
C# tab gui, Hide the body?

How do i get rid of the body in my tabControl? and how do i add and remove tabpages? I need to add/remove tabpages in code but hide the body in code or in the editor. I tried making the tabControl hight <20 but no matter what it has a line showing how wide it is. ...

In XAML TabControl, how to set the style of the focused tab header?

I can set the background of each TabItem with TabItem.Background, but when that tab is selected it is plain vanilla white. How do I set the style of the tab header that is focused? <TabControl DockPanel.Dock="Top"> <TabControl.Background> <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="1.115,1.13" StartPoint="0,-0.02"> <Gradien...

Extracting an Event (tabControl_DrawItem) to Class Library

I have the following code under a TabConttrols DrawItem event that I am trying to extract into a class file. I am having trouble since it is tied to an event. Any hints or pointers would be greatly appreciated. private void tabCaseNotes_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e) { TabPage currentTab = tabCaseNot...

How can I change the orientation of the label on a TPageControl?

I'm new to Delphi (again - I used Delphi back in 1994). I now have Delphi 2009 Pro. Coming from Java, I find the object inheritance very obscure. My users want tabbed pages with the tabs on the left. But, the TPageControl doesn't allow the tab label direction or orientation to be changed. They want the words on the tabs to read to...

How do I access the value of bound control on a non-displayed tab for validation?

I have created a dialog which contains 3 tabs. Controls on Tabs 1 & 2 have validation using the Validating() event. The user will mainly be working on Tabs 1 & 3, never displaying Tab 2 unless necessary. All controls on Tabs 1 & 2 are bound to a BindingSource object. From my observation, it appears that the bound controls are not ini...

Customizing a TabControl for the Closing of Individual Tabs

My scenario is the following: I am working on a winforms application in C# that has a button inside the main page of a tabcontrol that will generate another tabpage each time that it is clicked. Each new tabpage will contain a layout defined by a user control. My Questions are: How can I allow the user to then close one of the tabs ...

How to disable XP themes in WPF application ?

I have a WPF application (.NET 3.0, VS2008) that displays data in a tab control. Custom colors are required on virtually all controls in this application : basically white foreground and green background. My problem is that when an XP theme (say Luna) is active, it is automatically applied to render controls so that my white text is wri...

C# TabControl TabPage Change

Hello, How do I change the tabpage being displayed in my tabcontrol programmatically? ...

Making a WPF TabControl ignore Ctrl+Tab

I'm writing an app that uses the "tabbed browsing" metaphor, with a TabControl the full size of the window, and other stuff inside the tabs. Sometimes those tabs will themselves contain other TabControls. (Tabs inside tabs can be confusing, so I'll re-style the inner TabControl so it doesn't look like a TabControl. I'll probably style i...

How do I programmatically select a tab on a .NET CF TabControl?

With the .NET Framework 2.0/3.5 TabControl, I can programmatically select a tab using the SelectedTab property as shown in the code below: //toggles between tabPage1 and tabPage2 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tabControl1.SelectedTab == tabPage1) tabControl1.SelectedTab = tabPage2; else ...

How to paint transparent areas for child controls?

I have a CTabCtrl subclass which I'm trying overriding WM_PAINT to perform custom drawing. The only problem is, when I change the selected tab, I get artifacts left on the dialog where the old paint code hasn't been erased before the new code is painted on top. (The standard tab controls have the selected tab appear 2 pixels bigger than ...

Focus the controls in a Tabcontrol.

How can focus the controls when select a tabitem in a tabcontrol? ...

Custom Drawing of (multi-layered)Embedded TabControls Error

I have a winform app that has tabcontrols that are 3 layers deep. I am dynamically coloring the tabs with the below class. When it goes to color an embedded tabcontrol it pitches a fit. A first chance exception of type 'System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll Do I need to do something different f...

Confirmation on switching between tabs.

I have two tabitems. User will enter some data and save it on the first tab. The second tab lists the saved data. What I need is when the user select the second tab before saving data in first tab a confirmation message box with Yes, No and Cancel should be shown. If the user clicks Yes button the data should be saved and go to the secon...

How do I make a single control appear across many tab control pages?

I have a WPF tabcontrol with 3 tabs. On the top of the first page is a scrollviewer with a couple buttons which make up a menu of common tasks (save, load etc). I would like this scroll viewer to appear at the top of every tab. Is it possible to do this without simply copying and pasting the code to every tab? ...

UIElements aside Tab Headers

Is there a way to place something (a custom UIElement) in place on the right of TabItems' headers, so that the headers will consider its size. I feel like there should be a data template for them, but I do not know what to read or how to query google for that. ...

select tabItem programmatically in WPF

Hi I have different tabItems in a TabControl and each tabItem has some input fields. I am moving between the tabItems programmatically (like a wizard to move from the first to the next) I am using this code inside the "Next" button tabItem2.isSelected = true; my problem that when I move between the tabItems by clicking on them, the ...

[C#] What is the best way to handle mutliple view/tab-ish GUI elements

I'm working on an application that presents the user with varied data, depending on the object being viewed. The objects are all of the same interface just with extended properties beyond once distinguished. I'm looking for the "best" way to display a type-dependent control to the user. I would like to use tabs but I'm stuck with .NET 2...

Tab Control In

I use ajax tab control in my website but the problem is when I fire a poastback event go back to first tab not in the current tab index how i can solve this problem? thanks for your time. ...

TabControl without border wpf (XP)

Hi! I'm experiencing a visual issue with styling a TabControl in WPF. So even if I set the border of the tab control to be 0px and transparent there is still a very thin line on the right and bottom borders. I didn't manage to find the property which would resolve that, so maybe someone experienced the same issue and could share it. ...