
Double border-spacing with thead in Chrome and Safari

I have a table that uses thead and tbody. The table has border-spacing set, and in Chrome and Safari the space between the header row and the rest is doubled. It was reported as an issue for Chrome late last year, but that's the only reference to this I can find. Has anyone else had this, or know how to get around it? <table style="bor...

HTML Table column width practices

What are good practices when selecting column widths in a table? Let's say I have four columns, name (variable width), description (long content of text), count (max 3 chars), date (fixed format). What would be a good practice? I'm thinking fixed width for descr., count and width (thus actually also making name "fixed" width). But my re...

beginners question about creating relationships between tables

my question specifically about sql-server, but probably can be answered by anyone with any database background if i want table A to have a 1:1 relationship with table B on a certain column, should i somehow modify the CREATE TABLE statement to identify this relationship or is this something that is not done at all (and rather it is hand...

How can I remove every column in a table in MySQL?

In MySQL, is there a way to drop every field in my table, short of using: ALTER TABLE `table` DROP COLUMN d1, DROP COLUMN d1, etc.... Almost like TRUNCATE for fields maybe? ...

LaTeX top row on a stem and leaf plot table

Hi I am trying to represent a stem and leaf plot in a tabular environment in LaTeX using the following: \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \caption{Stem Plot of sit ups, Key: $1 | 1= 1.1$} \begin{tabular}{r|l@{\hspace{4 pt}}l@{\hspace{4 pt}}l@{\hspace{4 pt}}l@{\hspace{4 pt}}l@{\hspace{4 pt}}l@{\hspace{4 pt}}l@{\hspace{4 pt}}l@{\hsp...

Can a table row expand and close?

Is it possible to make a table row expand and collapse? Can anyone refer me to a script or an example? I prefer jquery if possible. I have a drawing concept I would like to achieve: ...

table schema design problem while using innodb

I have encountered a problem when designing the table schema for our system. Here is the situation: our system has a lot of items ( more than 20 millions ), each item has an unique id, but for each item there can be lots of records. For example for the item with id 1 there are about 5000 records and each record has more than 20 attrib...

Proper Table Schema

I have a project that I am working on and I can't figure out which would be a "better" table relationship schema. The scope of the area in question are: -User uploads documents (become the owner/author) -User can share document with other users (set share rights) -Any user who has access to document can checkout the document (exclusi...

ho to make absolute divs align with table cell/row?

hello everyone, i just started building a new website. the website page im working on at the moment is 100% percent height and 100% width, so the content should be viewed all the time. in the page i have a table, who represents the days of the week. now, every day of the week looks like this: <td style="height:100%"> <div style="po...

I'm completely stumped: checking two tables against eachother in MySQL query

I feel like I'm writing a word problem, but it's really puzzling me and I really hope someone here can solve it: I want to select one row from table A. Table A includes the attributes Name and Number. But before I finish the query, I want to check it against table B. Table B includes Name, Number, and the Username of the user. Based on ...

Stripe ajax-table with jQuery

For normal html-tables I use $('table.alt tr:even').addClass('bg'); for striping the table. But obviously that doesn't work with ajax. the index of every new table-row is "-1" and therefore every new row gets the class. Even the Live Query-Plugin from can't help me. Any suggestions? Simon ...

How to change table cell background in Javascript

I have such table in HTML: <table> <tr> <td>Cell 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Cell 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Cell 3</td> </tr> <table> How to change cell's background on mouse move in this cell? If cursor moves away from the cell, background must stay, but if the cursor move to the other cell, it must reset background. ...

jquery add remove tr from table after click in every td and passing data

Hi, i've a table with more tr and td : <table> <tr> <td><a href='1.htm'> 1 </a></td> <td><a href='2.htm'> 2 </a></td> <td><a href='3.htm'> 3 </a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href='4.htm'> 4 </a></td> <td><a href='5.htm'> 5 </a></td> <td><a href='6.htm'> 6 </a></td> </tr> When user clicks on first td with href=1.htm a new tr after ...

Django create/alter tables on demand

Hi All, I've been looking for a way to define database tables and alter them via a Django API. For example, I'd like to be write some code which directly manipulates table DDL and allow me to define tables or add columns to a table on demand programmatically (without running a syncdb). I realize that django-south and django-evoluti...

How can I find identical tables in MySQL and PHP?

Is there an easy way to find identical tables, i.e. same structure and data, using MySQL and PHP? I doubt there is a MySQL command for it, but how would you recommend doing this? ...

css styling for table inside textarea

hi expert, i'm retrieving data from database and display it inside textarea in table format, i try to apply css styling for table inside textarea but no effect, does any one know or done this before, please advice, i'm using javascript editor to the display more like word so user can format the document, <style type="text/css"> table...

PHPPowerPoint generating Tables and Graphs within the PPT

Hi All, I am using PHPPowerPoint to generate PPT files from PHP and it visually does the job very well, I am looking for a way of generating tables and graphs that are editable within the powerpoint program. I anyone can help or lead me towards a linux/php binary/class that can accomplish this i would be most grateful. Best regards D...

Boolean Table in VB.Net - Select Case, If-Else, or Something else?

Hey all, I'm looking to simplify the handling of a three-item Boolean expression. "Select Case" doesn't seem offer a solution for triple values, and the If statement seems a bit much. It'll work the way I coded it, but if you have any ideas on how to simplify this, I'd appreciate your insights. If not, I hope this snippet can save someon...

Scrollable div inside a table

I need to place a scrollable div in a table cell. The table should be 100% height. The div has a lot of content that doesn't fit in the screen so scrolling should appear. But I want only the div to be scrollable, not the whole page. If I don't use table, everything is perfect: <div style="height: 100%; width: 100px; padding: 5px; over...

Problems with jQuery UI sortable and tables

Im using jQuery UI sortable on a table. My javascript: $("#linksSortable tbody").sortable({ handle : '.handle', //helper : fixHelper, update : function () { var order = $('#linksSortable').sortable('serialize'); //$("#info").load("ajaxtest.php?"+order); alert(order); } }); My table: <ta...