
How can I make a specific TabItem gain focus on a TabControl without click event?

How can I tell my TabControl to set the focus to its first TabItem, something like this: PSEUDO-CODE: ((TabItem)(MainTabControl.Children[0])).SetFocus(); ...

In a WPF tabControl how can I dynamically select a tab page from an object's type?

I've implemented the MVVM pattern and have some viewModels that are bound to tab pages on a tab control. When a specific object type changes (i.e. from Car myVehical, to Bike myVehical), then i want the relevant tab page to become selected. Thanks. ...

[C#] Transparent LinkLabel over TabControl

Hello, I would like to put a LinkLabel with a transparent background over a TabControl. The tab control has NO tabpage. As it's not possible to add controls other than TabPages to a TabControl, what I do it add the LinkLabel to the control that contains the TabCOntrol, and then use BringToFront on the LinkLabel. This displays it over...

How to bind items of a TabControl to an observable collection in wpf?

What is the simplest example of binding the items of a TabControl to an ObservableCollection? Each tab's content will have unique data, and indeed this data will have observableCollections of its own bound to the items components. Currently I have a user control, which I would like to set as the content of each tab as soon as it is cre...

Silverlight TabControl bound to ObservableCollection<string> not updating when collection changed

Silverlight 3 app with a TabControl bound to an ObservableCollection using an IValueConverter. Initial the binding works (converter called) on app startup. Changes, Clear() or Add(), to the bound collection are not reflected in the TabControl... converter not called. note: the bound ListBox reflects the changes to the bound collection ...

How to access controls (textbox, picturebox) that is inside a tabControl tab?

This is all I have so far. :P tabControl1.TabPages[0].??? I'm stuck. I have a pictureBox inside of TabPage1 of my TabControl. How can I, say, change the .image location with code and not the Properties pane. ...

TabControl Add very slow

I have a C# Windows Forms app. I have a TabControl on it, and depending on user settings, will dynamically use TabControl.Controls.Add to add a specific set of TabPages to the tabs. The TabPages aren't special, they just have buttons and text. Doing this dynamically, even for small amount of tabs, is slow as hell. Every "Add" call, o...

Can anyone recommend an advanced .NET TabControl with native look and feel?

I'd like to get a .NET TabControl with a few extra features, such as: Close button for tabs; Context menus for tabs (with close this, close all, close all but this) Tab re-arranging; Tab scrolling/resizing when there are too many tabs; I'd also like for the control to maintain the native OS look and feel. And, naturally, freeware win...

How do I tell which tab you are moving from/to in a .NET tab control?

I need to determine which tab the user is coming from, and going to, when they switch tabs, and possibly cancel the switch. I have tried the Deselecting, Deselected, Selecting, Selected events, and all of them show the e.TabPageIndex to be the same as the sender.SelectedIndex. Is there an event, or property, that I can use so that I ca...

How do I Extend the Silverlight TabControl for DataBinding?

Yi-Lun Luo at Microsoft says: [C]urrently [the] TabControl doesn't override PrepareContainerForItemOverride, so it won't automatically wrap your data source in TabItems. So the question is: How do I create my own control that: Extends the TabControl. Overrides the PrepareContainerForItemOverride. Automatically wraps my data...

WPF: hiding a tab item in a tab control thats bound to an observable collection

Heya I have a tab control bound to an observablecollection for dynamic tabs as follows: <TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding AllTabs}" SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"> <TabControl.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <!--.............. --> ...

WPF TabControl and DataTemplates

I've got a set of ViewModels that I'm binding to the ItemsSource property of a TabControl. Let's call those ViewModels AViewModel, BViewModel, and CViewModel. Each one of those needs to have a different ItemTemplate (for the header; because they each need to show a different icon) and a different ContentTemplate (because they have very d...

c#: transparent in tabControl

I'm looking for a way to cause a tabControl (framework 2.0) to be transparent in back ground. I have a custom tabControl that inherite from microsoft tabControl. when I'm trying to paint a transparent image in OnPaintBackground the background becomes black. the problem is that I have under the tabContol a panel with background image so ...

Is it possible to create a WPF tab control template that looks nothing like a tab control?

What I'd like is a control that functions just like the tab control but instead of having the tabs along the top, the items would be displayed in a list box along the side. I imagine it's possible but haven't found any examples, I'm hoping there's someone here that's done something like this. ...

.net tabcontrol tab sizes

I have a tab control where I'm using user painting to remove flickering. It's rendering fine in terms of flicker removal, but the tab widths are not right. There is a large amount of padding around the text that gets bigger as the length of the text on the tab increases. It's like the width of the tab is based on a font that is larger th...

.NET Tab Control Not Scrolling

I have a regular old tab control sitting on a form. I have a user control dropped inside of the tab pages and it is definitely larger than the viewable area of the tab page. For some reason, though, the tab page will not show scrollbars even with AutoScroll set to true. Does anyone know a way around this? I'm pretty sure I'm thinking...

How to use the ASP .NET AJAX Toolkit Tab with a Grid View inside

Hello, I have already search for some time over the net on how to create an ASP .NET AJAX toolkit tab control which uses GridView inside, could anyone point me on how to do this? Right now, our GUI team has already made a static tab control which is quite properly designed. I do not know how to use the tab with this. Any tutorial or li...

TabControl transparent background

I'd like to know if there's some way to render the background of a TabControl transparent (the TabControl, not the TabPages), instead of taking the parent form background color. I've some forms with custom painting where I draw a gradient as the background but this gradient doesn't paint behind the tabcontrols. I tried setting TabControl...

How can I make the WPF TabControl appear as it is with MultiLine = false in Windows forms (default).

In Windows Forms the default behaviour of a TabControl is to have the tabs spill out to a scrollable area if they consume too much space (MultiLine = false). What is the best approach to achieving this behavior in WPF? UPDATE I was trying to find a solution using TabControl.ItemsPanel but it seems anything I put in there gets complete...

tabcontrol with many tabPages c#

hi, I'm looking for a function which get for input tabcontrol and tabpage index and will return if the tabPage header is shown or not (in case that there are extra pages and scrollbars appear, some of tabPages headers can be disappeared). does someone have a code for it? ...