
Why TabControl.SelectedContent != (TabControl.SelectedItem as TabItem).Content ?

The following sample shouldn't beep (in my opinion) but it does. Why? Does that mean the SelectedContent property is useless? Is it a bug in WPF? <TabControl SelectionChanged="TabControl_SelectionChanged"> <TabItem Header="Tab 1"> <Grid/> </TabItem> <TabItem Header="Tab 2"> <Grid/> </TabItem> </TabControl...

Programatically Change the tab order Winforms

Hi Geeks, Don't know if i missed a minor property or method, or if its not possible at all, how do i programmatically re order the tabs in a tab control. i need to sort the tabs depending on some conditions. if its possible to do the reordering through the designer i guess we must be able to do it thorugh code at runtime too??/ thanks...

How do I add TabItems to a TabControl from another TabControl?

I want to dynamically copy or move TabItems from one TabControl to another TabControl. Unfortunately, I get the following exception: {"Element already has a logical parent. It must be detached from the old parent before it is attached to a new one."} Trying to delete it from the old TabControl before adding it to the new throws off my ...

WPF Customized TabControl

I have to develop a customized tab control and decided to create it with WPF/XAML, because I planned to learn it anyway. It should look like this when it's finished: I made good progress so far, but there are two issues left: Only the first/last tab item should have a rounded upper-left/bottom-left corner. Is it possible to modify t...

WinForms: How do I simulate button behavior on an image?

I have an extension of the winforms TabControl, it's draws an X on each tab to allow the user to close the tab. Compare that to the standard: How can I simulate button look&feel on that image? What I mean is, when the user clicks down, it should visually indicate that. A button does this with an inset image. For bonus points, I'...

[WPF] Custom TabItem in TabControl

I've created CustomTabItem which inherits from TabItem and i'd like to use it while binding ObservableCollection in TabControl <TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding MyObservableCollection}"/> It should like this in XAML, but i do not know how change default type of the output item created by TabControl while binding. I've tried to creat...

How do I bind one TabControl to the TabItems of another TabControl in WPF?

I've defined the following TabControl called TabControl1: <TabControl> <TabItem Header="Cheese"> The Cheese Tab </TabItem> <TabItem Header="Pepperoni"> The Pepperoni Tab </TabItem> <TabItem Header="Mushrooms"> The Mushrooms Tab </TabItem> </TabControl> I've defined another TabControl, TabControl2 which is dynam...

C# Winforms TabControl elements reading as empty until TabPage selected

I have Winform app I am writing in C#. On my form, I have a TabControl with seven pages, each full of elements (TextBoxes and DropDownLists, primarily). I pull some information in with a DataReader, populate a DataTable, and use the elements' DataBindings.Add method to fill those elements with the current values. The user is able to ent...

How to hide/block a tab in c#?

I need to know how to make a tab item in a tab control unavailable for a certain kind of user. The thing goes that after making 'log in', if the user is not the administrator, he will have one or two tabs unavailable. The admin will have access to the whole system. I just want to make the tabs un-clickable. What are my options? Thanks...

Hiding/blocking tabs using windows forms in c#

The thing is that i have a 'log in window' and a 'mainwindow' that is called after pressing the log in button or the "VISITANT" button If pressing the log in button, the whole system will come out, and if i press the VISITANT button, one tab should disappear or be blocked or something. private void visitant(object sender, EventArgs e) ...

How to use a CTabCtrl in a MFC dialog based application ?

I need to do something which i expected to be was simple - create a tab control which has 2 tabs, implying 2 modes of operation for my app. When user clicks on Tab1, he'll be presented with some buttons and textboxes, and when he clicks Tab2, some other input method. I noticed that there was a CTabCtrl class thats used in MFC to add tabs...

JQuery tabcontrol: load gridview

I got a JQuery/CSS tabcontrol, which currently handle 4 tabs, containing gridviews. I'd like the gridview to be loaded, when you hit the tabs. This reduces the loading time of the page, as some of the gridview's sprocs take some time. The gridviews need to load once, they don't have to be updated each time you open the specific tab. JQu...

TabPage Validating event firing when clicked on the currently selected tab

I'm doing things as said in How do I prevent the user from changing the selected tab page in a TabControl? Things are working fine. But the validating event of tabpage1 occurs if I've tabpage1 is currently selected and user clicks on tabpage1 itself. and later when user clicks on tabpage2 validating event for tabpage1 doesn't fire. Wha... ajax combobox doesn't display correctly when inserted inside a tab control.

Hi everybody, I have a display problem when I try to use a ajax combobox inside a tab control: when my tab control loads on the page where the combobox is, everything works fine; however, if it loads on a another page, the you change to the page which contains the combobox, the right button (which opens the list of the combobox) isn't d...

Silverlight TabControl - Finding and selecting a TabItem from a given Control in the TabItem.

I am building a LOB application that has a main section and a TabControl with various TabItems in it. On hitting save the idea is that any fields in error are highlighted and the first field in error gets the focus. If the first, and only, field in error is on an Unselected tab the tab should then become selected and the field in error ...

Binding TabControl ItemsSource to an ObservableCollection of ViewModels causes content to refresh on focus

I'm creating an WPF application using the MVVM framework, and I've adopted several features from Josh Smith's article on MVVM here... Most importantly, I'm binding a TabControl to an ObservableCollection of ViewModels. This means that am using a tabbed MDI interface that displays a UserControl as the content of a TabItem. The issue I...

<Tabcontrol and Canvas

Hello, I have following situation <stackpanel > <ViewBox height=25/ > <tabcontrol> <tabitem> <Canvas /> </tabitem> </tabcontrol> </stackpanel> Q1. I want stackpanel to fill the screen, tabcontrol to fill the remain portion after viewbox. How do I do that ? How do I avoid the tabcontrol shrinking based on the s...

Does anyone know a Safari style Tab Control for Mac OS X applications?

I am looking for a tab control that is different from the default NSTabControl. I am looking for a sample or existing control that replicates the newer style tab controls that are used within Safari, Firefox, Camino etc. From looking into the Safari app bundle resources it seems the tabs are created from images. I would prefer a contr...

Hide TabControl buttons to manage stacked Panel controls

I need to handle multiple panels, containing variuous data masks. Each panel shall be visible using a TreeView control. At this time, I handle the panels visibility manually, by making the selected one visible and bring it on top. Actually this is not much confortable, especially in the UI designer, since when I add a brand new panel I...

WPF - Pausing the UI Thread?

I have a tab control with draggable tabs. When the mouse is released it removes the selected tab from the tabControl and adds it to its new location. My problem is that the TabControl draws itself after removing the tab, and then again when adding the tab so there is a very noticeable flicker that shows the tab behind the tab being moved...