
Perl Sys::Syslog on Solaris

Has anyone got Sys::Syslog to work on Solaris? (I'm running Sys::Syslog 0.05 on Perl v5.8.4 on SunOS 5.10 on SPARC). Here's what doesn't work for me: openlog "myprog", "pid", "user" or die; syslog "crit", "%s", "Test from $0" or die; closelog() or warn "Can't close: $!"; system "tail /var/adm/messages"; Whatever I do, the closelog r...

Log4net with SyslogAppender, 1kb message limit

Has anyone found a way to get around this? Or a better technique to conglomerate logging from multiple web servers reliably? Any ideas on good log4net log file analysis tools too (plain text not XML) - apart from good 'ol grep of course :) ...

Ruby - Ensure Syslog Gets Closed

Is it absolutely critical that I always close Syslog when I'm done using it? Is there a huge negative impact from not doing so? If it turns out that I definitely need to, what's a good way to do it? I'm opening Syslog in my class constructor and I don't see a way to do class destructors in Ruby, and currently have something resembling t...

Can syslog Performance Be Improved?

We have an application on Linux that used the syslog mechanism. After a week spent trying to figure out why this application was running slower than expected, we discovered that if we eliminated syslog, and just wrote directly to a log file, performance improved dramatically. I understand why syslog is slower than direct file writes. ...

Can Linux syslogd log non-English messages?

I am setting up a logging infrastructure using syslog daemon on my Linux server. I have few clients both Windows and non-Windows that I am planning on configuring to forward logs as syslogs to my Linux server. Some of my client machines log in foreign language. Therefore, how do I forward such non-English logs as syslogs over to my Linux...

Using Stomp and Apache ActiveMQ as reliable syslog

Hi, One of my programs requires a reliable way to log across unreliable network (ie internet). The sender or receiver may go offline any time and can come back later. But any message sent by client should not be missed. Obviously syslog does not fit the bill. I am exploring the use of messaging servers like Apache ActiveMQ instead of sy...

Is there a way cast an object back to it original type without specifing every case?

I have an array of different type objects and I use a BinaryWriter to convert each item to its binary equivalent so I can send the structure over the network. I currently do something like for ( i=0;i<tmpArrayList.Count;i++) { object x=tmpArrayList[i]; if (x.GetType() == typeof(byte)) { wrt.Write((byte)x); } .......

Reading syslog output on a mac

I have a program that was written for linux and I am trying to build and run it on my MacOS 10.5 machine. The program builds and runs without problem, however it makes many calls to syslog. I know that syslogd is running on my mac, however I can't seem to find where my syslog calls are output to. The syslog calls are of the form syslog...

Open Source Syslog Daemon for Windows

Can anyone recommend an open source Syslog Daemon for Windows (specifically Windows 2008 64bit). Thanks ...

I'm looking for syslog client source code

Does anyone have c++ source code to show how to send message to Syslog using winsock api. ...

Redirecting standard output to syslog

Hi! I'm planning to package OpenTibia Server for Debian. One of the things I want to do is add startup via /etc/init.d and daemonization of the otserv process. Thing is, we should probably redirect output to syslog. This is usually done via the syslog() function. Currently, the code is swarmed with: std::cout << "Stuff to printout" <<...

MySQL Query Logging to Syslog-ng server.

Is it possible to log queries to a central syslog-ng server? Need to have mysql query logs present in an existing centralized log server. ...

how to locate syslog on AIX machine

I have a machine that does not have the syslog in the usual place. How would I go about locating it? ...

Does Log4j SyslogAppender support MDC and NDC

Simple really, does Log4j SyslogAppender support MDC and NDC in the sense that the output is structured data i.e. uses the structured data features of the protocol? Further, are there any limits on what can be put in the MDC and successfully appended to the log? ...

Best Practices for defining PatternLayout when using Log4j SyslogAppender

For those who are developing applications that are under PCI scope, where the guidance suggests that you should store your application logs on another tier, remoting to a syslog server elsewhere feels like a best practice. The question becomes, what should the PatternLayout look like that best enables folks to review their logs at least...

apache syslog-ng error logs and access logs

Hi, I am trying to send all my apache logs to syslog-ng(on remote machine) which in turn writes to a file. so I configure syslog-ng this way source s_apache { unix-stream("/var/log/apache_log.socket" max-connections(512) keep-alive(yes)); }; filter f_apache { match("error"); }; destination df_custom { file("/var/log/custom.log")...

Who use syslog for logging his web application

I was wondering if somebody use syslog to log his web application errors/warning/info ? It could be quite useful in a deployment environment with a lot of servers. If yes, what kind of client visualisation you can get to watch errors and grouping the same errors into batch? Do you use other techniques than syslog to achieve this kind o...

syslog_r for Linux?

Folks, I can't find the re-entrant version of syslog() for there one? And if no, what do you? The obvious answer is to move logging facility into separate thread and serialise access to syslog... ...

How to enable syslogd to receive UDP logs from routers in OSX

Occasionally a router goes bad and I would like to get the router logs. While some routers have built-in log viewers, some do not. Most routers seem to have a facility to send logs to another host using syslog. How do I get OSX (client) to receive these logs? OSX has a syslogd, but the instructions are opaque at best. Perhaps a diff...

Tomcat6 webapp using log4j for logging, unable to log to syslog

Hello, I am trying to log my webapp logs into syslog at local4 level. Environment: Tomcat6, OpenSolaris, Struts2, log4j. Content of my is as follows- log4j.rootLogger=INFO, SYSLOG log4j.appender.SYSLOG.syslogHost=localhost log4j.appender.SYSLOG.layout=org.apache...