
CSS HTML organize 5 images - cross-browser compatible

I've got 5 images I'd like to organize in an ASP.NET MVC view. So what I need is an HTML+CSS solution (I prefer not to use jQuery for this, for maximal compatibility). I want to organize the images like so: Image1 Image2 Image3 Image4 Image5 At first I tried using tables, with the HTML being: ...

Getting elements created by Livequery

I'm doing a table using the plugin livequery function soroRow(numSoro){ if(numSoro % 2 == 0) var cRow = 'even'; else var cRow = 'odd'; var content = ($('<tr>') .addClass(cRow) .attr('id', 'soro_'+numSoro) .append($('<td />').appendText(numSoro+'')) .append($('<td />') .append($('<select...

Set default style to table in ASP.Net

My theme has default css style. How can I set default style to all my <td> in this css style? ...

Symfony/Propel: i18n tables

Hi, i have this schema and fixtures: sedi: _attributes: { isI18N: true, i18nTable: sediI18n } id: ~ sediI18n: id: { type: integer, required: true, primaryKey: true, foreignTable: sedi, foreignReference: id } culture: { isCulture: true, type: varchar, size: 7, required: true, primaryKey: true } paes...

Howto speedup IE6 page/table rendering?

Edit: My problem is fixed thanks to @Grumpy - still, if you have general advices regarding to IE6 - feel free to answer. Hi there, I have a customer still using IE6 (I tried to let them upgrade, but it is slowly going on because of the large user base). On one page there are is a table containing prices (11 columns with 24 rows per en...

Apache PDFBox Java library - Is there an API for creating tables?

Hello all, I am using the Apache PDFBox java library to create PDFs. Is there a way to create a data-table using pdfbox? If there is no such API to do it, I would require to manually draw the table using drawLine etc., Any suggestions on how to go about this? Thanks -Keshav ...

Rowspan or nested? Create a table itextsharp

I've been searching about how to merge two cells and I've found two answers Rowspan and Nested. I can't make my table with those two functions because I don't know how to merge cells at the begining and at the end. I've been trying many ways but this is driving me crazy. The table I want to make has 9 columns and 3 rows. So, I want the ...

has_many through rails

Hi, Country Model set_table_name "countries" has_many :states, :primary_key => 'col1', :foreign_key => 'col1' has_many :cities, :through => :states, :primary_key => 'col1', :foreign_key => 'col1' State Model set_table_name "strain_appendices" belongs_to :country has_many :states, :primary_key => 'col2', :foreign_key => 'col2' ...

Frozen fields in html tables

I've spent the whole day looking into this and finally decided to ask for help. This does look like a very similar question to many on here but none of the accepted answers come close to what I need. If I'm wrong, I'd be grateful of a pointer in the right direction. My problem is that I have a table of 20 rows (maximum) and 18 columns....

How to set default height on QTableWidget

I have a widget which I'm putting in a QVBoxLayout. This widget's layout is a QVBoxLayout which includes a QTableWidget. When I display this everything is fine but the QTableWidget only shows a few rows. How can I set the height of the table to a decent value (like 20 rows) while still allowing the table to resize? I've tried calling ta...

Need help with styling a table: how to add margin to one cell ?

Consider this code: HTML: <table> <tr> <td>Option 1</td> <td><input type='checkbox' id='option1' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Option 2</td> <td><input type='checkbox' id='option2' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Option 3</td> <td><input type='checkbox' id='option3' /></td> </tr> ...

mysql: how to write a table of views

I think my question is best explained via an example: Suppose I want to write a webserver for streaming music. I have the following columns in the songs table: |song_id|song_name|song_genre|song_length|artist I would like to enable my users to save playlists, but I don't want my playlists to be defined by explicitly specifying the songs...

Create Sql Database Tables from Business Objects

What is the best way to create Sql Server tables from business objects. For example I'm writing an application that has a user object to store user information. What's the best practice for creating tables from these objects? Create the objects first and then define the database or is there a tool to transform business objects into table...

FireFox CSS Table Extra Border Line Problem

I encountered a table border line CSS problem in firefox, when the css border-collapse is collapse, and have 2 merged cells, one of them hava 1px border. A extra unwanted border line exsits on the right. This Problem does not exsits in other browsers, IE and Chrome don't have the problem. FireFox version is Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U;...

Help to Simplify SQL Insert which uses NEWSEQUNETIALID() column default

Hi All I have the following insert stored procedure: CREATE Procedure dbo.APPL_ServerEnvironmentInsert ( @ServerEnvironmentName varchar(50), @ServerEnvironmentDescription varchar(1000), @UserCreatedId uniqueidentifier, @ServerEnvironmentId uniqueidentifier OUTPUT ) WITH RECOMPILE AS -- Stores the ServerEnvironmentId...

List of events with a list of timestamps, grouped by hour in a tabular display, in PHP.

While refactoring, I am looking for an optimised algorithm for a timetable (calendar) in PHP. I have a list of events which have a list of timestamps. This must be presented in a tabular way. The current code works, but has a) quite some quircks and is b) very inflexible. I am looking to refactor this piece and looking for input on opti...

how to make a join statement between multi table to one table?

First, i have 4 table and columns such as feeds (id, type, type_id) feeds_normals (id, type, content) feeds_links (id, type, title, link) feeds_youtubes (id, type, title, link, description, image) feeds_photos (id, type, link) The table of "feeds type_id" is match/linkup "id" of normals, links, youtubes, photos And The table of "...

Some tables in SQL Server require [user].[table] and others don't, why is this and can I force it?

As the title suggests I am confused as to why some tables in my database fall over if you do something like; SELECT * FROM [user].[table] And yet on another tables it works fine. I am testing some code that will eventually be on a server that cries if you don't use [user].[table] so I would really like to force this on my machine. C...

In MySQL, how can I split one existing table into many new related tables?

I have an existing table that resembles this. The number of bars to foo is exactly two in reality table foo_old ID int name string bar_name_1 string bar_code_1 int bar_name_2 string bar_code_2 int And since this makes me cry, I want to split it into two tables like this table foo_new ID int...

css problem on iPad with table border

I have a css problem when the html page is rendered on iPad. Everything works good in other browsers. The problem is that I get a small space between the cells in my tables as you can see in the picture: If I zoom in the page maximum on the line between the cells, it dissappears.. So it must be some k...