
Python - retrieving info from a syslog file

I have been asked to write a program using python for an assignment. I have been given a syslog file and I have to find things out about it How do I find out how many attempts were made to login to the root account? Any advice would be highly appreciated as I am very new to python and completely lost! ...

Python - create blacklist file of IP addresses that have more than 5 failed login attempts in the authlog

Basically I have an authlog/syslog file with a list of log in attempts and IP addresses - I need to make a Python program that will create a txt file with all the IP addresses that have more than 5 failed login attempts - a sort of "blacklist". So basically something like: if "uniqueipaddress" and "authentication failure" appear more t...

Redirect C++ std::clog to syslog on Unix

I work on Unix on a C++ program that send messages to syslog. The current code uses the syslog system call that works like printf. Now I would prefer to use a stream for that purpose instead, typically the built-in std::clog. But clog merely redirect output to stderr, not to syslog and that is useless for me as I also use stderr and st...

Getting a UDP socket program in Python to accept messages from a Syslog client?

I'm trying to write a Syslog listener and so far so good on getting it to accept incoming messages through TCP but I also want UDP to function. This is the UDP server code I'm using, which works using a python client app. I also have another app which also works just using the python client app. # Server program # UDP VERSION from so...

syslog: on ubuntu, how to configure rotation and gzip'ing of syslog files?

how do you configure rotation of syslog log files on ubuntu? in my /etc/syslog.conf, i have this line: local1.* /var/log/log.txt over time, the following backup files have appeared: /var/log/log.txt.0.gz /var/log/log.txt.1.gz how do i configure how often these files get generated, and how to clean them out? ...

how to configure jetty 7 to use syslog or log4j

I am looking for a way to direct all the jetty 7 logging to syslog. My current configuration dumps everything to JETTY_HOME/logs/.. After some initial ivestigation, it seems I should change JETTY_HOME/etc/jetty-logging.xml, but this does not look straightforward. It looks like I should create a new PrintStream implementation which sends...

How can I get Syslogging to work on the JVM?

I want to do syslogging from Java. There is a log4j appender, but it doesn't seem to work (for me anyway ... though Google results show many others with this issue still unresolved). I'm trying to debug the appender, so I've written the following script based upon RFC3164 It runs, but no logging appears in the syslog. // scala import ...

Javascript library for syntax-highlighting syslog text logs?

I'm display some plain-text syslog output on a web page. I'd really like to pretty-print it, highlighting dates and hostnames. Are there any javascript syntax highlighting libraries which come with syslog support? ...

Help with daemonize perl process

I am trying to daemonize a perl process example test to syslog. 1) in the perl script it already log into rotate log file but I would like to log the daemonize for case of when things goes wrong before log get create 2) currently I am doing sudo /usr/sbin/daemonize -u User -a -e /home/users/me/log/log.log /home/users/me/test It a...

Standard interface for the C language for generating syslog messages

Which way is standard to generate IETF-syslog messages in the C language? There is the header <syslog.h>. But it provide no options to use the STRUCTURED-DATA mechanism (rfc-5424). Of course, messages could be constructed by hand directly to a socket. But it seems that such way is not standard. Is there another standard way? ...

Log controller requests to syslog in tg2

Is there any built-in automate way to log controller request events to system log? ...

What to watch out for when modifying syslog.conf?

We've got an "appliance", based on ubuntu that has some of our own apps running on it (which are distributed as .deb). Logging is sent through syslog. Syslog.conf is customized so that our apps' messages get sent to a dedicated file. Are there any gotchas/best practices I should know about in terms of programmatically modifying syslog....

Find syslog max message length

Most Unix programmers would be used to the interface defined by syslog.h, and many implementations (such as glibc) have no real limit on the size of the syslog message being sent to it, but there is usually a limit on the application listening to /dev/log. I'm wondering if anyone knows a way to find the maximum message size for the sysl...

Python and/or django solution for reading log files on linux?

I would like my Django application to be able to display local syslog etc files. I would like to avoid writing the logic for managing .1,.2 etc rotated files, and get an object for each log that I can retrieve a set of rows from. Is there any such python library, or even better, any such django app? Clarification: I don't want to writ...

How to configure Tomcat to log everything via syslog ?

Hi, I'm trying to configure Tomcat and a webapp (Atlassian JIRA) to log everything over syslog. Here is what I added to the webapp (atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/ : log4j.rootLogger=WARN, syslog log4j.appender.syslog.facility=LOCAL0

What is the Message Id (IEF...? maybe) for a circular wrap file

Is there a Standard Message ID that is sent to the Syslog when a circular file 'wraps' and new records start overwriting the oldest records at the beginning of this circular file? jimpa ...

Can I use a more advanced template for extracting $PROGRAM in syslog-ng?

Hi I am sending messages to Syslog using two Apache SyslogAppenders in Java. My ConversionPatterns are: Instance-${}: %d %-5p [%c] (%t) %m%n Application-MyApp: ${} - %d %-5p [%c] (%t) %m%n I then have different Log4J categories configured to send different messages to either one of, or both appenders...

Can someone recommend a good unix syslog *client* library for java?

java.util.logging.Logger seems to implement "syslog-like" logging, where I want the logs to actually use the local syslog logging fascilities (so life is easier for admins; they don't have to do extra log rotation, etc.). Anyone have any recommendations? I saw that log4j ( claimed they had syslog sup...

Syslog custom priorities

Is there a way one can use custom priorities in syslog daemon or rsyslog daemon? i.e. i am unable to locate a configuration change which achives it.. the other thing i can do is perhaps play with it's source. Cheers! ...

Is there a window dbgview in Linux sytem?

DbgView is the tool for Windows debug. What is similar to Window debug view in Ubuntu/Linux? How to real time read debug message in Linux (same as dbgView in Windows)? ...