adapt.Dispose() } Clearly the first example in each case is more readable. ...

Assignment in python for loop possible?

I have a dictionary d (and a seperate sorted list of keys, keys). I wanted the loop to only process entries where the value is False - so i tried the following: for key in keys and not d[key]: #do foo I suppose my understanding of python sytax is not what i thought it was - because the assignment doesnt suppose to have happened above...

Ruby: Shorthand for a[1] || a[3] || a[6] ... ?

I have a regular expression that returns multiple variables within a match. I am interested in the first non-null variable in a subset of indices within the match, so I am using result = a[1] || a[3] || a[6] || ... I would like to store the relevant indices in a configuration file along with the regular expression itself. What is the ...

Processing data by reference or by value in python

Consider the following session. How are the differences explained? I thought that a += b is a syntactical sugar of (and thus equivalent to) a = a + b. Obviously I'm wrong. >>> import numpy as np >>> a = np.arange(24.).reshape(4,6) >>> print a [[ 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.] [ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.] [ 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ...

Is there a shorthand for Form.BeginInvoke?

Quite often in my GUI code, I write something like this: private void SecondTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { if (progressBar1.InvokeRequired) { progressBar1.BeginInvoke(new ElapsedEventHandler(SecondTimer_Elapsed), new[] {sender, e}); return; } //Code goes here } Of course, this is necessary i...

Is there such thing as a relative jQuery selector?

I have a reference to a jquery object with the this variable. I am looking for a way of applying the child selector to the object. I'm using $(this).find('table > tbody > tr > td'), but what I'm aiming for is something more like $('[Value of $(this) goes here somehow] > table > tbody > tr > td'). I realise that I can do $(this).childre...

Would it make sense to have a 'constify' operation in C++?

Would it make sense to have a "constify" operation in C/C++ that makes a variable const? Here is an example where it could be useful, where obviously we don't want to declare it const yet in the first line: std::vector<int> v; v.push_back(5); constify v; // now it's const Currently, without such a possibility, you'd have to introduce...

Is there a language construct similar to PHPs list() in C#?

Hi, PHP has a language construct list() which provides multiple variables assignment in one statement. $a = 0; $b = 0; list($a, $b) = array(2, 3); // Now $a is equal to 2 and $b is equal to 3. Is there a similar thing in C#? If not, is there any workaround which may help to avoid code like the following, without having to deal with ...

Import MooseX::Method::Signatures into caller's scope

I've made a "bundle" module which does a bunch of things: imports Moose, imports true, namespace::autoclean, makes the caller's class immutable (taken from MooseX::AutoImmute). The one thing I haven't been able to figure out is how to include MooseX::Method::Signatures. Here's what I've got so far: package My::OO; use Moose::Exporter;...

function pointer without typedef

Is it posible to use the type of a prefiously declared function as a function pointer without using a typedef? function declaration: int myfunc(float); use the function declaration by some syntax as function pointer myfunc* ptrWithSameTypeAsMyFunc = 0; ...

Java Syntactic Sugar

I ran into this block of code today, and I don't know how it works. I know how to make anonymous classes, but I'm used to seeing a method signature and not just a pair of braces. Is the code between those braces put into a static block? Does it go into the constructor? Or is it something else altogether? conext.checking(new Expectations...

Ignore an element while building list in python

Hello, I need to build a list from a string in python using the [f(char) for char in string] syntax and I would like to be able to ignore (not insert in the list) the values of f(x) which are equal no None. How can I do that ? ...

C# syntax sugar - new way to set object attributes?

For the hardcore C# coders here, this might seem like a completely stupid question - however, I just came across a snippet of sample code in the AWS SDK forum and was completely sideswiped by it: RunInstancesRequest runInstance = new RunInstancesRequest() .WithMinCount(1) .WithMaxCount(1) .WithImageId(GetXMLElement("ami")...

How does the method syntax "public function direct(){}" work in PHP?

I'm learning Zend Framework at the moment and came across the following syntax. class Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract { /** * Perform a redirect to an action/controller/module with params * * @param string $action * @param string $controller * @param...

Syntax choices for accessing child objects.

I'm wondering which is semantically and technically most optimal of my choices here. I've created a simple object registry class, but the method of object access has me wondering what's best. I'm currently using the first variation: //the Registry methods can chain, each returning a self reference $registry = Registry::getInstance()->re...